The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 1

— Pangaea South Ward, Black Heart City's Inner District

Six weeks later...

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Just let it happen. It's the experience of a lifetime."

"How do you make it spin like that?"

"It takes finesse."

Jodye Trill and Dessa Chimes were in a large majestic building that was full of games and swarming with people. Many of these people were mystic artists, but most of them were regular mortals. Even though Jodye was technically a mortal as well, he was a mystic artist who cultivated the original energy of the heavens and the earth. His current lifespan could reach 150 years, and his strength and lifeblood were bound to rapidly increase along with his cultivation. Whereas for those who were unable to cultivate with divine energy, they would at most be able to become one with a single earthen force, and even that was rare. Most mortals didn't even reach a lifespan of 100 years.

This building had various magical machines and gadgets, it was very cool. Upon entering the building, one's face would be scanned by a magical array powered by an emperor ruby. The blinding red light became a trademark for entering one of these gambling houses. In front of a strange device made of thunder-smoke steel that looked a bit like a giant snow globe, Jodye was using his divine sense to make the fog of origin energy inside the container at the top spin rapidly until it became a milky white round ball of energy.

Dessa marveled as she couldn't truly understand what was happening, in spite of having it explained to her. The spiritual sense could be used like this? She felt masters on Mr. Jupiter's level were truly impressive. Normally this fog of origin energy would just remain cloudy as random lights started to appear. There was no order to the lights past the first two because the reflective fog made them all blend.

What changes would happen now that Mr. Jupiter has intervened? Dessa was becoming more familiar. Under her master's control, this machine became a lot simpler to use! Of course, this was good for the player but bad for the establishment.

"Okay, now put an amethyst coin in the slot and press the colors in the order they appear," said Jodye Trill. Dessa followed his instructions and placed an amethyst coin inside the coin slot. This coin represented the value of ten amethyst crystal notes, truly too extravagant. Dessa did as she was told and different energies in the globe reacted and lit up. The first time around, Dessa put a silver coin in, and Jodye hadn't done anything to the origin fog. The colors lit up at nearly the same time, but you have to input the correct order of the forces from most active to most inactive. This was extremely hard, and Dessa lost her silver coin as a result. However, now that Jodye was using his divine energy to manipulate the fog, the lights wrapped around the sphere of origin fog diagonally like a rainbow ribbon.

This was far easier.

Fifteen seconds later, 100 amethyst coins came raining out of the device. That was worth 1,000 amethyst crystal notes! Dessa was stunned where she stood such wealth was only owned by the upper echelons of big cities, such as Black Heart City.

"You see now? This is why you must take your security role more seriously," said Jodye Trill to Dessa as he pocketed the coins into his space ring. "This is part of your training. If a spiritual master walks into these lower level gambling houses, they'll be able to rob us blind! These games are not sophisticated enough to trouble any spiritual master above the C-Grade, so you must be cautious! If you see any suspicious behavior, contact the supervisor or me immediately."

"Yes, my lord," replied Dessa Chimes with a subordinate's salute.

"Good. Actually, I'm quite impressed with Uncle Sigma for this business. Learn as much as you can, we may emulate this business model one day. Let's go," Jodye Trill was clad in blue raiment with Star Security written on the back in hieroglyphics. It looked like armor, with metal plating on the shoulders and joints, but also like a jacket and pants suit. He first exchanged his coins for crystal notes, then led Dessa, who was dressed in the same fashion, back to the office on the lower level. However, once they arrived at the bottom of the stairs they were greeted with a commotion.

"Sir, please relax, we do not want to hurt you. However, you must not disrespect the good name of our Shooting Star Heavenly House," said a graceful white elf with excessively pretty green eyes the color of the prettiest jade. White Elves were known for their green eyes, except for the royalty which had blue eyes. Her skin was smoother than polished gemstones and her bearing was completely elegant. Behind her were two other elves, one white elf male, and also a gorgeous dark elf female. Her dark features were still slightly intimidating, but her perfectly oval face was even prettier than her white elf companion. Dark elves were easily identifiable due to their greyish/navy skin tone and glowing crimson eyes, but this girl's eyes were actually violet.

The two companions in the rear had visible wounds and tattered clothes, they had obviously been attacked.

"No one gives a damn about this Shooting Star Heavenly House! That darky BITCH was running games, and I know it! It's heroism, she's clearly using prejudice in business!" said the older man with an afro. He wore grey robes, was standing with his back to the stairway, and his hands were on his hips.

"We ARE heroes, you damn bumpkin. Are all humans as stupid and ignorant as you are?" said the pretty dark elf female. She was very young, around eight years old. However, even if she was young she didn't like being disrespected with such offensive language. The dark elf female wanted nothing more than to cut this human into pieces right now.

"If you do not control yourself, I will call on our star security," the graceful white elf threatened with a frown. This man was definitely trying to cause a scene. Unfortunately, she could not see through his cultivation. This frightened the young lady a lot, as she was at the Perfected Sophmore Rank of Scholar Sage Realm. This probably meant one thing.

This man was an expert!

"Shut up, you foreign troll! Give me back my money! This place is clearly trying to rob me, this is a robbery and I won't stand for it," This shameless statement was the first thing Jodye heard once he arrived. This guy was clearly slimy. He definitely had an ulterior motive. The Voodoo Priest's vile next words only affirmed this further, "I'll tell you what. Give me the little darky behind you, and we'll call it even."

"You vile piece of..." the dark elf little girl was just about to explode, but she was cut off by her superiors piercing voice.

"That's enough! This man is our guest, and you will not speak to our guests in this way." said the graceful white elf woman, frowning at the dark elf little girl before turning to speak with the Voodoo Priest, "however, Mr. Absol, you can not treat our staff in this manner. You will have to vacate the premises at this instant. I have already contacted Senior Octanis, you will not be asked again."

In fact, she had done no such thing. This was just a part of their training. Sigma Octanis called it 'Fake it until you make it', it was all about making the enemy think you held the upper hand long enough for you to gain it in reality.

Jodye approached the crowd with Dessa only to see an older man who looked about 40-years-old shouting at the top of his lungs and arguing with some of the House Girls working the gambling tables. It was with a quick sweep of his perception that Jodye knew the man in front of him was an expert level Voodoo Priest. In other words, he was both a sage and a saint, but he practices the death arts. However, he was only at the initial rank. Jodye rationed that his man's body strength should be around 52 BP. His strength shouldn't be much different unless he unleashed a concept. Jodye decided that would never have the chance to do so.

"Are you crazy? You dare to try and remove me?" Voodoo Priest Absol was immediately enraged. It was as if he had been waiting for years to express his dissatisfaction. He huffed and puffed as he said, "Hmph. Let's see, how about I take you three with me!?"

"No need, no need," Jodye Trill held a Serene Sound Mirror in his palm as he casually strolled on to the scene with Dessa at his heels, their armor drawing awe from the crowd.

"Young lord Jupiter, please contact the head of Star Security immediately!" the graceful young white elf was incredibly excited when she first saw the boss' new apprentice walking over with a serene sound mirror. However, when she saw the relaxed expression and lazy movement she panicked again. This kid couldn't sense the gravity of the situation! She immediately thought of him as another brat who let status make him arrogant. Hopefully, Senior Octanis would have given him something to make him so arrogant. Voodoo Priests like Winter Absol didn't give a damn about authority, they wouldn't cower before your status. They lived their lives on the edge and used all sort of dark powers.

"For just one him? Unnecessary." As Jodye finished speaking the mirror's pink glow faded away. The dark elf little girl stared at him with curious eyes. They were similar in age, but this boy was the Heavenly Star's apprentice. They even possessed the same cultivation level, Sophmore Rank, Scholar Sage Realm. What made him so special?

Jodye stopped directly in-between the Voodoo Priest and the House Girls, before taking a cursory glance at the white elf male that was with them. This man was dressed as a houseman, but Jodye didn't recognize him. This was impossible, as Jodye had already made it a point to memorize the faces of every employee old or new. Thus, Jodye knew immediately that this man was an imposter. Their real target today should be that dark elf girl. Luckily, Jodye hadn't left yet.


"Yes, my lord?" Dessa Chimes immediately presented herself to Mr. Jupiter.

"After I attack this Voodoo Priest, subdue that white elf guy, make it quick," Jodye told Dessa Chimes via telepathy. "They're probably working together, or both targeting the same person. Either way, I'll need him alive."

Dessa Chimes nodded with a serious face to show she understood.

"Heh, time to try out some of this spell casting," Jodye Trill thought to himself as [Pharaoh's Law] appeared on his head, the pupils of his sapphire eyes becoming verticle. He had asked Uncle Sigma to teach him formless incantations twice in the last few weeks. Once to understand it, and then again to consolidate his own knowledge.

In fact, this formless spell casting was very similar to Runic Sorcery. Jodye hadn't been planning to learn his master the T'Zhane's Runic Sorcery until he reached the Puny Mortal Realm stage of the Titanic Rage Law, the same as the real Jupiter. However, now it seemed that the spellcasting of the hero race could be related loosely to Runic Sorcery. Merely, they used magic life qi to form incantation runes that resonate with the power of laws through the medium of origin energy, rather than using the cosmic qi of yin and yang harmony to form runes of power that evolve into different laws through the medium of astral might.

They were very different, but both actually took a similar approach.

Especially, if the heavenly medium was Source Qi instead of Origin Qi or Astral Qi. After all, soul power was the most unique in that it contained the imprint of the person using it. With source qi, it was possible to brainwash the power of law into accepting you as it's own! This would be a tremendous aid to cultivation and comprehension of law. Jodye had his source artifact, [Pharaoh's Law], so he could already use divine tier source qi and merge it with a bit of origin or astral qi.

This meant that for Jodye, once he understood it better the formless casting was endlessly easy! Sigma Octanis was blown away at how quick the brat had actually learned his famous skill. It was at that moment that Sigma finally felt old. This kid was just too abnormal! How could he so easily use such robust spirit power? Even to the extent of using it as a catalyst to form incantation runes that resonated with the laws of the world! This required the fusion of source and origin on top of manipulating magic qi, so this was not a low-level skill at all.

Actually, Jodye could slaughter this clown with a single fist of might. Less than that, a regular left straight would send his soul packing. However, how was that fun? If he used his concept to create magic and combined it with his thunderbolt qi, how deadly would that be?

"Brat, clear the fuck out now, or I won't be giving that boss of yours face here," Voodoo Priest Absol sneered as he looked at this brat who had a sage atmosphere and body full of true essence was clearly a Priest of some kind, but he was plainly only at the rookie level. This was not something Voodoo Priest Absol found threatening in the slightest. Plus he had three curse arts already primed, there was no way this brat could hurt him, even if he really had hidden help. Unless that hidden help was above the mage rank, of course. "Don't think I'm afraid of that old dog, Sigma. I know he's currently in the regional meeting, he won't be returning shortly, hahaha.

"The only reason he hasn't contacted the guard chief is that they're probably with that punk Sigma, pah!" Voodoo Priest Absol spat at the mention of Sigma's name, and looked at Jodye as if he were disgusting to look at, "What can you punks do to me?! I'll slaughter you and that take that darky with me. I'll show whitey a good time while I'm at it."

"Gross, dude. Do you kidnap both men and women? I know you are a Voodoo Priest but that is just freaky." Jodye Trill turned his nose up at Voodoo Priest Absol.

"Both..." Voodoo Priest Absol was confused until his eyes followed Jodye's to see the male white elf. Absol's face darkened. He knew other sinners with that inclination, but he was only interested in the yin essence of young women. He didn't like men who were full yang essence like this brat. Actually, why did this brat have so much? This made Absol even more disgusted by the sight of Jodye. "Brat, you wish to die so bad? So be it!"

"Voodoo Priest Absol," Jodye Trill's voice was cold and indifferent like a killer. This caught both the graceful white elf who considered him a silk-pants young master and the Voodoo Priest in question who had an even lower opinion of Jodye, totally off guard. The furious yang energy radiating from Jodye's being made Absol even more uncomfortable. He even felt a bit intimidated. Jodye continued with any emotion present in his tone, "Exit the facility now, or I will eject you myself."

"Petty Diver!" A cursed tattoo suddenly shot out of Voodoo Priest Absol's sleeve rapidly swimming towards Jodye, who was currently fading away.

Wait, fading away?

"Shit, after-image!" however, Absol noticed too late as he was staring at three lines of powerful green thunderbolt qi, stacked upon each other to form a green thunderbolt star. A fearsome calamity qi was rumbling within the thunder, suppressing Absol's raging voodoo qi to a third of its effectiveness.

Jodye stood with his back facing Voodoo Priest Absol's own back and his arms crossed. He quickly turned and elbowed Absol in the side, nearly breaking all his bones to pieces, as cracks spiderwebbed his entire skeleton.

"ARGH!" Voodoo Priest Absol was terrified. So strong? What the fuck was this kid made of, thunder-smoke steel? There was far too much power for that to be a mere elbow nudge.

"Stay still and taste my new skill. I call it Thunder Star Purgatory!" Jodye Trill used up three-fifths of his total origin energy to cast Thunderbolt Purgatory three times, and he used different energy in each. This attack was sure to dazzle. "Go, One!"

The Thunder Star Purgatory shined and three scarlet-green thunderbolts crashed into Absol's body, the calamity qi ignited on impact and exploded. All that was left of Voodoo Priest Absol was charred chunks of flesh that felt to the ground.

"How anti-climactic." Jodye Trill was disappointed in the weakness of his opponent. Jodye never even got to see more than the first wave! It was truly unsatisfying.

"Little Miss Chimes, please don't hurt him! Young Lord Jupiter help, your hand is attacking us!" the graceful white elf was clearly terrified as she screamed out. She immediately recited an incantation. That little saint girl's speed was terrifying, she attacked before any of them had a chance to notice.

"Stay your hand, House Elf Myra," Jodye Trill commanded. The graceful white elf reluctantly stopped her incantation once she met those piercing blue eyes. She felt like she was looking into the eyes of a dragon. Meanwhile, Dessa Chimes already disabled and disarmed the white elf male.

However, the dark elf girl just distanced herself and remained silently staring at the back of the boy who had just saved her by blasting her foe to pieces. She would never forget this sight for the rest of her life. She was currently powerless of looking away from his dazzling atmosphere.

Suddenly, this young hero turned and started to approach her. Her face flushed red as she looked down at the ground. Jodye Trill glanced at Dessa Chimes and smiled while nodding at her performance. She immediately subdued the target, Jodye simply didn't need to make a move at all. After he arrived at the dark elf girls side, he knelt down and held her slightly trembling hand.

"Hey, I'm Jupiter. What's your name?"