Sicilia Dunnwal Character sheet

Name: Sicilia Gella Dunnwal

Epithet: "The Viper"

Hair Colour: Silver

Eye Colour: Purple/ Violet

Age: 19


Physical ability - B

Magical ability - B

Intelligence - B

Technique - B

Politics - B

Tactics - B

Charisma - B


The third youngest and only female of the Dunnwal siblings, Sicilia Dunnwal is well known among the Dunnwal's subjects but not on the same level as her brothers. The ultimate 'jack of all trades,' Sicilia has no real detrimental faults in the same way she has no real outstanding qualities.

She was neither as politically charismatic as Cromwell nor as talented in business and management as Keizwell. She is even outdone in fading into the background by Maxwell. Even though she was a very capable noble, the fact that she was often outshone by her brothers lead to her developing a sort of inferiority complex.

As such Sicilia ended up becoming more of a follower than a leader, even though she herself wouldn't admit it. During her spare time, Sicilia would often run 'questionable errands' for her brothers.

Despite this, Sicilia still truly loves her family and respects their abilities and shortcomings.

Nevertheless, it would be a grave mistake for one to underestimate the Viper of the Dunnwal family and may God help anyone who draws her wrath.