The Private

Zhu Xiao Wan was sitting in the wheelchair, facing a table. On the other side of the table was Guang Ling. Guang Ling was explaining the facts about plants and their effects - basically a lecture.

"Vert Essence Fruit looks just like a peach, but its appearance is different. Instead of having a skin colour like peaches, its skin is red or scarlet. Its fragrance was told to be sweet and the fruit feels warm. But the fruit only grow in the Forest of Brume, which makes it hard to find." Guang Ling started packing when he sensed someone was standing outside the door. "Especially with the red sky of the Vermilion Firmament Region. That's it for today." He didn't want to be with that rascal who was standing outside.

The door was opened by Song Hui Yao. He slightly bowed his head to Guang Ling who walked past him while scoffing in annoyance sans a word. Song Hui Yao closed the door before turning around to observed Zhu Xiao Wan and sighed when he saw her sitting in a wheelchair.

The wheelchair was the culprit that ruined a beautiful picture. He didn't want to admire a person that sat on a wheelchair. No matter how badly crippled that person was, he detested it when they sat in a wheelchair. No, it should be said: He abominated wheelchairs.

"I heard from Zhuang Yang that you have received packets of papers that's need to be read," he said. "Do you need any help?"

Considering for a few seconds, Zhu Xiao Wan nodded.

Song Hui Yao went to her and picked her up from the wheelchair. He placed her on the bed before putting the wheelchair into his unknown space; unknown because he was not wearing any cache earring. Song Hui Yao then held one of the stacks up from another table and began to read.

"Fragrant Rose's earning is not constantly increasing but is doing well. The shopkeeper wants to construct another shop on the western side of the Capital."

Holding the second stacks, he continued, "Sea Atoll's revenue each month is estimated to be 7,500 silvers. Similarly with the annual revenue, which is around 90,000 silvers or 9,000 gold coins. The payments for the employees is around 500 silvers since there weren't many waiters or the others in the start."

So, she earned around 550 gold coins...

Looking at the third packet in his hand, he waited for a while before talking. "There is also another packet, and on its front is the word 'Private'. Do you want me to read it or not?"

Zhu Xiao Wan felt like her facial features were shifting without her consent. Why did he need to ask when he would just find out about everything later without even have the need to read the private packet. Besides, who would even know if he decided to secretly read it here and now; because she couldn't see.

He stared at her face and noticed the slight changes. How could he not know what she thought?

"Read it, you would know it sooner or later anyway."

Getting her approval, he flipped it to the inside.

"Miss Xiao, I have found what you asked of me. A classy and vintage building in the urban district. The place was once a furniture store, but because the owner wanted to leave the urban district, the place is now on sale. As for the people, I have not found enough people that have a great potential. By that, I mean that even with treatments and supplements, they wouldn't get any better with their potential in cultivation.

"I suggest that we should spread our business to the Palatial Region, hence I can look for more potential people. Withal, the Palatial Region is a good place for businesses. So is the Gold Sand Region, but we can't go there; we can't trade with foreigners since we don't know their languages." Song Hui Yao carried on with reciting word for word of what was written in the stack of papers.

Zhu Xiao Wan listened carefully and after Song Hui Yao finished, she said, "I would like for Pao Min to not just look for people with only good cultivation potential. For spreading the business to other regions, he could start working on that about five to six months later. And, the foreigners he talked about, who are they?"

"You're treating me like your assistant," he said while still complied to write down what she said.

She did not speak when she heard his comment. He offered himself to do these works, she couldn't stop him, so why bother?

Zhu Xiao Wan had a feeling that Song Hui Yao had knowledge on those foreigners Pao Min was talking about. But she was not sure, so, she would ask Pao Min instead.

"As for Fragrant Rose, the operation of constructing another shop can start now. Allow Miss Sui to be in control of Fragrant Rose for now."

The brush left the paper after Song Hui Yao finished writing. "Ok, I will be leaving. Have a good night rest." He then left the room.

Zhu Xiao Wan lied down her bed already but she was still in deep thoughts. She was really curious to know who those foreigners were that made Pao Min said he didn't know their language.