future 2

felling that the ' voice ' may diaper in front of him  without 

telling him anything about his mother  

The little child shout in an angry voice "I don't give any shit about you or your friend, what about my mother, where are you? Answer me 

what happen to my mother, 

old thing speak, say anything " 

suddenly the throne with the strong red firelight Disappeared and darkness covers all the place

" the red soul system waiting for your order my lord " 

 suddenly A voice full of respect and manners  land  on the little child ears 

  It broke the silence in the darkness 

because this voice is Different from the other one the   little chilled said  with a little nervous voice  

" Who are you, show yourself " 

" my lord, I am the will of the red soul system the last host call me a little red, I will help you with all your problem, manage everything in the red soul system and Executing your orders   " 

said the 'voice ' with full respect and Humpal voice   

" me, lord, little red you are hilarious no one ever speak with me like how you do, I like you but where are you  why I can't see you  " 

hearing what little red says the little chilled said with a smiling face

"it's my honor to be in any help to you, I am the will of red soul system so I will never have a body

so I am everywhere and nowhere in the same time, but no matter where you are  I will be with you as long as you still a bit of life force then I will exist, but if you die I will die, now my lord do you want to want to be strong, do you want to see kings and gods knell in front of you, my  lord " 

said the little red with little happens and Pride in his voice

"yes I want to kill all who take my mother from me and let them wish to die but they can't find it  

I want the power to control everything 

I want to be the strongest of all  " 

said the little chilled with a strong hatred

if the people who kill mother and father are in front of him now he  will

kill them and let them  swim in their blood and there meant will feed to dogs

The tragedies and sorrows change the human mind and make it dark black with cruelty and violence

Even children become more cruelty under these conditions

" my lord, all your wish will become true,  but now we need to bring you to life so you must choose  a new body  for your 

now Journey 

with my ability  now  I Can only offer Two body with a different way of life 

the low-key, to choose a 15 yes old boy with a poor family and Until you become strong, you will all the time be under 

other people  

the other is to take a 15 yes old boy from a noble family but only smart and strong people can live in this kind of family

now you must choose your future way, my lord  " 

"I chose .... "