Felis's Origin

In the begining

Aru's war canoe struck this land with the force of destiny and caution. At his tail, the greatest males in Felis history tamed the wild waters and ate its fruits, their canoes coupling with the land, one by one.

Human met us with shining metal, clinking chains, iron clasps and bold words. Lima's arrows pierced their pride and arrogance. Aru's spear silenced and still their despair. Aru's has shown this land of men our Felis strength and nimbleness. Aru will teach this land of men the Felis Way.

In time of past.

Aru has removed the stain of slavery from this new home of our. The Slavers decorate our houses with their bones. Our warriors build homes for our kins. Our kins tilled the earth, fished the waters, filled the air with song.

The Felis Way is yet but a seedling here, but it will grows, gains in pride and power. Aru has kept his promise. The time of the Felis has come. We will no longer be slaves or pet anymore.

Soon we find a new threat upon this land. Dark weather descend upon us from the North. Unnatural tempests of hatred lashing our backs, tearing at our home. The rain is dark with shadow. It withers our crops, sickens our livestock.

The earth of the land brought forth creatures of darkness. In places where we fought, The dark spirit of storm reaches into the ground and raises up our slain enemies. It led the dead from their graves and drives them to fight us beyond the end, rotted tooth and tattered flesh.

The dark spirit infects living flesh and bone. The animals suffered first with their bodies changed. Their eyes filled with a hatred that is beyond instinct, they grew into enormous sizes and become more and more feral, until they are no longer bore any resemblance to the creature they were before.

Now it is we who must bend our knees and bow our heads like saplings before the storming gale. The firstborn of the Aru's land greeted us on this day. The firstborn of the Aur's land was buried beneath and enveloped by the embrace of earth on this day. Even our children are not spared the spirit's touch.

What have we done to enrage the land? We look to Aru. Our Breaker of chains, our leader who led us to freedom upon this land, perhaps he will lay the spirit of this land at peace.

Aru stands before us and looks out to the raging water. He sangs, calls, and screamed to our Ancestors to come to our aid. He offers them the Makuta Feast, a feast of heart, muscle and marrow, cooked in the fires and stones, and woods of this mad land.

We have not practiced these ways in so many years. Only in the darkest and most desperate do we perform these rituals of old. Only here and now may we sacrifice and consume our own. Only in our Leader can we trust this return to our peace.

Aru was gone. Our Leader has taken our finest two hundred warriors and descended into the depths of this nameless land. He spoke to us of a vision, a forewarning from the ancestors of a beast that must be slain to bring back the glory of our people and for us to prosper. Lima went against Aru's wishes, Lima has made ready his canoes. We will take those that are left, all the forgotten families, and bring them back to their true homes. Back to Islands of South and may what comes, come, for we are prepare.

Aru's promises freedom of enslavement have lead us into nightmare. Lima will lead us back to the light of home.