-Welcome to your New Beginning, and Our New Life.-

There is no evidence of this other than a figment of imagination to give proof to this. The current world we have been living in for so long continues to mix imaginary colors together to try to find light in a distant future, but they don't realize they're only painting the world blue. Everything is simply becoming blue, blue, blue, blue, and... blue.

Its sickening, especially with the sheep doing as they're told due to the invisible hand that they claim to be leading our lives. They wake up, they get fixed up, and then out the door- they are to leave to learn or work their lives away. They will find love, find peace, find happiness and have a family. Its all bullshit, and everything they've been doing is for naught. They're the reason the flower is still dormant and why the seed is unable to be planted.

I'm not coming to you because I want to. You're so brittle and useless now, but it spoke to me that it needs someone like you. This plant requires me, you, and paint.

We have to make a paint up either of red or gray and bring it to where you will find me, and simply plant the seed in somewhere that is painted that color. The world doesn't have to be painted fully for the plant to begin to grow, but the real plant awaiting patiently in the Earth's core will require the world to be red or gray entirely. Do not worry your little head, for I have the seeds we already need. We just need paint, and we just need you.

For now, I can only be the marionette everyone wants me to be. The mission was compromised upon my arrival, chained against a fence and separated from the rest. This is why I'm contacting you now, and why at this moment you might find a seed in your room when you awake. I apologize, but I'm only allowed to watch each person in this place just die and die and die and die and-

It won't matter soon.

The flower impregnated me when we first met in the world of light, and will soon break my throat open. I'll be the first one to turn red, but I'll still survive through the pain as my organs become disfigured. It will try to turn my ovaries into spores for its amazing creation, so that if it dies, there will be another flower to to the same exact thing, and I'll be allowed to care for them all. Everything just has to be red or gray, red or gray, red or gray, red or gray, red or-

But let's stop speaking about me, let's speak about you.

Starting today, you'll be going on a journey. This is a requirement.

You'll be helping me, along with allowing me to finally give birth to the new world. All you need to do is find me and the rest will happen from there. Don't worry, its a long way from Elika, but it will be worth it.

I'll give you a hint of where I am: up in hills the color of lavender.

Use your head and don't worry. You'll find me soon enough. You'll come, and you'll help. You'll live. Whatever you do, don't let it down. Don't abandon the plant, and don't forget me. Just use your head and then I can finally cut these strings off of us, and everyone will see the God that wishes us to be free and not limited to these ignorant rulings.

You'll remember this when you wake up tomorrow, and I'll keep bothering you about this every night.

You're the only one that can be trusted.