
That night ended with Jonathan telling the little kitten that he'd continue her Magic training the next day after his morning hunt. This was fine for her, as she had grown tired at this point. That night she cosied up in her usual tent which she shared with Jonathan. Jonathan and Uncle Kil had their own tents, the advantage of being nobles, while their subordinates share the remaining two tents. It was decided on the first night that she'd sleep in the same tent as Jonathan as she was obviously more familiar with him than anyone else.

The little kitten fell into a blissful sleep quickly and awoke to sunshine on her face the next morning, peaking through a gap in the tents opening. Jonathan had already left, leaving only her in the tent, snuggling comfortably on the sheets. She was still for a long while before finally stretching herself and standing on her four paws. Leaving the tent she found that only the two servants and one guard was left in the encampment. This meant that Jonathan, Kil and the rest of the Wilderwolf soldiers were still out in their morning hunt.

She first walked up to the two servants and they were quick to hand her some meat and bread. By the time she had finished her meal, the hunting group had all returned with excited expressions. She was surprised to see a rather impressively sized furry beast with four bulky arms and one bulging eye being dragged by Uncle Kil, who was laughing loudly as he presents it to the people who were left behind in the encampment.

"Hahaha!! Do you know what this is?" Uncle Kil roared loudly in his laughter.

"It's the One Eyed Ape!" A servant exclaimed, his eyes open wide in gleeful surprise.

"Whoa! That's a very powerful Minor Transcended Beast!!" The guard said, his eyes shining in awe.

"Don't act all smug, Uncle. If it hadn't been for your last sneak attack, it would have been my kill!" Jonathan meanwhile, said with a pout.

"Nice try, foolish Nephew but its not your time to out-shadow me just yet! Hahaha!!"

"Tch! Just wait till I make my breakthrough!"


The little kitten greeted the two, rolling her eyes at their usual antics. Though she acts like this, she has grown quite attached to these two, finding the two somewhat agreeable.

"Hey, little lass! Let us have our morning meal and then I'll move onto your next lesson, kay?" Jonathan patted her head with a smile.


The little kitten replied with enthusiasm.

"Good, haha!"

A good while later, Jonathan finished his meal and the duo, him and the little kitten, separated from the group a little to get away from their chatter and Jonathan began his next lesson.

"Alright then, little lass. You are currently at the first rank for Magical Beasts, which is called the Minor Magical Beast Rank. To be more precise you are at the middle stage of that rank. To become stronger and eventually proceed to the second rank of major, you will first have to make a breakthrough to the last stage of Minor Rank. To do this requires you to gather the aura created from your Haven Organ and direct it towards your Soul. Your soul is located near your heart and is generally invisible to the naked eye. However, using your Subconscious Eye, one can see it much like how it allows you to see your aura. The strength of your soul determines ones ranking. By directing your aura into your soul, your effectively feeding it until it becomes full. When it becomes full, after a long time of concentration and effort, one can force the soul to evolve. This is a process we like to call cultivation! This evolved soul will increase the stage or ranking of a Magician or Magical Beast. When you increase a stage, one will experience an increase in aura or other profound effects. This is especially true for when one increases in ranking; when you increase in rank, you will gain more than double the amount of Aura you usually do when you evolve stages. From a Minor Beast to a Major Beast for example, not only will you gain around x3 more aura, a Magical Beast like yourself will also gain basic intelligence and will gain a power called Bestial fury. This power will activate in the form of a roar that can frighten and damage a being of lesser power... (exhale)... That was a mouthful, but do you understand, little lass?"


"Good. It's also good to know that another way to make a breakthrough is when a Magician or Magical Beast is in a life or death scenario. It is rare, but a person's body can go in to overdrive and start producing a dangerous amount of aura and direct it into their soul. This is very dangerous and can damage your Haven Organ. And without your Haven Organ, there is no aura and with no aura, there is no more magic! So do not attempt this unless you are in great danger and you have no other options, got that!"

"Meow!!" The little kitten nods furiously in response. 'I ain't risking losing my life, are you crazy?! Hmph! This cat ain't no fool!'

"Hehe, that's good. There have been a lot of idiots in the past who have crippled their Haven Organ in the past by forcing this method. It rarely works out well... Okay then, from now on, as much as possible I want you to meditate and attempt your first breakthrough. When you attempt to breakthrough to the late stage of Minor Rank, things will come naturally to you, though it may take a long time, there isn't a way to speed up a breakthrough unless with the help of rare and expensive items; but they can also have negative effects so it's always better to proceed naturally for the most part. Got that?"


"Good! Do as I've instructed and when we leave this forest and enter a city, I'll search for some beginner spells for you to learn."

"Meow, meow!!"

"Excited, aye? Hahaha. You better get to work then, the good spells begin at the late stage of Minor Rank and beyond."
