Andria's Laugh

Sandra, Jared and even Seph were surprised by the sudden turn of events and they looked on with tense nerves, wondering what this cat was thinking.

"No!!" Andria puffed up her cheeks and resolutely shook her head as she instantly disagreed. "Lexa is Andria's partner!"

"Well Lexa doesn't want to be partners with a whiny little girl!" Lexa spat back, an excited gleam shining secretly in her eyes. 'Its working, she's finally breaking out of her shell!'

"..." Andria sniffed as she held back her incoming tears before her voice belted out with a powerful conviction as she rubbed her eyes clean of any tears. "Andria will be better, Andria will cry no more!"

Lexa looked into those violet eyes as they bore into her own with such a powerful conviction only a fool could doubt them and finally her tough act faltered as a soft laugh resounded.

"That's the Andria I know!" Lexa chirped cheerily.

"Eh?" Andria muttered as a deep look of confusion overtook her before warping into one of realisation, one had to say it was cute how each of her emotions were shown clearly as they changed on her chubby cheeks. "You tricked me!"

"Yeah, and it worked a charm!" Lexa was practically smirking as she responded un-apologetically. "So, you feel like moping now?"

"Humph" Andria let out a huff as she fell to the floor and sat down with her palms holding her up behind her. "Ah, I don't care anymore. I just want to sleep now."

This caused all of them to laugh, with even Seph letting out a genuine smile. Andria couldn't help herself and began laughing as well.

Lexa couldn't explain how releiving it was to hear Andria laughing once more and she felt that the long night had finally come to an end.

"Come on, I'm sure we've got plenty of time to get some sleep." Lexa leapt from Seph's shoulder and Andria gladly caught her.

"Wow, you really have grown. You're like an adult cat now!" Andria exclaimed after catching the cat which was now much heavier in her hands.

Saying their farewells to Sandra, Jared and Seph, Andria and Lexa headed to their tent to get some much needed rest.

Despite the light of dawn rising in the horizon, Andria and Lexa both found sleep quickly and the only sound sound that could be heard in the tent was the subtle sound of soft breathing.


"So she's went to sleep... Good, that's good." Alexander smiled softly. He was currently in his tent which was rather big, allowing for several people to be in it without feeling cramped and allowing for most men to be able to stand upright. Across from him was the Spirit Rank Wilderwolf soldier, who had just updated Alexander on Andria, including the "quarrel" between Andria and Lexa and Andria's improved state of mind. "looks like I wasn't wrong to allow that cat to be my girl's partner."

With a relieved smile on his face, Alexander dismisses the man across from him, making it so only he was left in the tent. Immediately, his head rolls back on his chair and his entire body loosens as he pinches the bridge of his nose, a pained look scrunching up his face and his breathing becomes noticeably rougher.

'That damn poison is still in effect!...' Alexander complains internally, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. If it were not for the sake of keeping appearances for his men and his daughter, he would have passed out long ago and it only now that he can finally relax. The hand clutching the bridge of his nose loosens and falls to his side and his eyes close softly as sleep overtakes him...


Nothing was found after a whole days investigation and upon waking up, Alexander called off the search and told everyone to rest another night before they head off for Falcon City proper. This was to allow himself and his daughter some more rest.

Finally, the next morning, preparation to head off began. Tents were being stored away in Magic Pockets and a good communal breakfast was being ate in haste. If they wanted to reach Falcon City before sundown, they would have to rush somewhat. Another reason for the haste was the fear of another attack. The sooner everyone was back in the confines of the capital city, the sooner everyone would finally feel a modicum of safety.

"Aaah!" Lexa let out an un-brazened yawn as she squeezed through the drapes of her tent and felt contented when a soft breeze fluffed her silver fur. Her wounds would still take a little time to heal, but her exhaustion had mostly evaporated and her heightened emotions had finally calmed to normalcy. Things were made even better when Andria came rushing out behind her, a healthy colour to her cheeks.

"I told you to wait!" Andria huffed, scrambling after she almost tripped in her rush.

"There's no waiting for food!" Lexa declared, a loud grumble of her stomach sounded just at that moment, as if backing her up. "I haven't in a whole day!"

With that, Lexa rushed off towards the smell of food and Andria followed foot, grumbling behind her. "Leave some for Andria!"

Around them, those that overheard their conversation let small smiles light up their face as some let out breaths of relief. They couldn't help but praise this young master of theirs, she was truly tough for a young 4 year old.

"Good morning Daddy!" Andria greeted with a eccentric wave as she and Lexa stumbled into a congregation of people eating in front of a large fire where food was being cooked on skewers. Alexander was there, a skewer in hand and his cheeks inflated with food. Andria couldn't help but tease her father at the comical sight. "Hehe, apparently it isn't only Lexa who was starving!"

"Breakfast is the most important meal after all." Alexander gulped down his food and smiled at his daughter. Despite the teasing smile on her face, Alexander couldn't feel any happier. Because his daughter was finally smiling again.


End of Book 3!

Book 4 will have a little bit of time jumping and shouldn't be that long :D

I know my release rates for the last month or two have been terrible, and I can't promise that it will improve, but just know that I'm still working on this series. My main problem the last month was that I was really struggling with writing these emotional scenes and still I'm not really happy with it, but oh well. Things should be happier from now on and hopefully more easier for me to write. Fingers crossed!