The Kidnapping

In the darkness of night, Lexa was stirred awake with the feeling of unease. She didn't know why, but something felt wrong...

An eerie feeling welling up inside her...

But looking around the inside of the tent, she couldn't help but doubt this feeling of unease as her physical senses picked up on no presence in her general vicinity, none that that didn't register as friendly anyway. Andria was still sleeping cutely beneath her, the tips of her fingers peeking out the sleeping bag as she grasped the edge of it and murmured quietly in her sleep.

Brushing it off, Lexa was just about to go back to sleep when her eyes suddenly flew wide open and her fur stood on its end as she was suddenly grasped roughly by the back of her neck and thrown maliciously to the side.

Her mouth opened wide to let out a pained scream, but to her shock, no sound escaped her lips!

Lexa let out a silent cough as she turned to look at the fiend who had thrown her, but looked on with confusion when no figure could be seen where this mysterious attacker should be. She couldn't even feel any foreign aura around her, indicating that there should truly be nothing there.

But that was clearly false!

'Some sort of ghost?!' Lexa questioned internally with a furrowed brow.


'This cat is actually a Magical Beast?!' Savre's eyes opened wide in surprise. 'I can actually sense aura emanating from it. It's rather weak, probably a Minor Magical Beast... But it also seems young, so that level is actually rather impressive... Either way, I can't let her go. Killing her would be an absolute waste!...'

Savre walked up to the cat as the beast looked left and right, unable to get even a clue on his baring. Savre smirked contentedly at this before raising his fist, aura enshrouding it in a blue glow. It let out a blue glow that was still invisible in the eyes of the kitten.

But to his surprise, when his punch was about to make contact with the soft flesh of the kitten's upper back, the little Magical Beast leapt from its spot just in time to dodge the attack. His fist continued forth as it struck the ground explosively, sending shards of earth flying madly, though even still no sound was emitted. Only the earth vibrated with a heavy rumble.

'How did it sense me?!' Savre exclaimed internally just as he noticed the flaring of aura to his left side as four white lines flew through the air, threatening to strike him in a matter of seconds.

Despite his shock and delayed reaction, Savre was still at a level that outclassed the kitten's, and reacting swiftly, struck out with a dagger that was previously strapped to his waist. The dagger was empowered by the Element of Wind, causing it to be frighteningly sharp and agile as it struck into the side of the attacking spell threatening down on him and shattering it instantly, the remnants of the spell whizzing off into the air harmlessly before dissipating entirely in a rapid fashion.

'This guy's powerful!' Lexa gritted her teeth and exclaimed internally. She only had one option left against such a powerful foe! 'Scorching Ray!!'

The bangle on Lexa's tail shun with a blaring red glow, grabbing Savre's attention immediately before it sent off three beams of red light shooting at him at an extreme velocity. Savre realised the power of this attack was much more powerful than her previous attack and instantly summoned a thick, deep fog that enveloped his entire body. When the three beams struck the black fog, they seemed to vanish in its dark, misty form and there seemed to be a struggle happening within the fog before two of the red beams suddenly struck back out, heading straight at the little kitten!

The kitten didn't have a chance against the speed of these beams, only managing to avoid the brunt of one of them whilst another struck her straight in her back leg, piercing through and burning her flesh, digging into it and drawing blood. If her voice wasn't muted, she would have been unable to hold back the shrieking scream that would have escaped her mouth.

The pain was excruciating!

Lexa's right leg buckled, unable to hold her weight and she collapsed to the tent's floor beneath. Her eyes were scrunched together as she gritted her teeth and tried to hold back her pain. She couldn't afford to lose herself now.

'Can't beat him... N-need to... Run... And get h-' Lexa couldn't even finish her thoughts before she was suddenly struck in the head, knocking her into the sea of darkness of unconsciousness...


'Damn b*tch!' Savre cried out internally as he held a profusely bleeding wound on the left side of his waist. Crimson blood leaked and dripped through the gaps of his fingers, and no amount of pushing against the wound seemed to stop the bleeding. 'My damn Slithering Fog spell could only reflect two of the attacks!... I can't believe I didn't realise that the third spell was actually two spells interlinked with each other, masking it.'

Savre let out several deep breaths before reaching for a bag that was hanging by his waist, which happened to be a Magic Pocket. Reaching into it, Savre pulled out a vial with a red liquid swimming inside. Unhesitatingly, he pulled open the lid and downed the liquid. In a matter of seconds, the blood leaking from his waist slowed down, though not entirely. It would seem the potion was not proficient enough to fully heal the extensive damage caused by the 'Scorchin Ray' spell.

'Its not enough. I'll need to grab more potions when I return.' Thinking along those lines, Savre turned to face the girl, his true target, only to find that she seemed to be stirring awake. With a vicious grin he walked up to her just as she sat up from her lying position, rubbing her eyes as she adjusted to being awakened.

She tried to talk but found that her voice didn't come out and instantly her expression paled when she noticed the mysterious and scary looking man in her tent. Her shaking eyes then reached the downed and bloodied form of Lexa's and tears began to stream down her pale cheeks. She tried to cry out for her Daddy, but her voice would not come out, just adding on to her growing anxiety.

She couldn't perform any powerful spells without chanting and could only watch as the man inched closer to her, fear enveloping her.

'No! I've got to run!' Instead of wallowing in fear, Andria managed to find some strength in her small body. She quickly became determined and her small legs threw her towards the unconscious Lexa, who she picked up in her arms as quickly and cleanly as she could. Lexa felt pained emotionally when she felt a wetness staining her pajamas, knowing that it was the blood flowing from the kitten in her hands. 'I need to get help quick!'

Trying to take advantage of her small form, with Lexa in her hands, Andria attempted to duck from Savre's grasp as she sprinted for the tent's exit.

But how could a small child escape the grasp of the agile, more powerful Savre?

Andria felt the back of her neck being grasped roughly, squeezing down on her skin and bruising it badly as it dug into her soft skin. He was unrelenting with his strength.

Andria's fingers and toes clenched as she was dragged off her feet and Savre held her up by the scruff of her neck, turning her dangling body to face his grinning face. He shook his head and the index finger of his free hand before taking the kitten in his hands as well, holding her haphazardly by the scruff of her neck, just like Andria.

Uncaring for the girl struggling to escape his grasp, Savre walked out of the tent and into the darkness of the forest, no one aware that their beloved Young Miss was being kidnapped right under their noses. Even Alexander did not notice as he still laid sleeping the night away, his passive senses weakened by his unconsciousness...

Andria cried silently, swinging wildly with her four limbs as she attempted to escape this intruders grasp. But her child body was unable to even scratch the man's skin. Savre just looked at her sneeringly before shoving her downwards, crashing her into the earthly ground below without a care for her well being.

Andria lost her breath for a moment due to the extreme pain of that blow and her tears dripped onto the dirt as Savre held her head against it, the pain of his hands crushing her head against the earth was unbearable for her and she fought to pull his muscular arms off of her.

Savre didn't bother anymore and pulled her back up and continued walking, not caring that the girl was still struggling. He didn't want to keep the Beast-Eyed Killer waiting too long, lest he find himself on his bad side...

Quickening his steps, Savre dragged his two victims in the shade of the night, the light of a crimson moon shining through the dark grey clouds and shrouding the earth below, casting the land in an eerie light...