
"Hello there"

I could not help but stare at the beauty of the lady in front of me she was beautiful that it made me think of a goddess.

Feeling the heat on my face I finally let out my voice after staring at her for a long time.

"Ah!, yes.. hello…"

I never knew I could be so dazzled by a woman I try to avoid her eyes as to not blush any longer. My voice so quiet I bet she did not hear me. Before I could repeat myself her soothing and mellow voice rings in my ears.

"I am so sorry Ruby; I never would have thought my carelessness could have ended your life like this. Please let me make it up to you."

Hearing her voice I just stood there unable to process what she has said to me. I stare at her as if she just grew another head. I was still captivated by her soothing voice that I did not quite got what she said I think it's something about me and my life but I just stare at her because I never knew someone as beautiful as her has such a great matching voice she was beyond perfect and was stunned in place of such grace and loveliness.

"Please don't stare at me like that."

Her pale skin flushed as she stared at me and in turn I blushed as well.

"Oh, I'm sorry I did not mean to its just I don't quite understand what you mean… and how did you know my name?"

"I knew you even before you were born, my name is Fortuna the goddess of fortune as I said I am deeply sorry due to my actions your life in earth have been cut short I hope to make amends and grant you a wish before being reincarnated to another world"

Fortuna stands before me bowing her head showing sincerity to her words. I guess I did die when I was stabbed multiple times I just didn't think it's because of some accident with a god. I tried to compose myself to make sense of what she was saying but since I'm dead I guess anything can happen so I might as well believe in gods and goddesses.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean it your fault? I don't think you're the one who stabbed me so please do explain it to me."

"But of course, you see each god has a role to play in a humans life and my role happens to be deciding once fortune, what happened was I accidently let you be born into the world without any fortune or luck thus your bad luck in life and to make it worse is I added to much luck in another person's luck namely your boss because of this due to a misunderstanding his wife who he hated went to jail and you the person who was going to be promoted in work was killed by his wife."

Fartuna looked very conflicted as she said this but all I can do is but accept it. It took me a minute before I can reply back at her she looked quite anxious waiting for my reply and I see her eyes slightly glossed with water and looks like she was about to burst crying.

"goddess Fortuna thank you for your consideration and removing me from that world... I am actually thankful to you it was very hard for me to live there on earth."

Fortuna looked at me with sadness in her eyes and I feel myself free of the horrible memories I had back on Earth. I know that I should blame someone for my misfortune but I did not have the heart to do that I guess since I lived quite a horrible life I just got used to accepting the circumstances that I was in. Fortuna looks like she was trying to hold back her tears from my response and I bet she was feeling guilty as it is so I did not press the matter so I just simply looked her in the eyes and smiled at her to assure her I was fine with the outcome of my life.

"Ruby let me give you a new life with great fortune and luck and as an apology as well I will leave your memories from your previous life that way at least you will remember that you have me, a goddess by your side."

She looks at me with such proud and glistening eyes all I could do was smile at her and bow my head. I did not say anything at all because I know I can trust this goddess because she was the first person to ever treat her so kindly and look at her with proud eyes. after looking at her with my smile reaching ear to ear what came to me was darkness


When I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful lady in front of me looking down. Her hair has of a beautiful hazel brown with curly tips, her face heart shaped face was small fitting her face and her eyes with a lovely shade of blue giving me comfort.

When I tried to speak but no voice came out, I tried to reach for the beautiful lady in front of me and as I reached for her I saw and arm that was small and quite chubby fingers and as I moved my hand I realized it was mine to my realization, I AM A BABY!