Crying Night

"Daddy!!" Andria cried out.

Tears welling up in her eyes, Andria scampered to her feet and ran over to her bastion, arms flailing and legs tripping in her haste. With a last leap, Andria landed in her father's comforting hands, squeezing her own wee ones around his large waist as she cried pitifully in his chest.

"Little An..." Alexander's pained voice croaked out as she patted her head, only now noticing that it was actually much shorter than it should be. With trepidation, Alexander gripped his daughter by the shoulder's and pulled her back from their hug and was distraught by the bruises now littering her body and the blood leaking from her nose and the several cuts covering her.

"Alexander!" Lexa limped over to their side as well before plopping down next to them, her body aching too much to push her on much further. Alexander gave her a tight smile before returning his attention to his daughter.

"You are safe now, all the bad things will disappear soon..." Alexander gave Andria the most comforting smile he could squeeze out at this heart wrenching moment before tapping her softly on her glabella.

Andria tried her best to return her father's smile when suddenly she felt her consciousness give way. Her ragged head lulled backwards as her eyes closed slowly into rest, her body turning limp in her father's hands.

"Whoa." Lexa muttered, rather surprised by the act.

"She does not need to see this." Alexander spoke with tight lips as he laid Andria comfortably to rest on the ground before looking at Lexa with a warm smile. "Stay next to her, it would be nice for her to see you first if she were to awaken."

"Hmm." Lexa hummed, turning her attention towards the sleeping Andria. She was sleeping so peacefully now, greatly contrasting with their last hour of tragedy. Only, Lexa knew that things won't be so peaceful when Andria woke back up. The things that happened to her will not be so easily forgotten, sadly...

Taking Alexander's words to heart, Lexa used the last of her strength and crawled onto her partner's chest and rested there, feeling the lulling effect of her rising and falling chest as she breathed in her sleep.

Alexander gave the cat one last nod before returning his attention to the large crowd several steps in front of them, who all stood still as a great pressure continuously pressed down on them. Some of the weaker one's were even having trouble standing under this great weight, their knees buckling and sweat drenching their tattered clothing.

"I-it's over..." Savre stuttered, his jaw shaking in his mad fear.

"You are lucky I am not a cruel person!!" Alexander growled.

With the flip of his right hand, a long spear suddenly formed into being in his clenching grip. This spear was incredibly long, a metallic black with intricate golden runes travelling across its polished surface. At the tip of the pole, ice blue fur flowed constantly in the wind as if under water. Its blade was incredibly sharp, extending several ft in length and glowing in a dull ice blue colour.

"I-it's 'Crying Night'!!" One of the Beast-Eyed Killer's lackeys cried out, his eyes widening at the spear's appearance.

This was the Left Hand man of Falcio Kingdom, Alexander Wilderwolf's trademark weapon, the 'Crying Night' Spear. This was a Magical Weapon that was actually of the highly sought after Pulsing Rank, a weapon every Sky Magician vied for, but only about half of them could actually acquire.

Lexa was rather enraptured by the beauty of this spear and felt a special presence from it whenever she looked at it that spoke of its sheer might. She understood the namesake for this spear when Alexander began to maneuver the spear, as a melodic cry would sound at its every moment, both scratchy, like nails cut across ice and also like a bird song, pleasant and comforting.

Lexa was only woke up from her reverie when Alexander finally made his move, his form disappearing into nothing. His speed transcended her and every else's vision in this area.

"You seem important!" Alexander's presence was only given away when his voice reverberated in their numb ears, sending a chill through all their spines. Most shaken was Savre, as the voice sounded right beside his ear.

His eyes closed in trepidation and defeat. He knew it was over.


A guttural cry echoed throughout the surrounding area, one could tell the pain that was overtaking him, his cry was so visceral.

Lexa was rather shocked, as instead of using his spear, Alexander had actually only placed the palm of his free hand on the back of the man's head, rather softly at that. Yet, the man seemed to be experiencing the most visceral pain she had ever seen one go through.

A peculiarity that Lexa noticed was the man's eyes which had gone strangely cloudy and his eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably. Soon his cries came to a croaky end and the man turned limp as his body slumped to the ground, his arms struggling to hold himself up off the ground.

"So there are people behind this..." Alexander muttered, a dark gleam flashed in his cold eyes for the briefest of seconds behind his glasses before vanishing as he decisively rose his spear into the air and stabbed it down unhesitatingly.

Savre let out a mute cry as he spat out dark blood, coating his chin and the earth as he finally lost all strength. He only felt the sharp pain at the center of his body before all feeling was lost. Finally his eyes turned dull, his life turning forfeit.

"That man... Seems familiar..." Alexander muttered under his breath, his attention not even on the man he just stole of his life. Instead, images were playing inside his head of memories. Memories he had actually taken from Savre. In these images, he saw the form of the lanky man as he handed Savre a medallion that portrayed a ghoulish beast on its form which Alexander now understood as actually being a Pulsing Item! The same rank as his own spear.