I'm still tired...



Thrashing into a metallic wall a visible dent splintered across and rippled to the dirt with an unreal viscosity. It resembled that of a bomb thundering into the atmosphere as a shockwave shook around the man; splintering through the air for a few meters.

Gulps of blood spewed out of his hanging mouth where broken teeth and shattered bone trickled down. A crack resounded out as the wall behind him split apart. He slid down the collapsing wall he was plastered in; falling with a poof onto the cracked dirt.

A visible circular mound of dirt was scattered around him where the shockwave settled; having a radius of a couple meters. It looked like a mini-crater, all it lacked the indented ground.

The man's eyes raged with unwillingness, but he couldn't even move his body...

*Poof* *Poof*

Two consecutive poofs thudded on the ground as two girls stared dumbfoundedly at their base, then at the man who rammed into it. They could only look back at the half-asleep youth who caused it with incredulous expressions.

"Our base..."

Su Min seemed to notice their gazes as he rubbed his chin; strolling towards them. They shivered as they watched the person who broke all commonplace rules stride towards them with such a casual expression.

Looking at the clear indentation on the base, Su Min spoke with a thoughtful expression.

"Uh. I didn't intend for this to happen... Mhm! How about having the two of you join us."

Speaking like it was something trivial, the girls gaped at how uncaring he was to the reputation to his team, as who on earth would let people like them join the number one sector?

The girl on the left seemed to have made up her mind as she clenched her teeth and spoke with a reverent gaze.


Su Min didn't really understand why she was looking at him with such a strange gaze, but he didn't have the mental capacity to think about it as he felt himself start to doze off.

"Mhm. Just go to Yin Zan over there. I need to get some sleep so try not to disturb me..."

Yawning, Su Min strode back to the base with a hunched back. However, this made everyone watching gulp even more. The girl that was with the man seemed to have disappeared, but Su Min didn't bother to think about it.

"He made it seem so casual!"

"I've never heard of someone called Su Min..."

"I thought this was a competition between mortals! How can a mortal do that!"

Su Min didn't seem to care as he hunkered onto a seat where he stretched a few times before closing his eyes. Yi Zan could only watch him as he seemed to disregard everything; even the wave that could start at any time.


She sighed with a deep breath, but within this came a newfound pride and excitement. She looked at the dazed twins for a while until she shouted in a playful tone.

"Hey, you two, stop dazing around and come here!"


'Why am I so tired...'

Su Min hadn't realised it till now, but something unnatural was happening to him. It was happening ever since that unprecedented transformation happened. It was a fatigue that seemed to grow and grow without hindrance, yet he doesn't feel any hostility towards it.

'Maybe it could help me...'

He decided to stop fighting the fatigue that surmounted on him and shut his eyes completely. It seemed that due to his inhuman will the fatigue had grew to an unbelievable level, so, as the fatigue spewed onto him he didn't even need to try to sleep.


He felt a tranquil suction power spew onto his soul as his consciousness turned blurry for a second. It felt similar to how he entered the martial space, but something was different...


A strange sound entered his ears as his vision gained a certain clarity that allowed him to view around him somewhat. All he saw was fog; a blurry and annoying fog that made his mind itch with irritation.

He stood on a white plain that stretched as far as he could see, which was a few meters due to the fog.

However, what was strange was that he could move freely around this space. Every move, every motion and every thought felt as real, as realistic as the world.


An inexplicable feeling seemed to shroud him every time he moved; like it was saying that what he was doing was wrong. Wrong beyond belief!

"Everything feels irritating... It's like I am doing nothing right."

It felt torturous to even stand, but he didn't care as his eyes churned with a chilled light; shining with a will tempered to the extreme.

"If what I am doing is wrong, then I'll do it right!"

He couldn't understand this dream-like space he was in, but if he could further his strength with it then he couldn't care! He must grasp every and any opportunity that comes, even something like this.

He closed his eyes as he forced his mind to go a still as a frozen lake, from which he felt the feeling that shrouded him. It was like he was submerging his body in water; where he could only move it in certain ways or everything would collapse.

His mind entered a tranquil state as his body started to move in a peculiar fashion that seemed to rouse a law; a law that shouldn't be roused.

"Left. No, right a bit. Forward, down. No up."

A constant mumble emerged from his mouth as he moved in a motion similar to that of a punch. However, he turned and swivelled in specific ways that seemed to contradict what most would think was a punch.

He continued to make subtle changes to his movements as he tried to make sense of the feeling that shrouded, nevertheless...

Contrary to what he expected, Su Min only felt that wrong feeling advance in an exponential notion as he continued; everything seemed to be even more wrong. It was like the way he breathed was even wrong, no, it was like his existence itself was wrong!

This feeling would make anyone go crazy, yet his mind remained as still as it was before; like nothing could faze him. He continued to persevere, preserve with all his might!

"Right! No, move left! Up, down, straight!"

Su Min's movements continued to refine themselves as he pursued any sort of rightness in this movement! Anything! Even if his talent was dogshit, so what?!


A horror-inducing feeling started to exude out of the simple punch movements he was performing. It felt aged; aged through the limitless oceans of time. Yet, he still felt that it was more wrong than right! Like no matter how far he pursued he would always perform it wrong!

He growled, growled right at the sky!

"Although my talent is weak, so what?! I'll break talent! I'll break everything!!"

A resolute and unyielding will shrouded him and Su Min's face only grew more and more ferocious as he punched. He punched and punched till that punch is his everything. His life.




Two shy girls stuttered as they got stared at by three people. Qiu Jin snorted, yet he seemed to gaze from time to time at the corpse ten meters away; leaning against the ruined base.

Yi Zan could feel countless envious and jealous gazes land on the twins when they spoke. She felt unsafe, so she went and ushered everyone back into the base before closing the door with a thud.

Seeing Su Min who was dozed off on the seat, Yi Zan sighed and spoke to the twins. The sword youth seemed to be used to it where he went upstairs whilst holding the scabbard.

"Su Min is a deep sleeper so you don't need to worry about waking him up."

She looked at Su Min, half believing what she said. Considering this, Why would he wake up from a simple arrogant shout, yet sleep through them talking in the same room as him?

The twins nodded, although they still spoke with quietness.

"If it's okay to ask, why does your sector have such a person?"

Yi Zan paused as she proceeded to sit down on the sofa with a helpless expression.

"He just appeared out of nowhere, so I honestly know nothing about him... Come, stop acting so distant and sit down!"

The twins were about to refuse, but Yi Zan went and grabbed both of them, bringing them with her.


On the opposite end of Su Min's location, a couple of kilometres away, a metal base which contained a similar but weaker blazing light shrouded the entire land for hundreds of meters; its symbol shone with the word 'A2'.

Next to the base was a small metal box with a few holes poking out. A door was planted on the front of it; it was shut tight.

In the base next to the box, a thin man picked his teeth with a toothpick as he looked into the distance; unknown what he was thinking.

Two men stood behind him, both muscular and trained. The man spat onto the floor as he looked on with boredom; speaking.

"Hey, when is this wave 3 going to start?"

One of the servants pondered for a bit before speaking in a respectful manner.

"As there is no countdown, it seems that this wave has a different purpose. It seems that nothing is stopping us from killing the contestants near us so we could try to experiment..."

The skinny man licked his lips as he grabbed a blood ridden knife from his robes, his eyes seemed to chill the room when he looked outside.

Snickering, the man stood up with a lanky gait.

"Hehe... I really want to meet that dogshit genius."