The Volcanic Eagle's Inheritance

"What a great exchange of moves, especially the Fourth Young Master of the Farhawk family. If Sandra hadn't acted so swiftly in that final moment, the victory might have already been in his hands!" The energetic voice of the host spoke up amidst the excited cheers of the audience. Reckless and daring actions like these were what excited the audience most!

Seeing the excited crowd and even hearing people cheering his name, Chris couldn't hold back the grin forming his lips; even through his attempts at trying to appear indifferent to it all.

"Can't keep the audience waiting!" Chris grinned confidently and sauntered forth, his eyes like daggers as they glared viciously towards his opponent.

Across from him, the girl had a sweat drop running down her cut up cheek, causing her to flinch due to the stinging it caused. But she spared it no thought and kept her gaze on her opponent's as she assumed a martial pose, determination exuding from it.

'Can't let him control the pace... Its time to go all out!' With renewed determination, she quickly chanted a spell which soon caused the creation of a fiery blaze around her that quickly took on a drastic transformation that suddenly coalesced into a thick liquid like substance. It had become magma!

"Oh, Sandra Button has tapped into the Element of Magma for her next spell. To my knowledge, Sandra Button doesn't have an alignment to that element, meaning that this is an external element for her. To use it during this moment, she must have some confidence in her insight into Magma!" The host spoke out in surprise.

At first, the magma took on no shape, but slowly morphed midair into the shape of a winged beast, its expansive wings were spread wide and its sharp, elongated beak was stretched out, as if cawing a bestial cry. Only no sound erupted from the magma's form.

"I-isn't that bird..." A voice from the audience exclaimed in his disbelief.

Soon, the whole audience was mesmerised by this image and held looks of awe. Even the host held the same expression as he excitedly spoke out. "Its the Volcanic Eagle! Her magma doesn't only take on the shape of one of the Five Legendary Beasts but also gives off the same presence! That could only mean Sandra Button has somehow gained some insight into one of the Volcanic Eagle's inheritance!"

The Five Legendary Beast's were the strongest living beings throughout Claw Reverence World, all at the peak of the Sky Realm. Having been around since near the world's creation, they have left some inheritances throughout the land during their long life span. Despite this, people who have been able to inherit something from the Five Legendary Beast's can only be described as few. The reason that the inheritance doesn't spread once found, is that the Five Legendary Beast's would personally hunt anyone who dared to. Their inheritance was strictly for those who had found them and were able to pass their trials. Why they don't want their inheritance more spread out, empowering all of Claw Reverence, has always been up to debate.

So for a young 10 year old girl to have inherited something from the Volcanic Eagle, it can only be described as miraculous. It also shows off her abilities, as to be able to gain the approval of one of the Five Legendary Beast's and gaining their inheritance didn't only require finding it, but also passing a difficult trial.

'I didn't want to use this so soon, but I can't let this end here, not against a brat like this. If I win now, I'll definitely be able to find a good teacher in the future to take me on.' A look of deep determination shun in the girl's eyes as Sandra sent the Volcanic Eagle form forth.

When Chris saw this incoming attack, his pupils contracted and a sense of fear could be seen reflected in them for the first time.

'No way I can let this b*tch beat me, Daddy will kill me!' Chris' fists were shaking as they clenched hard enough to draw blood, which was diluted in sweat as it swept down his fingers, dripping onto the white floor beneath.

"Don't get cocky!" Chris spat out savagely before he leapt backwards, chanting a spell in the meantime. One could tell how big this spell was by the sheer length it took to finish and many knowledgeable Magician's in the audience immediately recognised the chant to this particular spell and they couldn't hold back their shock.

"Amazing! Chris is attempting to use one of the Farhawk's most powerful spells of the Hawk Mimicry Arts, the 'Illusive Torrential Hawk' spell!" The host exclaimed, a shocked look on his face as he spoke out excitedly. "This is a spell that one usually learns at the beginning of lnner Haven Rank. Though it may be weaker being used at Chris' current level, this attack will surely be nothing to scoff at!"

When the spell was completed, water and wind began to coalesce around Chris' form, taking on the form of droplets of water and needle like sharp wind as it shot up into the air. Soon, the mixture of twisting rain and wind took on the distinct form of a large hawk that didn't lose out to the Volcanic Eagle of lava in size and grandness.

With the Volcanic Eagle already bearing down on Chris, it didn't take long before both spells clashed in a magnificent bang that resounded loudly throughout the whole stadium to the excited cheers of the audience. Upon contact of the two forces, water and magma caused a strong steam cloud that clouded over the whole exchange, making it impossible for the average person to see which side had won over the other until several seconds later.

The steam had yet to dissipate when a brightly lit form sprung out of the steam cloud, steam billowing off it in its wake.

Chris looked in terror as the Volcanic Eagle got closer and closer to him, fear taking over his body, causing him to go in a state of stillness. He wanted to act, but found himself unable to.

The audience looked on in shock and worry as that volcanic form threatened to engulf Chris, and some even closed their eyes in fear of the sight of seeing this young boy die before their eyes. This was of course only a lap in judgement on their parts, as of course Hawk Academy would not let their students be killed so simply, especially someone with Chris Farhawk's status as the son of the principal of their very school.

So as predicted by everyone, the host had acted quickly, though strangely.


The sound of the host snapping his finger in a rather casual manner rang out through the stadium. In conjunction with this sudden sound, everything in the arena suddenly paused, as if time itself had stopped.

"Oh, time magic!" Andria clapped her hands in awe.

"Is that host so strong?" Lexa found it hard to believe as the host had looked very average all this time.

"It will be an ability of the arena itself, these arena's are somewhat common throughout the continent and can stop everything in its confines up to the power of a Spirit Rank Magician. Though it is all subjective, there are certain Spirit Ranked Magician's who could walk through the arena entirely unaffected." A Wilderwolf soldier explained. "The host most likely has a link with the arena, allowing him to activate its ability at will. I assume the snapping of the fingers was... Just for show."

"...I see." The side of Lexa's feline lips twitched. At least she understood now.

"The victor of the first preliminary match is Sandra Button!!" The host snappily announced. The audience began clapping fervently and cheered out excited congratulation's to the winner.

In the arena, the Volcanic Eagle vanished into azure particles and the steam slowly dissipated as well. At the same time, Sandra Button and Chris Farhawk had begun to move again as well.

Sandra looked on dumbly for a moment as she seemed to progress the last several moments before a wide smile appeared on her chubby, youthful cheeks as she began to laugh out happily shooting her two fists upwards in a victory pose, igniting further cheers from the audience.

"Go Sandra, Andria knew you could kick that uncouth brat's bottom!!" Andria joined in the excitement. Lexa simply laughed in her hands, finding her actions cute.

Meanwhile, after the time spell had deactivated, Chris had fell on his bottom as he looked on in disbelief. Despite losing, he had not taken any damage. In fact, he seemed to be in a much better state than the winner, who had several cuts and bruises on her body.

Snapping out of his dazed state, Chris quickly became indignant as he cried out. "I demand a rematch!!"