Little Kitten Learns Spells (3)

The little kitten woke up to the sound of rummaging. Lazily, she opened her eyes slowly and saw Jonathan organizing the four boxes of spells and arts a little ways from the bed. She lied there hazily for a bit as she watched Jonathan finish up everything and then head to the door to exit the room.


With an inaudible yawn, she proceeded to stretch out her dainty little paws before pulling herself up and she felt the softness of the mattress beneath her, which threatened to put her to sleep once more. With determination she snapped herself out of her sleepy state of mind and immediately switched her attention towards the boxes, which had now been laid out nicely and open, prepped for her to begin her training.

'For a fool, he can be surprisingly thoughtful. It would have been a pain opening those boxes with my tiny and inarticulate paws.' With a last yawn, she then leaped softly off the bed and onto the wooden floor below. In only a few steps she is in front of the four boxes and sits down, looking over them thoughtfully.

'Now then. From what I remember, the only method I can train these spells... Or arts, is to use these azure stones, which will show me various images to teach me their respected magic... And because I sadly can't read yet, I'm unable to make use of these books as of now. It shouldn't matter too much, but it would be better if I could learn how to read so that I can gain more knowledge of the magic I'm learning. Jonathan said that the more I learn, the stronger my magic will be!'

Thinking up to this point, she then proceeds to look over each of the boxes over once more.

'For now, I made sure to remember the words on these books so I know what magic each of these boxes are. Now then... here's the big question... Which one should I practice first... Well, I think I should have a look at all of them before I make a decision.'

The little kitten then walks up to the left most box, looking down at it and stretching out her paw towards the azure stone but not touching it quite yet.

'Let's start with a spell. This one should be the 'Celestial Claw' Spell, which is only the first spell in a Magical Art... But this is all that I've got for now. Okay then... Let's begin!'

Holding out her left paw, she cautiously presses down on the azure stone and immediately her vision stirs. The first thing that happens is that her vision is covered by a blinding white light. The blinding white then turns prismatic before twisting in bizzare ways. Eventually she begins to hear muffled voices and the prismatic colours seem to dull more and more until everything turns dark.

'How terrifying! I'm starting to feel a little nauseous...'

In the darkness, she starts to see something growing clearer and clearer and eventually she can make out a shadowed figure. Finally, the figure grows less blurry and becomes as clear as day; it's as if she can see the figure and the scenery surrounding the figure right in front of her.

This figure is a dog like beast. Its several times larger than an ordinary dog however, reaching around 10 feet in height as it stands loftily in front of the little kitten's vision. It has rather long white fur that has a tinge of violet. Its ears are rather long and pointed with red tips. It has two tails that extended a great length from its body and they also tint red at the tip. Its glowing violet eyes are aloof and cold as it looks straight forward, its gaze concentrated at the onlooker of whoever would touch this Echo Stone, which happened to be her in this case.

The scenery around this creature is a very simple large white tiled room with an archway door at the other end of the room.

"I am Alysander!"

'He can talk?!...' The little kitten exclaimed internally. 'That would mean that this Magical Beast is at least at the Transcendence stage according to what Jonathan has told me...'

"I am a Disciple of the Celestial Eye Guild, the creators of the Celestial Wind Arts. The spell that you are about to learn is the first spell of the Celestial Wind arts and is called 'Celestial Claw'! You don't need to know anything more than that." There is a coldness to his voice and a sense of pride as he introduces himself; it is obvious that he feels a sense of superiority due to his identity and this guild he is affiliated with.

'A guild? I'll have to ask Jonathan about those... When I find a way to communicate with him...'

"I'll start off by showing you this move in practice and then I'll follow that by explaining the principles behind the spell. Now watch closely!"

Alysander faces away from the little kitten and walks around 10 feet away before settling into a crouched down position, he has his head and front legs low while his back legs are propped upwards. He looks very much like a beast prepped to leap out and strike.

"Phew... This is the 'Celestial Claw'!" After shouting this, Alysandar then starts muttering an incantation before pouncing forwards. Immediately his right paw begins to glow in a an azure glow.

'The aura is visible?!... Does magic become visible if concentrated enough?' The little kitten reasons.

Soon, the azure glow starts to take form of a claw like shape, growing until it becomes 5x the size of his paw all the while the azure glow mellows out and then begins to morph into a white glow, giving off a celestial and holy feeling. With this celestial white claw fully formed, Alysander brings up this right paw above his head and growls in a threatening manner before swiping the air, his right paw becoming a blur of unimaginable speed. The result of this swipe brings forth four white lines that surge forwards at great speeds. It seems to pick up speed as it moves forward and the air in front of it seems to part as if granting it passage. The four white lines eventually strike one of the white walls and cuts through it instantly and seems to go on for several feet while visibly weakening until it eventually trickles out of existence. A few seconds pass and to the little kitten's shock, the white wall suddenly begins to morph and in a matter of seconds, that scar in the wall heals. In the end it looks like there had never been a claw mark there just moments ago.

'This... This is the power of magic!' The little kitten's eyes light up in a furious awe. Meanwhile, the large dog-like Magical Beast has settled himself and begins to speak once more.

"The 'Celestial Claw' is a very fast attack, while it is not the most powerful spells available for a Minor Ranked Beast, it is most definitely one of the quickest attacks when used right and will only grow faster and more powerful the stronger you become. This spell can still be useful even for Minor and Major Transcended Beasts. This spell uses two factors to unleash it. The first is the use of Aura Materialization. If you are ignorant of what Aura Materialization is, then let me explain: Aura Materialization is the action of condensing your aura repeatedly until it changes from its invisible gaseous form and turns into a malleable and visible form. When aura is materialized like this, your aura can interact with the outside world and just like how you've seen, turn into deadly attacks!"

'Aura Materialization huh? I bet there are quite a few spells that use this...'

"Now that that's out of he way. The second factor behind the 'Celestial Claw' is the element of Wind! After you send out the claw attack, the caster of the spell will incorporate wind laws to the spell. The element of wind is known for its speed and sharpness and there is no better spell to show this off than 'Celestial Claw'!"

'So, he only added wind after the Aura claws left his paws?... I guess the wind acts more as an assistance in this magic. The wind will bend to the attacks will, increasing the attacks sharpness while being buffeted away, decreasing wind resistance... It's pretty amazing how quickly I am able to understand this stuff... It's strange, none of my memories of my past life taught me stuff like this but it feels like certain knowledge is just inherent, like the knowledge is always there just ready to be released... This must have to do with my identity or how I came to be in this world... Like, according to Jonathan and the rest, they have never seen a Magical Beast like me... And as pleasing as that sounds, its quite disconcerting... And lonely...'


The lesson with Alexander in the Echo Stone continued for a while longer as he better explained the inner workings of 'Celestial Claw' until the vision shifted again. This time, the little kitten saw a series of visions showing off the Celestial Claw being used in different scenarios. She saw the attack being used against a wild Magical Beast and how the four lines of white cut cleanly through its tough shell. The piercing power of this attack definitely isn't to be taken lightly. Another vision showed the spell being used in the air to strike down a poor bird who was flying overhead. The range of the attack was rather impressive as well, the little kitten deduced.

Finally, the visions came to an end with showing the close up image of a bird flying in the sky, her vision is close up to its right wing and she can see the wind caress its wings as it swishes by.

'Ah! I see, its trying to show that the laws of Wind in the 'Celestial Claw' spell are much like how the agile wings of a bird allows it to bend the gales of the wind to its will...'

And the vision concludes abruptly with a flash of white light just like how the vision began. In a matter of seconds, the little kittens eyes adjust to find herself still in the Inn room, her paws hovering over the azure Echo Stone as her mind continues to process everything...