Young Jtok

I haven't slept for some time. No-one in my village has slept. Not for three days, not since the dark storm was seen again in the northern ranges. Not since the nightmares began. The adventurers venturing into the savage land return to town speaking of a fearsome power, unknown but evil nonetheless. The adventurers spoke of treasures and experiences, they spoke of unknown things.

They were all mad, they went to the dark abyss of the storm and return in resurrection and went again, soon with time even they did not return.

In violent and twisted night terrors. The nightmares whisper to me, tempt me, threaten me, and beguile me. They promise terrible things in return for even more terrible acts and I resisted with all my wills.

My brother, Dirus and my sister in law Uma, went to the town of Ellist to find a High Priest who might help. They should have been back yesterday. I fear for them. I fear for all of us.

It has been a little over a week since the storm.

My brother has not returned and sickness unlike anything I have ever seen now sweeps through our village. Many have died in agony and those that lived here have.....changed.

These were folks we once called neighbour and friends. Now they limp around and stagger through the night, their deformities as grotesque as the madness in their eyes. Dark, tar like liquid flowed from their eyes and mouth. They speak with guttural sounds and screamed like monkeys.

The moon was full the night of the storm. It is full again and the monsters have come.

They have come for me. They have come for my sisters. Ravioli called out in half-madness while the others skulked and muttered in the darkness, believing the end of times has come. Corn went to the monsters outside, arms open, welcoming. The nightmares told him to. Corn's voices scream with blood and he never return from the dark.

I barred the doors and windows but the monsters screamed like monkeys and beat themselves bloody trying to get in. A villager, eyes of dark and tattered fur, tar like liquid in his mouth manage to crawl in, Ravioli crushed his skull with his father smith's hammer. Eventually, the stone house belong to the village elder was overrun.

I had no choice. I took my two sisters youngest and fled through the cellar, following the tunnel to the mill. The mill will be safe, it is high ground, granite base and iron doors. We will be safe, for everyone leave foods there for the winter.

All we can do is hide and hope. May The Gods help us.

Four moon gone now, since it all began. Perhaps I am the only one who still looks upon the moon. Who remembers anymore? Soon, I will be gone and the moon will go on, alone.

My family has returned and they hunts for me. My dead brother, my dead sisters hunts me. Corn too, and Ravioli. Corpses walked and feed, voicing their hatred and pain in the night. My sisters, my young lovely sisters, twin they were, they walk now...hand in hand and feed and hunt.

The Gods has forsaken us, we Felis are forsaken in this dark and evil land. Why did we ever set foot upon this land. The Moon shall be my witness. Tonight, with this axe of my father, with this shield of my mother, I return my family to their resting place or die trying.