I am One

Today I turn one (1) and my mother turn twenty three (23), inside the castle hall held an extravagant Celebration Ball filled with the countries high positioned governors, scholars, royalties and knights. Aside the countries people there are also the other two countries representatives. Today was the first time I have appeared publicly with the official title of Nubsuns Heir. Many of those around me will try to offer me toys, treasures and other childish things as gifts but I have no interest in them at all and since before my emotions shows plainly in my face so it was super awkward when I try to smile accepting their gifts.

Since I have my old memories from before I was reincarnated I did not find the joy of being presented with useless things.

After the Celebration started Empress Mother left me at the throne chair at the center of the hall to greet all the guests and she went and socialized with the branch family to the side where my aunts and uncles are located.

I sat awkwardly at the center of the hall greeting and accepting gifts and compliments from everyone, many officials try to get on my good side since majority of my tax proposals gets approved and they would try to gain favors from me. Even a peaceful country like Nubsun there are still some who is greedy and it can't be helped all I can do is to tolerate and gain control. Since my stay here I started to be less timid and shy from before. The influence of those around me helped me have a bit of back bone so that I can stand on my own when some situations arise. Mr. Gernard and Bea stayed at my side to make sure I don't get crowded and to maintain order around me.

Although I just turned one (1) I made sure to place myself to show the disposition of royalty. I can't allow anyone to pick weakness on me at such an important occasion, it has been a year and all those around me showed nothing but kindness I can allow myself to embarrass me in anyways. I sit quietly and coldly to those who approach to make sure they know I have power and I will not be swayed by some pleasantries.

As the gifts pilled to the side I finally get to greet the last of the guests and waving for the next person to come over two gifts came to me at the same time it was presented by two boys in front of me. On the left was a boy around the age of eight to ten he has wavy hair with in a golden blond color and it matched his eyes as well and what shocked me is his calm expression like nothing in the world holds his interest it reminded me of my old life while I was still under my fathers care where all meaning of life was nothing and I did not see the point of living. The boy on the right seems to be younger than the latter I'd say age range of six to eight he had jet black hair and a small streak of red at his bangs looking a tad bit cool and edgy look but the feeling he gives of is a shy little lamb forced into doing what adults tell him to do. The only thing the both of them had in common was that they were very cute and in a few years' time they will be super good looking and I bet all the ladies will be all over them.

The gifts they have presented both are the same and it was not even wrapped so all those around can see what it is, all the adults In the room would take sneaky glance at the gifts they were presenting to me. Both boys held a book each and what's weird about them is they are obviously not children books, it's both a hardbound book which I have learned so far is supper expensive usually scrolls and softbound books are already a heavy price it's hardly you see a hardbound book here in Nubsun only in the royal library itself only a around a hundred or so of them are available and they are already like treasures here. To present such books it's obvious they are not from this country it means that they are from the other counties Rogue and Zekulek.

"Princess, it is my honor to greet you a happy birthday! My name is Zuko the 3rd Prince of Zekulek" the boy with golden hair said as he did a slight bow, although his voice sounded cheery and honored his eyes says otherwise, His eyes reminded me of vicious wolf waiting to pounce at any moment.

Zuko looked at me with his eyes and a glint flashed at his eyes he smiled directly at me and in made me shiver and straighten my back. I furrowed my brows and try to calm myself as much as possible. As the host I must be as polite as possible so forcing my smile on my face, since he is a guest from another country this made everyone look and listen to our conversation.

"Prince Zuko, I thank you for visiting our humble Nubsun, how do you find your stay?" I tried to greet his as casual as possible but not to the point it would be considered offensive.