
'[Techniques] [Pills] [Materials] [Miscilenaneous]'

Staring at the mystical display, Su Min paused. To be honest, although he would like a technique, he has more important problems to deal with right now...


Moving with a slurred action, Su Min pressed on the pills button. He felt his mind become muddy as his body continued to spew blood everywhere, drenching each and every surface surrounding him.


' Partial Blood Pill - 1 Bronze Token

Heals basic mortal wounds when in an emergency.

Blood Pill - 5 Bronze Tokens

Heals any form of basic injury and can rejuvenate a diminished vitality.


..... '

Su Min's eyes shined as he focused on Partial Blood Pill; it seemed to be what he wanted.


"Don't tell me he's buying that pill..."

Shaking like he was death patient, Su Min threw the token at the screen. It wasn't like he knew it would just accept it, but he didn't have the strength to move anymore.


Luckily, the token disappeared without a trace, causing a new *SHING* to ring from the screen. A faint tremble shook the air as a small slit in space formed, and with a soft force, a blood red pill got thrown out.

Su Min, not even caring what it was, grabbed the pill and threw it into his mouth. Just at the instant, numerous gasps could be heard behind him as everyone went wide-eyed.

"Although it'll heal him, the pain will kill him instead!"

A shout quaked as one of the men in the group blurted out. Though, the leader seemed to have a different thought as he gazed at Su Min.

"Maybe not..."

Just as they were discussing, Su Min, with a burst, suddenly collapsed on the ground. His body wriggled with a cringe-inducing crackling pop; his bleeding arms and his ruptured skin scabbed, and his dislocated bones were pushed back into their sockets.

The pain coming from this would make anyone faint, yet Su Min's eyes remained unchanged as he just waited for his body to fix itself.

Mumbling, he spoke as if he was impressed.

"I need a few of these..."

It was shocking, and everyone couldn't even believe their eyes. Though, the leader, with a mysterious glint, spoke like he was reminiscing.

"He's similar to senior..."


Su Min, clenching his fingers, stretched his arms as he brought himself off the floor; he seemed fine. His eyes, with a hazy gaze, lingered on the crushed bones on the floor.

"Not enough..."

His glare was that of utter hatred as he recalled the past. He didn't feel satisfied with just this. It was like an unquenchable thirst, never-ending.

'Li Family... I need to become stronger..."

Feeling his body, Su Min felt the urge for strength smudge his rational thoughts. Even though he was healed, that was just on the surface; he actually felt that his body was weaker than usual. Like his injuries would flare up if he exerted himself too much; 50% at most.

'I need to rest for a while. Though, It seems that recovering would take at least a couple days at this rate...'

It seems that the healing pill will only stop life-threatening damage, not injuries deep in his body. Such injuries will take a while to repair, even with his intense vitality.

"I guess I'll take it easy for a while."

Making up his mind, Su Min proceeded to take heavy steps toward the exit. However, just as he was leaving, the leader of the group coughed before asking.

"Uh, you're Su Min right?"

Halting, Su Min nodded. The man, looking like a giant, nodded before adding on.

"Just so you know, there's a genius who has quite a similar mentality to yours... Especially concerning your abnormal Will. Maybe look out for him if you ascend from this godforsaken place."

Su Min, feeling confused, nodded once again without thinking too much.


'Will, discipline? I know all too much about that...'



*Step* Step* *THUD*

Looking at the bright day, flashing with an everpresent sizzle, Su Min arrived at the hut compound. Glancing at the numerous humble abodes, Su Min sighed.

"Hehe! Yin Zan, you'll never catch me!"

A sudden laugh echoed out of the compound as a girl ran up one of the grassy hills, following her was a young lady. They circled up and down the hill, causing Su Min to flash with surprise.

'I thought she would be cutting down those trees...'

Su Min, pondering, went back to the hut to make sure that something was there.

'I left my axe back where I chopped the tree down. I think there was another one here.'

Revelling at his own forgetfulness, Su Min gazed inside. It seemed that the two on the hill hadn't noticed him yet, which was good for him.

'Hm? He brought my axe back?'

Su Min found that the axe he used was on the table, and now that he looked at it a strange golden glint shined occasionally. Though, it was strange that the sword youth would just go and put his axe back for no reason.

Taking out a seat, he went and hunkered down to recover a little. Only a couple days to go...

"Ah! Su Min!"

A surprised shout echoed behind him as Yin Zan ran up to his hut with the girl. Su Min grunted, but he still stared back at her and spoke.

"Mhm... Did you see the... Sword guy come here?"

"Sword guy? Pfft! I forgot that you didn't know his name!"

As they were speaking, the girl with an excited expression stumbled up to Su Min and jumped onto his broad shoulders, making Su Min's expression shift to that of helplessness, though he continued.

"Uh... What is his name then-"

Just as he was about to ask, the girl on his shoulder jumped and interrupted him.

"Min, Min!"


"I saw someone like that a while ago!"

Not really getting anywhere, Su Min just gave the 'You probably know what I was saying' look to Yin Zan, waiting for her answer.

"Name? No clue. Though he did ask to be called 'Sword Master' when I asked. "


Feeling a headache coming, Su Min rubbed his forehead and spoke again.

"Did he say anything when he came back?"

Su Min found that coming back just to put his axe back was pretty stupid, so following his instinct he asked.

"Uh... Ah! He said that some people were looking for you, Li Family or something."


Trembling, Su Min's eyes flashed as a sudden killing intent shrouded his body. Although it was too quick for anyone to notice.

"... W-when he found out that you weren't here, he just said that he'd deal with it himself..."

Su Min's hands tightened as he, with a serious expression, placed the girl back on the floor and grabbed the axe on the table. The girl, confused, spoke with teary eyes.

"Min, you just got here!"

"Mhm... I need to do a quick errand. I won't be long, alright?"

Eyes containing an exceptional calmness, Su Min patted the girls head as he threw the axe onto his shoulder, gripping it.

"Which way did he go?"


Yi Zan, trembling under his eyes that were welling with something hair-raising, stuttered out. Su Min nodded, and with a light step, blurred into the distance...




"Hahaha! You? You want to defend that piece of shit? That beast?"

A mocking laughter roared out as a beaten up robed youth coughed up a mouthful of blood, sliding backwards. A fist, connected to a mighty arm shone under the daylight, hurling a booming shockwave. It was pressuring, pressuring to the body.

"Li Zhi himself has declared him to be dead!"

The man had an intense arrogance, an arrogance that seemed to burn right to his bones. Though, it could be described as a stupid arrogance...

"So what? The only reason I'm here is because of that beast you speak of! He brought us to the top, and he'll bring you down as well! Hahaha!"

Eyes as sharp as a sword, a youth drenched in his blood yelled, spewing out a few broken teeth onto the hard grass.

"Ignorant! Li Zhi is at the peak of the 1st step! He practices our family's prestigious body technique, already excelling in the second step! You may not understand, but he can already break that ant in two!"

The man draped in a vigour of a brute laughed in response, glaring right at the ragged youth. Two similar people stood behind him, reflecting his gaze with mockery.

"Well... I have always wanted to try this sword."

The sword youth, rubbing his chest that had just been punched, mumbled with a frail grin. He grasped his sword sheath, and with a swift action, drew the sword out in a dazzling arc.

"I'd wonder if you can block this with your fists?"

"Hehe, who said we don't have any methods against such things? You, a mortal, can now understand the gap between a cultivator!"

The man, with an even wider grin, spoke as his body trembled. A thick, black string of energy seemed to materialise around his hand, swirling like a dragon.

Crackling his fist, the man's eyes blazed as he spoke.

"Come, I'll break your stupid beliefs."


"I'll be the one doing that!"

With an acute slash, a visible tear streaked through the air and towards the man. The sword youths eyes shone as he aimed directly for the neck, yet...

A fist, swift enough to cause a blur in his eyes, interrupted the slash, and with a reverberating clang, the sword smacked against the back of such a fist.


The black dragon around the man's fist trembled before turning transparent with a shake. It looked like it could shatter at any time, but it was still there...

The man's face was pale and his hand shook, but he gritted his teeth and shoved the sword back with his knuckle, causing the dragon to shatter completely.

"A pseudo spirit sword?! What a waste!"

He, gritting his teeth, stood his ground.