- Your... Allies? Don't make me laugh. -

You couldn't help but let out a deep sigh and walk towards the door. Within seconds, your hand turns the knob to reveal Feikko, wearing a black summer dress with bandages all over her arms and shoulders, and to top the look, she added her black platforms to try to be taller than you along with a choker that had a heart in the middle of it. Thankfully you're still taller, but only by a few inches. Before your lips could part to even greet her, she rushes in and examines your uniform.

"Dirty, dirty, dirty. Jeez, even when you're wearing a plain white shirt, your dandruff keeps showing."

Her hands begin to touch your chest - your shirt being the only barrier between your crying self and her obnoxious empathy. Some of her nails seem to of been bitten down to the nip again, but it had become so normal that you had almost forgotten about it. Though slightly annoyed, you couldn't help to smile and reply to her in a delightful tone.

"Hello to you too," You roll your eyes as she lets out a chuckle.

"Do you even know how to use your mirror? Maybe you need a woman's touch to make you look better~"

Her hands lower to your hand as she continues to look at you with those soft eyes, leaving yourself to simply allow her to clasp her hands together with yours to be rewarded with another chuckle and a pure smile.

"I'm not sure anyone could call you a woman, Feikko."

Your remark makes no impact in the matter - she still adorns her smile and upbeat attitude as she begins to walk towards your bathroom. In a way, you almost wish you just could of slapped her hand before she could touch you, but something continues to stop you from acting on such an impulse.

And then you remember - there's still blood in the bathroom.

"W-wait, Feikko, pl-ple-please," You begin stammering as one of your hands lets go of the girl's. You stop in your tracks and quickly spit out, "We're going to be... late for school if we try to reset my looks."


She opens the door and walk in, forcing you to also walk into the bathroom. Its still a bloody mess, but she seems to be either ignoring it or just hadn't particularly noticed yet. You didn't want to figure that out. The squishy sounds emitting from every step the two of you make sounds almost unnerving, but it is overshadowed by the calming robotic voice.

"Welcome Feikko. Is something the matter?"

The mirror circles both Feikko and your face as she turns and waves towards it.

"Yeah, do you see this guy? What happened!?"

The robotic voice hesitates.

"....The usual."

"Well, we need something better than the usual. Make both of us have a neat look for school, stat. He told me you were gonna get us late, hehe~"

Within a few seconds, Feikko's dress would shift into an ordinary school uniform: a normal pleaded black skirt with a white button down top with black gloves to hide her bandages. Her platforms remained, but the mirror gave her striped white and black thigh-high socks. A small pin labeled "Laitu High" with the mascot, a blue orb with sharp teeth smiling, was placed right on the left breast pocket of her shirt, and the right of yours. Your uniform only seemed to neaten up, but remained the same for the most part.

"School attire is complete. Would you require anything else?"

You shake your head in unison with Feikko, prompting the mirror to respond once more.

"Please do maintenance on the bathroom when you return home, Uragiri."

"I'll make sure he does, we have to go now~ Thank you!" Her voice trails down the hall as she pulls you by your arm to forcefully follow. Thankfully, she either unconsciously or consciously had been avoiding the blood pools and continues to commit to making you as presentable and clean as possible.

"Feikko, wait," You begin to let out a whimper, but she continues to hold onto you tightly as you both walk towards the door. She lets out only a simple chuckle in reply.

"Feikko, just wait a second..."

She turns around only for a moment, her eyes devoid of any optimism from before, but instead only reflects a shell of yourself - a pathetic mess. You feel as if she is going to say something as her lips part, but only a soft and cold sigh sneaks out. Feikko had done this once before when the two of you were younger, when you called her your mirror. You were able to see every imperfection and flaw with yourself, and instead of working on yourself, you screamed and tried to retaliate against the world. Even still, your inner child screams at your parents for you and yourself and for your behavior.

The shell unravels itself to mimic that of an egg in her eye, already cracked and the insides leaking outwards. Where is the Uragiri that would of stood up better for their mother? Who is the person that I speak to now? Why, oh why, is she still looking at you with no words vomiting out to ridicule you?

All these thoughts hinder your ability to properly respond or speak, still ensnared by her hold onto your hand. If there's anything you would wanted to have said right now, it would be a "please stop," but that probably wouldn't divert her gaze. Instead, you close your eyes.

Count to 3.


You hear the door open. You're shrouded in darkness

You're shrouded in your own noise and thoughts

You're drowning with your eyes wide shut

The sound

It hurts



Stop the sound -


Screams. Gagging. Feikko's warm hand and chuckle.

Sesshoku ads. Plenty. Your eyes leak some colors of the boards -

Blue, silver, white.

A blaring,




"We're here, you can open your eyes now."