city 3

seeing thousands of people kneeling in front of him didn't move a hair in his hart

all that his eyes were looking is his mother

along the way, the boy was thinking about one thing 

' how to save mother ' 

but no matter what he tries to think of a plan,  nothing come 

even if killing all the city people and stand in front of his mother, he can't save or touch here  

seeing hundreds of chains in his mother side make him crazy but even then he knows that was  not his mother's body but one of the souls and he can only stand and watch here surfing like that 

but now in front of him a view that destroys all his Worry 

because in front of is his  mother's soul, but she was next to a man which both of them were sleeping and  floating in the  air 

he didn't see any chains that going through her body or anything else 

they were just flouting and  sleeping  blissfully 

seeing him mother and the man who suppose to be his father like this can only think about little red  and the gift he said that he prepares to him, using his hand to Wipe away tears and said with a joyful voice 

" thank you little red, your gift makes me the happiest man in the universe  "

"It's my pleasure that I could help you, my lord. What do you want to do with this living- walking dead " 

said the little red with a respective voice but the boy could hear a happy feeling inside it 

seeing the people kneeling next to him but their strange skin color and not making any voice like a state 

" living - walking dead? What is this?, also you didn't tell me how you kill and destroy this city I Can't remember  you do anything while I was in a coma  " 

ask the little boy while going near one the knelling people to see them closer 

 " the living - walking dead are Initial combat units, whose name is the leader of the poison. full loyalty to the host and they have the ability to kill using the poison inside their bodies to Spreads poison to other living things, and every person Affected by poison will die within 5 to 10 minutes, and everyone who dies will become a follower in 60 minutes, they will stand up and kill the nearest living thing next to him, its circle of death will not stop until all the living - walking dead are killed, also every follower can transfer the poison through his body fluids to other living things but biting or blood entry the living thing so that they become a follower too. Every poison leader has the ability to control 10 followers. 

I use the red soul ability to summon a living -walking dead then but his body in the big lake,it take only one day and every living thing in this city to die, this all the thing that happened when you where income my lord " 

said the little red  while reporting  all the thing he does this day 

" only 5 to 10 mint is very cheap  for them to die like this " 


the second chapter for today I hop

you like it

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with you, I will continue to write all the time