The Music Box

Thankfully, it didn't take long for the little kitten to calm down the girl who calls herself Andria. Sniffling her runny nose and last tears away, Andria picked up the little kitten and snuggled her into her bosom. A smile returned to her lips as she spent a few silent seconds stroking the kitten's soft fur.

"Wah, Andria loves Little Fang so much!" Andria hummed.

'A little soon to be declaring your love! And so young too! Though I seem to have that effect on most people.' The kitten shamelessly boasted. 'And this brat is really persistent on calling me Little Fang. It sounds so childish!'

"Oh, oh, Little Fang, look at what my daddy bought me!" Andria giggled as she rummaged a lone pocket of her frilly pink dress.

To the kitten's amazement, a palm size wooden box was pulled out that small pocket, one that was plainly too big to have filled in her pocket without bulging out in an unseemly fashion.

'A magic pocket?' The side of the little kitten's mouth twitched in vexation as she looked on amazed. 'This girl must truly be filthy rich!'

"Looky, looky!" Andria's chimed in her delicate voice as she fiddled with the box in front of her. The little kitten saw the box glow in a dim azure glow for the briefest of seconds before the top half of the box seemed to separate cleanly. Andria pulled that separated part backwards to reveal a small contraption inside. It was some sort of black disc with several ridges and a few metallic devices surrounding it, with one hanging over the disc, a thing much like a needle resting atop the disc.

'What is this thing?' The little kitten had never seen anything like it before and peaked at it curiously, finding herself caught in Andria's rhythm despite herself.

"Hehehe, Little Fang make such funny faces." Andria giggled and gently squeezed the kitten's fluffy cheeks. "Its amazing, huh? Daddy and Mummy buy Andria these all the time, they call them Music Boxes!"

'Oh, music box, huh? I've never took the time to listen to music before... Being just a street cat before.' The little kitten's head tilted upwards in thought as she reminisced on her time in her old world. She could remember that their was a lot of music there, but she had heard little of it in this world so far. 'Must not be as common among the common folk.'

"Play!" Andira infused more azure into the music box and soon after, the disc atop it began to spin as a pleasant melody played. It was a delicate soft sounding song that seemed catchy enough to hold a child's attention, though also complicated and adventurous enough to please the ears of someone older as well.

'Its rather good.' The little kitten couldn't help but nod, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the melody tickling her feline ears.

It was then that the little kitten suddenly heard an angelic voice sing along to the melody, which sounded both youthful and powerful, reaching high notes effortlessly as she sang.

"I am Shining in the Grace of the Seven~

Walking a Path of the Driven~

The Long Winding Road Covered in Vines~

All to Reach the Realm of the Divine~"

'The realm of the divine?... Sounds like the lyrics are talking about the long arduous path towards the Divine Realm. Seems to be the common dream of many.' The kitten pondered. 'What is the grace of the seven, though?'

When the little kitten opened her eyes to see that it was Andria who was singing, she wasn't exactly surprised, but she was amazed all the same. It did not sound like the voice of a 4 year old, it was way more powerful and graceful than such a young person could normally portray. But the truth was right in front of her.

"D-did you like Andria's singing, Little Fang?" Andria's chubby cheeks were red and she was clearly embarrassed, her eyes looked into the kitten's with deep anticipation.

"Meow!" The little kitten put enthusiasm in her voice to portray her approval.

"Hehe, Andria just LOVES singing, music is Andria's favourite!" Andria clapped her small hands cheerily and she began humming along with the music as it continued to play.

"ALEXANDRIA!!" A rough but feminine voice interrupted the tranquillity of the moment, sounding from behind Andria.

The little kitten manoeuvred her body up Andria's body to look over her small shoulders to have a look at the owner of this angered voice. At the end of the alleyway, the little kitten quickly spotted a mature women with short brown hair and sharp eyebrows. She looked stern and was dressed in a black and white dress that was quite simple in design.

"N-Nanny Drew!!" Andria shivered and tears filled her eyes before she stood up roughly, still hugging the kitten in her bosom. With quick steps, she ran to the mature woman's side and leapt into her embrace.

The woman called Nanny Drew was shocked at the girl's tear filled face. She had planned to give the naughty girl a shouting at for disappearing once again, but instead could only find herself patting the girl's head comfortingly and trying to calm her down instead. She was also surprised to find a rather cute looking silver kitten in her embrace as well. 'What's wrong with the Young Miss, she's never cried like this before... What happened?'

It was at this moment when Nanny Drew drew her eyes away from her crying Young Miss and found the two bodies stretched out a little ways off from them. Her eyes opened in shock and she quickly understood the reason her Young miss was in such a frightened state.

"W-what happened, did these men try to do something to you." Despite herself, Nanny Drew couldn't help the look of deep anger flashing through her eyes when she thought about anyone trying to hurt her adorable Young Miss.

"N-Nanny, t-they try... to hurt Andria!" Andria mumbled between tears and Nanny Drew's eyes grew more vicious for a second before returning to her usual warmth as she tried to get Andria to carry on. "...Lucky... Andria was lucky to find Little Fang... She?..."

Andria tilted her head before lifting the silver kitten and looking at the area between her legs before returning her safely to her bosom. "She saved me!"

'Another pervert!' The little kitten exclaimed and she couldn't help but compare the girl's action to Jonathan, who did much the same when they first met also.

"A person called Little Fang saved you?... Where is she?" Nanny Drew looked all around the alleyway, but saw no one else. "Did she leave?"

"No, dumb Nanny. She's right here in Andria's hands!" Andria laughed, her crying finally came to a stop and a youthful smile replaced it as she giggled.

"T-the cat?" Nanny Drew had a dumbfounded expression as she looked into the eyes of the kitten, who was looking back into hers. Nanny Drew could swear that their was mocking expression in those feline eyes...