Cromwell Dunnwal Character Sheet

Name: Cromwell Gorro Dunnwal

Epithet: "The Boa"

Hair Colour: Silver

Eye Colour: Purple/ Violet

Age: 21


Physical ability - A

Magical ability - C

Intelligence - C

Technique - B

Politics - S

Tactics - D

Charisma - A


The most well liked and well renowned member of the Dunnwal siblings, second only to his father, Cromwell is often considered to be the face of the Dunnwal family even though his father is the family head.

With a charismatic and likeable personality, Cromwell is known to be able to easily smooth talk his way out of most situations, with mostly only his family members being the exceptions. A true player and ladies man at heart, it isn't rare to see Cromwell taking at least two women with him into his private chambers of the Dunnwal castle.

Surprisingly, Cromwell is also very talented at the sword, and can even overwhelm and outmanoeuvre his sister Sicilia in a one on one duel. This is a fact that Cromwell commonly exploits, using it to gain the praise from the masses or the hearts of women when his mouth alone isn't enough.

However, despite being the oldest, Cromwell is also the most reckless and, at least when compared to his siblings, the most stupid.

Although Cromwell is commonly seen as a hero within the people's hearts, the Boa of the Dunnwal family wouldn't mind choking his enemies into submission.