Song Hui Yao Was Quite Dolorous

While walking around, Zhu Xiao Wan espied a murderous gaze. She turned to where it came from and found Tang Rue.

She didn't understand why the princess hated her so much but it was getting kind of annoying. Just when Zhu Xiao Wan was about to overlook Tang Rue and her cold glare, the princess walked gracefully towards them.

"Prince Shen, Young Miss Xiao Wan." Tang Rue started to call them. When her gaze came to Song Hui Yao, it became warm and there was even a hint of seductiveness.


It wouldn't be...she sighed in her heart, knowing why Princess You Yan resented her so. Zhu Xiao Wan greeted, "Your Highness Princess You Yan, what are you doing here?"

"This princess was looking around the streets for some entertainment."

Streets entertainment, how diligent. Numerous entertainers would be hopping around if they were invited to the palace.

"This princess heard that a new restaurant's food is very good, this princess invites Prince Shen and Young Miss Xiao Wan to come eat with me."

Zhu Xiao Wan smiled, the only new restaurant here was her newly opened Sea Atoll. She would come along to check how the place is going. "Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness."

"If Young Miss Xiao Wan is going, this prince would like to come, too," Song Hui Yao who had stayed silent spoke.

Tang Rue forced a natural smile and went to Song Hui Yao's side.

Zhu Xiao Wan turned her head to her left. Song Hui Yao had been following her from behind. Princess You Yan suddenly walked beside Song Hui Yao. Where should she stand? Zhu Xiao Wan slower her steps to go to the back of them.

At Sea Atoll restaurant, the business was doing well but it was not crowded and busy like in Sky Dragon, the Capitol's first restaurant.

Tang Rue and Song Hui Yao went in before her. At the front, they were led by a clerk to a private room.

Princess You Yan sat down, saying, "It seem like the foods here are new recipes. It's said that they taste pretty nice."

To the clerk, she ordered a few dishes after asking Song Hui Yao and Zhu Xiao Wan what they wanted. The food was brought out not too long later.

In front of her was a flat and square wooden slab with nigiri and sushi rolls on top. On her side was a porringer of miso soup. Zhu Xiao Wan had the same calm smile on her face as she placed a nigiri in her mouth.

How wonderful to eat a piece of flavorless nigiri with raw salmon...

Before Huang Xun Wan was sent to the laboratory at fourteen, she cooked sometimes. Japanese cuisine was delicious, hence she made it often. Even after the three years of surgery which ruined her sense of taste, the recipes remained completely clear in her mind.

All of a sudden, her empty bowl was being piled into a small mountain of foods.

"Eat more. Already thirteen and you're still so tiny." Song Hui Yao grinned as he continued to build a mountain of food in her bowl.

Zhu Xiao Wan blinked and she swallowed the unfinished nigiri in her mouth as she looked at the miniature mountain. She shut her eyes to Tang Rue's gaze that filled with jealousy and resentment which was fixed on her. Zhu Xiao Wan stuffed her gut with the bland aliments.

When Princess You Yan invited them, she saw the annoyance concealed in Song Hui Yao's eyes. How dolorous he was to have a suitor like Princess You Yan who clung to him like glue. If she had a suitor like Princess You Yan, even if she was a patient person, she would not be able to tolerate such sticky glue.

Tang Rue's jaws clenched slightly as she watched how close Song Hui Yao and Zhu Xiao Wan were.

'Ning Xiao Wan, just wait. The day before your fourteen birthday, there will be a big present for you!'