Mr. Gernard

"Little Princess? What are you doing here?" the mans face looked worried and panicked as he looks between me and mother. My mother simply chuckled at the his face then quickly faces him and states to speak in a serious tone.

"Gernard from now onwards your duty is to Ruby and Ruby Gernard will be you guard and tutor from today onwards." mothers face was lit up in the sight of me and Gernard. I feel my mother is sceaming something behind Gernard and I bet he has yet to notice, although my mother is a quiet and peaceful person she still like to play tricks and have fun even in the face of our bad positioning between countries. She is tough as a rock when needed but a marshmallow in the end.

"Empress? I don't mind being little princess guard but I still have other duties to attend too." Gernard said as he sat down on the floor and placed his tail on my hands. It is so fluffy to the point I can't help but hug his tail and it coiled around me, it also smelled nice like acorns. As both of them talk about arrangement about Gernards new position as my bodyguard all I can think of is his tail and how soft and fluffy they are. I petted his tail like I would a real dog and I end up feeling warm inside, this reminded me of my dog back at earth it was a Bichon Frise although it was small it was supper fluffy and thinking about it I also gave it 'cotton' as its name.

"I will give them to Roy no worries, you came just it time the princess has already started her royal duties so all you need to do is watch over her and answer her questions that's all, this is just a trial period of one year and if all goes well you can continue helping Ruby in her other matters." As mother said those words all Gernard can do was nod in agreement and after that mother went back to work, I could see his ears drop down and its obvious that he did not like to be a babysitter and was more the type to go out and play. After a moment of silence I remembered my paperwork and ran toward mother and tugged her dress for attention.

Feeling the slight depression in the air which my mother fails to notice because she went back to work mode I tried to think of ways to improve of Gernards mood.

"Mother I am finished." As I said that one of mothers brows raised up as to question what I just said. Mother picked me up and headed to my neat working desk, mother took a pile of papers from one of the finished paperwork and looked at them and after a minute of silence I start to get nervous. Did I do it wrong? I know I computed them perfectly, I peeked at mothers face and noticed Gernard was also looking at a different paperwork that came from my desk. I feel that maybe earths math is different than here in Nubsun or Gaia itself, I feel kind of stupid to thing that all logic is the same on both worlds.

Before my mother could speak Gernard looked at me with shining eyes "little princess did you do this? Your amazing I can't believe it! I'll be more than happy to be your tutor you please ask me anything!" I knew it after I showed him I was no simple baby his mood improved greatly but what he said got me to receive so much praise from a beautiful man I can't help but blush and burry my face on mothers arm.

"Rudy..." My mother voice sounded as I hugged her. I felt a tang of surprise in her voice. I tried to look at her face to look for any discomfort only to be welcomed by a bright smile.

"I never knew little princess was so smart, I bet she got it from you Empress, I remember when you where younger taking all that comes your way full force that even the other empires where threatened by you at such a young age." Gernard looked quite pleased with the revelation that I was quite smart for my age, they might have thought it was natural since my mother did rule the empire at such an early age of fourteen (14) which should have to be passed down when the previous monarch was either passing or at an old age unable to run the empire but contrary to that grandmother willingly pushed the responsibility of Empress to mother when she was old enough to hold the throne. In our history that has never happened and currently my mother holds the title of the youngest ruler in our small empire.

"But of course, I thought she was quite dumb because she hasn't started to walk to my surprise she is actually quite capable i only found out today that my darling is quite the mini genius i should have never doubted my genes." Mother was very happy by Gernards compliment and both their praises made me remember I was supposed to keep a low profile.