Her Name is Lexa

"Ah, Little Fang really talked!" Andria cheered happily.

"Yup!" The little kitten excitedly nodded before clenching her teeth and spitting. "And now I can say, you are definitely not calling me Little Fang!"

"Wah, why?!" Andira cried out. "But its such a cute name!"

"Haha, remember lil' sis, you can't force your opinions on other people." Jonathan lovingly petted Andria's golden hair.

"O-okay, but can I come up with another one?..." Andria asked expectantly, looking at the kitten and Jonathan with puppy dog eyes.

"F-fine." The little kitten found herself unable to refuse her pleading eyes, much to her confusion.

"Then... What can Andria call you?..." Andria asked herself, her index finger resting on her chin as she tilts her little head. "Ah, how about Lexa!"

"Lexa?" Alexander's eyes widened in realisation before a small understanding smile graced his lips. "It would seem you think rather highly of this kitten, haha."

"Named after the Shooting Star Paragon Magician?" Jonathan also seemed to recognise the significance of this name.

"Whose the Shooting Star Para-migigy." The little kitten asked in confusion.

"She was a very powerful Magician who was on the bound of reaching divinity, but famously vanished before accomplishing as such. There are many rumours about her whereabouts, most of which speculates her to be dead. But whatever the case is, she was known as one of the strongest female magician's in the Higher Realms and was famous for mercilessly beating up anyone who tried to court her." Jonathan helpfully explained.

The kitten's eyes widened in awe. "Feisty... I like it!"

"Of course that's the part that attracts you." Jonathan rolled his eyes, but an amused smirk played on the side of his lips despite himself.

"Mummy tells me stories of the Shooting Star Paragon a lot, Andria really loves those stories!" Andria explained, her admiration for this Lexa figure palpable.

This upbeat atmosphere was then interrupted by the sound of a light cough, bringing the little kitten, Andria and Jonathan's attention to Alexander, whose expression had not turned serious and they all realised immediately that they were going to proceed to the real talk now.

"Now that that is all sorted out, do you think you can explain your origins now?" Alexander cuts in, a serious smile gracing his cold features. "I'm sorry if I seem too straight forward, but if a person is to be intimate with my family, I would like to know as much about them as possible."

The little kitten, now embracing the name of Lexa, gulped when she is faced with the suddenly serious and cold atmosphere. 'What a frightening papa!'

Lexa is silent for several moments, her greenish-red eyes looking into Alexander's, a pondering expression in them. How truthful should she be. How much can she trust them. All of these thoughts and more were swirling in her little head.

'Haha, what am I doing... Here I was all happy to be named after a famously feisty woman but now I'm thinking of being dishonest to the only people who have shown me warmth in this small life...' Lexa took a long look at Andria in particular as her mind worked. Looking into those excited and expectant violet eyes of hers that held abundant innocence, she could only let out a helpless sigh. 'I guess... I have already chosen my path.'

Lexa's clouded eyes turned confident and she looked back into Alexander's eyes as she spoke. "I am willing to tell you all I know!"

Alexander only nodded, he already felt himself trusting those honest eyes of the kitten in front of him and felt she would only tell the truth. Jonathan, who already held a strong trust in this month long companion, simply smiled.

Andria just looked on admiringly. She was still enraptured by the fact that the kitten in front of her could talk...

Lexa ignored their various expressions and began to work out how she could explain everything, she felt it was herculean task. Instead of worrying about if she could trust them, she was now wondering if they would even be able to believe her, considering how bizarre and unbelievable her origins had turned out to be. 'And in the end, they were only the speculations of an unreal, obnoxious, annoying, idiotic... *cough*... Artificial Being..."

Wiping off any wandering thoughts, Lexa finally began.

"I guess I should first explain... That I'm probably not originally from this world..." Lexa started off hesitantly.

Alexander's eyes widened before they narrowed in contemplation. "You mean... You came from outside Heavenly Claw World or..."

"Whoa, Lexa's an alien?!" Andria exclaimed, eyes lit up in awe, her words causing a chuckle to escape Jonathan's lips while causing the little kitten to just roll her eyes helplessly.

Lexa sighed and shook off that comment before replying to the first. "My first memories are of living in a world that I now know as being in the Lower Realms. I lived a peaceful life, without magic living as a simple street cat."

"Oh, there is no Aura in the Lower Realms indeed, so I guess you couldn't practice magic or such." Jonathan nodded in understanding, his mind connecting the dots in his head.

"How did you come to leave the Lower Realms and land in our small world then?" Alexander asked, confused.

"Well, the last memory I have of my old world is dying, being ran over by a... An advanced carriage like object, I guess you could call it. I then arrived here, right next to Red Winter Forest. It was on the same day that I came to this world that I came across Jonathan." Lexa explained.

"When I saved you from a Hell Monkey!" Jonathan smiled as he reminisced. "So you had only newly arrived in our world when I first met you? That explains a lot, like how a Magical Beast could be so inept in her understanding of magic."

"So you don't know how you got here?" Alexander brought the conversation back on track.

"Well, not exactly. But when we participated in the Thunder Mountain Hunt, I surprisingly found that the Guardian Spirit there actually seemed to have some knowledge of my origins!"

"Oh, I guess that makes some sense. These Guardian Spirit's are designed and created by beings of the Divine Realm after all, they're bound to know things that we don't understand." Alexander nodded his head in understanding.

"Yeah, but to find out anything, I had to pass the red freaks damn trials." The side of Lexa's mouth twitched at the thought. Those trials were quite horrible... The teleporting even more so... "In the end, I was able to pass the trials with flying colours, obviously, and I was able to gain a little bit of knowledge."

Even though she had already decided she would tell them everything, she still found herself hesitating at this point. But in the end, her resolve won over and she continued. "According to the Guardian Spirit, It is possible that I am the daughter of a God from the Divine Realm, sent to live in the Lower and Higher Realms for my safety..."

Lexa goes into more detail from there on while Alexander and Jonathan listen on intensively, only talking to ask a few questions every there and then. Finally, after a solid 10 minutes of conversation, the kitten's explanation finally came to an end.

"I would have never guessed... If what that Guardian Spirit guesses is true, you have quite the task ahead of you if you wish to reunite with your family." Jonathan says with pitying eyes. He couldn't imagine the pain of knowing your family is out there and being unable to reach them, his family has always been in hands reach after all.

"I'll definitely reunite with them!" Lexa responds resolutely.

"Wawa, Andria too! Andria will help Little Fang Lexa find her Mummy and Daddy!" Andria pumped her beady fists in the air. She felt a deep pain looking into the eyes of the kitten's, which seemed to hold a strong loneliness whenever the matter of her family was brought up.

"Hmm, I wish for that too." Lexa nods at Andria, a soft tone to her voice. Though her words were quiet, they caused great shock to the three Wilderwolf family members.

"Oh, does that mean?..." Jonathan's voice drifted off, a smile on his face, though a little sadness could be reflected in his eyes.

"Lexa will be Andria's partner?!" Andria thumped the table with her two soft palms in her excitement, a wide grin on her face.

"Only if your father approves." Lexa smiled, turning her attention to Alexander while her mind went into thought. 'There's no room to regret this anymore... Yes, this feels right.'

Alexander looks on for several seconds, obviously pondering on this matter very seriously before letting out a helpless sigh. "Fine, I don't know if I can believe everything about you... It is quite a lot to take in... But I feel I can trust your character, and I also trust my sons judgement. Unlike my three younger ones, this oldest one's somewhat competent in that field."

Those finals words were said in a laugh which broke off Alexander's cold exterior, returning to the usual warmth when looking at his loved ones.

'Its decided then.' The kitten, now named by her future partner as Lexa, closed her eyes in contemplation. They opened seconds later with a look of determination and warmth as she faced the excited Andria, a smile somehow forming on her feline lips.

She felt that while her future was a mystery, as long as she faced it with her usual hotheadedness and lived her days simply trying her best to reach her goals, that everything would be fine... Somewhat.

While these thoughts were whirling in her mind, forming a strong determination in her heart, she felt a familiar force being sucked into her body. It was the feeling she had when she climbed the Stairs of Ascension, at the end when she activated the Element of Self. With this force entering her body, it seemed to be pulled into her soul. While not pushing her any closer in her ascension to the Major Magical Beast Rank, she felt that her soul had grown more powerful nevertheless...