The Trek Through Thunder Mountain (3)


A metallic arrows swishes by at great speed, dancing in circles and creating a blurred silver trail in its wake. The arrow only comes to a stop when it suddenly dissolves into dust. A meter from the dissolving arrow, the little kitten's eyes hold an excited gleam as she purrs in contentment.

'Finally, I have perfected the Sky Piercing Spell to the point where I can use it in battle.' The little kitten thought in glee. 'Next, I should start learning the Dance of the Flames Arts! If I remember correctly, this arts spell's are but an evolution of the previous spells in the art and being a Late Stage Magical Beast, I should be able to learn up to the second spell, Wandering Glow. However, it is still recommended that I learn the spells in their given order to more smoothly learn the Art as a whole. So it is time to learn the spell, Living Spark!'

Thinking up to this point, the little kitten proceeded to search her memories of the Dance of the Flames Art's Echo Stone. Her cognitive abilities has been good ever since she arrived in this world and it was put on fully display in this moment as she successfully memorised those memories in great detail within moments. Eventually, she was content with the knowledge she had gathered and felt she was ready to proceed with the physical component of learning the spell.

'It should be like this...' Thinking this in her mind, the little kitten proceeded to sing a chant in her usual voice that rang out in a beautiful tune.

It was currently early in the morning and the sun had yet to fully grace the land in its grand light, yet a sudden glow of light lit up the area around the little kitten as a speck of fire formed in front of her visage. It glowed in a soft red glow and was shaped bizarrely in the shape of a small snake that slithered gracefully in the air, its whole width no longer than a few centimetres.

'Hmm, it's quite small... The Living Spark spell should be around the size of a full grown man's forearm and take on the form a snake. Its movements should be graceful and precise like a dancer. Hence the name of the Art, Dance of the Flames.'

'Okay, let's try this again!' The little kitten thought with determination. The small flame disintegrated and the cat sang the same chant once more, summoning the Living Spark spell once more.

Try after try, the Living Spark continued to form closer into its true form with every attempt. Eventually, by the time an hour had passed, a much larger, forearm long well defined snake like beast was flying through the sky, coloured in a crimson glow. It was difficult to discern that this magical spell was even made of fire as the chaotic flames seemed to stay in its constant shape with only some defects every now and then of flames sparking out of its sculpted shape.

Inside this cave, there were several features such as fresh water pools, bushes and even trees. Next to the little kitten, she chose one of these trees at random and commanded the Living Spark forth and the flaming snake charged through the air in a graceful arc.

When the Living Spark spell made contact with the tree, it simply passed through it as if not making contact at all. Yet, in its wake, the tree erupted in a torrent of flames and in minutes had burnt to embers.

'Truly formidable!' The little kitten couldn't help but exclaim in thought. 'Let's go for Wandering Glow now!...'


"Little lass, it's time to head off!" The voice of a young male voice brought an end to the little kitten's training.

A flaming snake that was alike to the Living Spark spell, but slightly larger and more of an orange colour dissipated once more and the little kitten turned to find Jonathan laying casually against a wayward tree, a pleased smirk on his face.

'Its finally time...' The little kitten went into thought. 'Its the fourth day since we began our journey up Thunder Mountain. Despite a few casualties, we had successfully reached the third and last cave the night before... Now, we should be able to reach the Thunder Mountain ruins by night time!'

This thoughts excited her and she quickly dashed in Jonathan's direction before leaping into his open hands. Jonathan laughed at her enthusiasm and couldn't help but also get excited for the upcoming adventure as he caught her lithe form.

Looking around, the little kitten noticed many of the tents were either gone now or were in the process of warping into someone's Magic Pocket. Everyone was clearing their belongings and gathering at the cave's exit, ready to travel onward.

Except, not everything was cleared up as some tents and other gadgets remained behind along with some people. These people were non-Magician's, such as servants who would not be entering the Thunder Mountain ruins as they would not receive any benefits and would simply be a burden.

The Wilderwolf's two servants were apart of this group and they would be left behind to await their master's return. Leaving behind the tent and a few supplies for the two servants, the rest of the Wilderwolf party departed from their camp and headed towards the caves exit.

At the cave exit, the little kitten saw various Magician's at work, their fingertips alight as they stood in close distance to the azure sheet that acted as a barrier at the cave's entrance. This process would take a while, even with the help of the Mist Step Magician, so everyone took this small moment to get some last rest before the struggle ahead.

"Uncle, you've been in these ruins before, right?" Jonathan asked as he took a seat beside Uncle Kil, the little kitten resting in his hands as she observed her surroundings before turning to her cultivation.

"I have." Uncle Kil replied before elaborating. "I've taken part in it twice, though its was a long time ago."

"Then, what can we expect when we enter?" Jonathan asked and the surrounding Wilderwolf soldier's couldn't help but also pay extra attention to Uncle Kil's upcoming answer as well. This would be their first time taking part in the Thunder Mountain Hunt as well.

"Hmm. You all should get to know a little before entering..." Uncle Kil nodded. "Alright, listen up! When you enter, the first thing that will happen would be that everyone will be teleported apart from each other!"

"Whoa!" One of soldier's exclaimed.

"The ruins will teleport us?" Another mumbled in shock.

"Hmph! They don't call these places the 'Blessing of the God's' for nothing! Teleportation magic is a simple thing for these places!" Uncle Kil harrumphed with a wave of his hand for dramatic effect. "You'll be taken to a place where you'll undergo a series of tests. According to your results, you will be rewarded. The most someone has received from this ruin is a Gold rarity Vibrant weapon!"

(Reminder of weapon ranks: Blue, Purple, Gold for rarity/Dull, Vibrant, Pulsing for power)

"Gold?" The soldier's couldn't but help but collectively exclaim.

"But that's only a Vibrant item... Has their not been a Pulsing item received from these ruins then?" Jonathan quickly got over his excitement and asked this question, though he still held excitement of the possibility of gaining such a grand item of gold rarity!

"Indeed, there hasn't been a Pulsing item rewarded before." Uncle Kil nodded in agreement. "That's why you don't see many Sky Magician's undertaking the Thunder Mountain hunt. The one's that do are here simply for protective reasons, as the Kingdom is usually sending future prospects into this hunt."

"I see... Oh." As he was in thought, Jonathan seemed to suddenly notice something. "Looks like it's time!"

The little kitten's head turned to face the same direction Jonathan was facing and noticed that the azure barrier was currently dissipating. From the centre, the azure aura that made up this barrier vanished, revealing the dimly lit forest outside and the tapping sound of rain on the damp ground below.

It was time to continue their journey up Thunder Mountain.