capturing the golden phoenix.

while thinking about the demon beasts he walked down in the vast wildness , after some while he was in the dark forest with trees reaching the heights of 3 stories buildings from his past life , moonlight was falling on him through the trees , he was panting in fear , there was an acidic aroma in the surrounding , in front of him was a silver fanged bear which was at least a fighter realm, level 5 demonic beast.

there was blood on the bear's mouth ,dripping from his eyes was some tears , there were blood marks all over his body , he was on the verge of death , with all of his strength left he roared at a golden bird in front of him and the kingfisher sized [ approximately 19 – 21 cm, around the size of a normal sparrow] bird again like an arrow pieced through his heart and emerged from his back again and again through all over his body until the bear died.

after the bear died the golden bird changed its size and grown big approximately as the size of an elephant and started feasting on the bear , few meters far from the bird behind a big tree sitting was a youth with a stone on his left hand and a metal carver in the right hand , there was sweat dripping from his forehead , his face was completely pale , legs shaking , carving a spell on the stone , after few seconds he put the carved stone away , watching the ring in his finger pulling out some yellow paper , a blood red ink pouch and a feather. putting the tip of the feather in the ink he started writing on the yellow paper.

"I think this will do to capture the golden phoenix " said the pale faced youth , he was none other than ray . "this is a celestial level spell carved rock to kill the phoenix and then with this celestial level talisman I'll capture it soul and make it my first soul pet".

In this world there are two ways to get a demonic beast , first is by simply taming them and second is to use a soul capturing talisman to make them a soul pet .

Soul pets have same power as the original pets but they don't need food to survive they only need to absorb chi to prevent their soul from being perished.

Looking at the golden bird eating the bear, ray's palms began to sweat , there was a ghosty coolness in the surrounding , at that moment one can't even hear the flattering of leafs , the golden shining body of the phoenix was brimming in moonlight. Ray took the carved stone in his hand and wrapped it up with the yellowish talisman paper , there were little warmness in the talisman which gave ray some some courage , he clenched his first holding the talisman and stone in his right hand and lifted his hand up to throw it towards the bird.

Just as he was about to throw the stone the phoenix glaze shifted on the ray , Seeing this Ray's heart began to race , just as the bird turned around to kill him , with all his courage left he thrown the stone towards the golden brownish abdomen of the phoenix , phoenix saw the stone and tried to doge it but it was too late the stone hit her and the talisman on the stone started emitting steel chains covering her whole body squeezing her and the carved stone started shining with blue light and entered in her heart piercing through her feathers.

Now she can feel her heart began to slow down , the blood in her veins is started to cool down , she tried to change her size but all of her meridians were blocked by the chains , after some seconds she collapsed on the ground dyed in the bears blood , the only thing she can do now is to feel rusty smell of the steel chains , the more she tried to break these chains the more the chains get tightened up , she can hear her bones cracking , after 30 second she was about to die but suddenly a warm wave rising from her heart covered up her entire body , at first this heat is soothing but soon after it turned blazing hot and after some time it burned the bird into the ashes , after burning her body the chains started floating in the air emitting a yellow and warm light from it and suddenly then condensed into a ring.

Witnessing this ray's complete body emitted a scary coolness, he never had expected such a horrifying results , he then slowly walked towards the ring laying on the ground and then piked it up from the blood red dyed ground smelling like uncooked meat, the ring was still hot and there was a golden feather carved on it , ray wore the ring in his left hand's middle finger, and started putting some chi in it.