The Little Kitten's Divine Origins

"Now then, are you ready to receive your rewards?" The Guardian Spirit asked, its serious expression warming too its usual playfulness after its explanation/lecture.

'Yes!' The little kitten nodded enthusiastically.

"Someone is already in the treasure room right now, so we'll start off with your three questions first. That okay?"

'That's fine.'

"Then, shoot away."

'My first question is... Do I have a family?' The little kitten asked, her eyes darting about nervously. She looked at the Guardian Spirit intently, paws involuntarily clenched in preparation for its upcoming response.

"The short answer is yes!" The Guardian Spirit immediately responded and its words made the little kitten's eyes light up in excitement. "However, I can neither tell you who they are and their current condition for I don't know. All I know is... Actually, before that. Let me ask, you have not been in this world for long, have you?"

'Eh? How did you know?!' The little kitten blurted.

"Keke, it's quite simple. Your soul has signs of being damaged, a particular damage that can only be seen due to a botched up rebirth!" The Guardian Spirit responded confidently.

'My soul is damaged? But it looks perfectly fine to me.' The little kitten asked doubtfully as she closed her eyes, her Unconscious Eye went to work and soon she could see her soul which rested close to her heart. The little kitten opened her eyes and shook her head, she could not see anything that looked like damage in her soul.

"For someone as weak as yourself, of course you can't see it. But for someone like me, its as obvious as can be." The Guardian Spirit answered with a grin. "All living souls upon death go through rebirth. Except yours was a very peculiar one, because someone put a special spell on your soul, guiding your soul upon death to this world."

'What? So someone wanted me to come to this world?' The little kitten eyes opened wide before taking on a look of confusion, her mouth forming into a frown.

"And if I were to guess, I would say that the one's responsible for this would be your parents, or someone close to them."

'Eh?' The little kitten looked on dumbly as she tried to process this information.

"Your really getting your money's worth with this first question, ah..." The Guardian Spirit sighed. "Let me tell you my hypothesis... I believe you are a Magical Beast from the Divine Realm!"

'Divine Realm, what's that?!' The little kitten immediately blurted out in question.

"Keh! you really don't know much of anything." The Guardian Spirit said with a disdainful gaze, the little kitten could only shrug. "Alright, because this is getting off track from your initial question I'm going to take that question you just asked as your second question. So do you still want me to answer that?"

After thinking for a bit, the little kitten nodded her consent.

"Alright, then here we go. This universe consists of three planes. They are known accordingly as the Lesser Realm, the Higher Realm and the Divine Realm." The Guardian Spirit's fingers were stuck up with each listing until three fingers were pointing upwards. "The Lesser Realm have no aura or magic, instead relying on technology and science to reach higher heights. The Higher Realm is where this world currently resides as a small planet and has aura and magic. And finally, there is the realms of the Gods, the Divine Realms!"

'I... I'm a god?!' The little kitten exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with a cross between excitement and disbelief.

"No." The Guardian Spirit's dull response broke her out of her excitement immediately. "You are but the daughter of God's. In the end, one can only be a God after cultivating magic to its highest levels. And you are far from accomplishing that!"

'I see...' The little kitten frowned dejectedly.

"Back to your first question... As I said, I believe your parents are Gods. But don't take Gods as almighty beings, they can die too and there are different tiers of gods. I believe your parents were in some level of danger and were forced to take some drastic measures to protect your life..." The Guardian Spirit's voice turned solemn at this point.

'M-my families in danger?...' The little kitten's eyes turned hazy and a worried look overtook her instantly.

"This is but a theory, but I believe so... I believe they must have sent you down to the Lesser Realm first... You have memories of living in another world without magic, don't you?" The Guardian Spirit inquired.

'How do you know this too?...'

"A soul tells a thousand words..." The Guardian Spirit said mysteriously with a smirk. "And, the safest place from a God, is the Lesser Realm. The Gods cannot travel to the Lesser Realm due to certain laws of the universe while they can actually have a small presence in the Higher Realms. These 'Blessing of the God's' are an example of one of the ways the God's interact with the Higher Realm."

'I understand... So my parents sent me to the Lesser Realm for my protection from some unknown threat... But then why didn't I stay in the Lesser Realms upon death and why come to this world in particular?' The little kitten couldn't help but ask.

"This will be considered your third and final question, is that okay?" The Guardian Spirit asked after some thought. 'There is only so much I can inform you... In fact, I may already have been too generous already with what I have already said... But if your parents are who I think they are...'

The Guardian Spirit shook its head, shaking it out of its thoughts and returning its attention to the little kitten as she answered confidently after some thoughts of her own. 'It's okay!'

"Like I said, the God's cannot touch the Lesser Realms, the only reason you were able to enter the Lesser Realms was because you were not a God. But even that was pushing the rules of the universe already. To bring you back, nigh impossible. And if they directly sent you to the Higher Realms, it would not be too difficult for unfriendly individuals to find you...

But if you were to enter the Higher Realms through the Lesser Realms first, the difficulty in finding you increases by quite a lot. Especially on a planet like this one, which has been separated from the rest of the Higher Realms for a millennia now." The Guardian Spirit ended its long explanation with a long sigh.

'Then why haven't my parents come to find me?' The little kitten asked dejectedly.

"..." The Guardian Spirit narrowed its eyes at her before sighing. "Your really pushing your luck with all these extra questions, puny cat... Fine, I'll answer this, but after this we're moving on to your next reward."

The little kitten just nodded her answer.

"Alright then. What I believe, is that your life is still in danger and you being hidden, even from your parents would still be your greatest chance of survival." The Guardian Spirit answered sullenly. "There's only one way your going to be able to reunite with your parents..."

'...And that is to cultivate to the realm of the Gods, isn't it...' The little kitten sighed.

"Indeed. That's why this world is the perfect starting point for you. On this planet, the biggest threats are at the Sky Realm level. While still dangerous for you, compared to the rest of the Higher Realms is still really well chosen on your parents part." The Guardian Spirit's sullen expression changed into a surprisingly warming smile that surprised the little kitten

'My parents planned so much just to protect me...' The little kitten's eyes were turning hazy. 'No matter what, I need to reach the Divine Realm... And help my parents face off against whatever it is that threatens them!'

"However, I think I should inform you that your damaged soul will be a problem." The Guardian Spirit's expression turned stern. "It seems your soul transferring from the Lesser Realm to the Higher Realm was too much of a strain on your weak soul, causing it to receive a bit of damage..."

'How serious is it?...' The little kitten asked with a solemn expression.

"..." The Guardian Spirit sighed once more. "It will heal over time... But it will still take several years and will start slowing down your cultivation when you reach a certain Stage or Rank. Your soul can handle the strain right now, but when your soul grows to a certain strength, the damage will kick in, slowing your cultivation until that damage is healed."

'Is there not a way to heal my soul faster? How about a potion or an item?' The little kitten asked desperately

"In this small world... It will be quite difficult..." The Guardian Spirit shook its head solemnly. "...Honestly... Your biggest shot for recovery... Would be to undergo a contract with a human."

'Eh?' The little kitten was a little taken back by this. 'How does that help?'

"Well, a contract between a Magician and a Magical Beast links their souls together and one function of the contract, at least with the Equality Contract, will use one's soul to heal the other, which will increase your rate of healing. I would even say that you could be healed before you ever feel your cultivation being hindered if you were to enter a contract soon enough..." The Guardian Spirit explained.

'H-how convenient... Maybe I should go through with that contract with Jonathan's sister...' The little kitten mumbled in thought.

"Oh, you were already considering a contract? With a member of the Wilderwolf family, huh?..." The Guardian Spirit seemed to go into thought before speaking up again with a smile. "You'd be well of if you sign a contract with that family, they're rather the heroic bunch, you'd be safe there."

'Oh, you know the goings of the outside world?' The little kitten asked.

"Of course! It gets so boring being stuck here all my life. So I always talk to a few of the people going through my trials to learn the latest information about the outside world. And I've only heard nothing but good things about the Wilderwolf family. Though every successful family is always going to have its enemies, the Wilderwolf family can be considered righteous, yet powerful."

'I see... I guess I'll have to really start considering that contract then...' The little kitten sighed. She was a little scared to tie herself up to another party, especially to a person she had even met. 'Maybe if it was Jonathan... Maybe I should ask.'

"You talking about that boy you've been travelling with?" The Guardian Spirit asked as he pointed to one of the projectors on the wall, on which a fighting Jonathan could be seen. He was currently clashing with a brown masked figure.

'Yes, that's him!' The little kitten nodded.

"Hmm... I wouldn't make a contract with him." The Guardian Spirit shook its head.

'Why's that.' The little kitten's shoulders slumped.

"Your cultivation levels are too spread apart, you'd just hold him back from improving and put him in danger. I'm sure you don't want that. Also, this Jonathan fellow I believe is the eldest of the Wilderwolf, right?" The Guardian Spirit asked. The little kitten nodded in affirmation. "Then its very likely that he'd take up the role as the next family head... Which would mean he would be stuck here for the rest of his life..."

'I see... That makes sense, I guess Jonathan's not an option, then...' The little kitten sighed. 'Then I'm just going to have to see what sort of character Jonathan's sister is... Also, I must make sure she has talent for Magic as well...'

"Now then, let's move on from all this depressing stuff!" The Guardian Spirit spoke up, suddenly forming a wide grin as he just as suddenly clicked his fingers.

The little kitten had an eerie feeling upon seeing this before she suddenly felt herself experiencing the familiar scene of the world around her turning black and the feeling of nausea hitting her...