Breakthrough Inheritance (1)

"Here we go." Jermine smiled as he opened the door in front of the small group, revealing beyond it a rather homely room of considerable size. It seemed to be a room that crossed the barrier between a living room and a study room as amongst sofa's and well-polished tables of extravagant wood, were piles of books and notes filled to the brim with intricate writing. Bookshelves littered the walls and one could tell how frequent these books had been used by how neatly they been laid out for repeated use. Many of the books were tattered and yellowed however, revealing the relentless damage of time.

Having thoroughly looked around the peculiar room from where she stood, Lexa joined everyone else in entering the room with small steps, taking her time to look at certain artefacts that were laid out across the room. Like the skull of some sort of Magical Beast or some sort of massive necklace that was made out of thick chains and several dangling teeth that Lexa wasn't sure was true ivory or some sort of non-organic replacement.

When Andria took a seat at one of the couches in the middle of the room, Lexa joined her by leaping onto her thighs and found a comfy seat for herself there. Andria broke out into a smile and scratched the back of one of her pointed ears, easing out a purr of satisfaction from the silver cat.

Alexander let out a smile of his own as he joined her daughter in sitting on the same sofa by her side and opposite them, a laugh sounded as Jermine took his own seat upon a chair opposing their one and across a round table.

"Okay then; now that we are all settled, shall we get straight down to business then?" Jermine quirked an eyebrow as he asked, his gaze turning to Alexander as the adult of the group.

"We can settle any business us two have later and start with Lexa so that they can go out and play while us two talk. Is that fine?" Alexander came to a quick decision and turned to Andria to see if she had any objections, which she did not.

"The sooner we get done with this, the sooner Andria gets to play with all of Uncle Jermine's cute Magical Beasts!!" Andria's excitement was palpable as she giggled happily.

"Don't you have a cute Magical Beast here? Is this cat not enough for you?" Lexa mock cried, mirth in her eyes.

"Is Lexa jealous?" Andria cooed and pinched the adorable silver cat's cheek.

Lexa's mirth vanished and she brushed off Andria's teasing hands as she harrumphed audibly, not bothering with the big bully anymore. Andria just giggled at her reaction, finding it cute before turning to face her Uncle Jermine when he coughed to grab their attention once more. An amused smile danced on the man's lips, ensuring Andria that he wasn't upset but actually found the interaction between Tamer and Beast amusing, much to Lexa's chagrin.

"Alright, I'm going to be upfront and say that even after researching for several days, pretty much since your request Alexander, the information I have found is minimal at best." Jermine sighed, a frustrated frown on his face.

"Don't worry yourself over it, I had expected as such." Alexander sighed as well.

"In cases like this where my knowledge is too limited, it's better if I just ask the subject themselves in a straight forward manner." Jermine turned to face Lexa as he said this, who returned his gaze. "So then, what can you tell us about yourself?"

"okay then..." Lexa sighed before beginning her explanation unbounded. She told Jermine of her experience in the Thunder Mountain Ruins and all that she had learned there and any other titbit she knew, but most of her knowledge so far originated from Thunder Mountain, so she mostly talked of her experience there.

"A Magical Beast… From the Divine Realm… No, a daughter of Magical Beast's from the Divine Realm is more accurate." It was fair to say that Jermine was extremely shocked from what he heard, and the way he looked at Lexa became complicated, as if she were a complex puzzle with several missing pieces. "It's too bad our information of the Divine Realm is practically nothing, *sigh*… If it weren't because of a few ancient texts, we probably wouldn't even know of the existence of the three realms, let alone a Divine Realm. I don't know any Magical Beasts at such a high level beyond those in legends… And none come to mind related to cats, even if the myths are to be believed."

"Dorsn't that makr Lexa a Goddess?!" Andria chirped.

"In beauty, yes. But in cultivation, no." Lexa sighed, it would take some time for her cultivation to reach the level of her looks…

Her narcissistic comments only brought a pause in the flow of the conversation before Alexander promptly ignored her words and changed topic.

"Its no wonder you increased in cultivation so quickly…" Despite having already heard this tale before, Alexander still felt incredulous about the whole thing. It was something truly hard to fathom and he began to become unsure if he should feel excited at the prospect of his daughter gaining such a promising ally, or feeling solemn that she had gained such a treasured Magical Beast. One had to imagine that if anyone else learnt of this matter, the danger it would bring. With a serious gaze, Alexander addressed the silver cat herself with stern words after some thought on the matter. "Remember Lexa, you must not tell anyone else of this outside of this room, without first consulting us at least!"

"Don't worry, this cat isn't stupid. I only planned to tell you, Jonathan, Uncle Kil and Andria at first, but seeing the friendship you have with Jermine, I thought it would be a good idea to have him in on the knowledge as well, seeing as he knows more than any of us on the subject of Magical Beasts." Lexa responded solemnly, even she could not handle this situation with a light heart.

"Good, that goes for you too, Andria." Andria was a little taken back by the sternness in her father's words and immediately knew the seriousness of the situation.

"Andria understands!" Andria declared, and as if accepting a seriously important mission she pumped her fist.

"You truly are an anomaly… There's not much I can do to help you." Jermine spoke apologetically, his voice solemn at his own uselessness.

"Nah, its fine. I already got a lot from Thunder Mountain and…" Lexa suddenly remembered something in the middle of her words, and an excited gleam shined in her green-red eyes. "Oh right, it didn't tell me much about my past but there is something else that happened recently!"

"Oh, what's that?" Jermine queried, keen to find out anymore details about this peculiar specimen across from him.

Alexander was also interested and perked his ears as he looked at the cat sitting on his daughter's thighs once more. All the while his daughter continued to mindlessly caress Lexa's fur as she also listened in with open ears. She had to know everything about her new companion after all!

"It happened during… The events of that Thistle Forest place…" Lexa's voice was a little solemn as she spoke of this, but she quickly shook her head of any meandering thought and continued. "Anyway, it was when I broke through to the Major Magical Beast Rank!... After successfully reaching my new rank, a flood of information came to light in my mind!!"

"This!..." Jermine eyes shot open, a look of pleasant surprise shining in them, mirroring the look of Alexander across from him, while Andria just looked at the scene with a clueless expression until eventually her eyes also shot open.

One had to understand that Andria didn't actually realise anything and just thought it would be funny to copy the dumb look the two were making…