Ox horn city(1).

After some time he saw a silhouette of city walls in the middle of the green mountains.

He ordered the phoenix to land in an open area with no trees , as she heard Ray's order she quickly went down and landed on an open grassland , after landing on grassland ray jumped from the phoenix's back towards the ground , reaching the ground ray bent his legs to absorb shock from hitting the ground and again straitened up his posture with a small jump, he walked little away from the phoenix and ordered her to rest in the soul ring in his hand.

Actually he landed about 5 kilometer away from the city because he does not want to create a commotion by letting the city member see his high level fighter realm soul pet.

In the open grassland ray looked left and right sweeping his glaze around the whole surrounding to ensure that no one had seen him landing with the golden phoenix , after observing his surrounding for some time he let out a long sigh of relief and than took out a yellowish talisman paper , a red ink pot and a feather from his space ring.

In the middle of the grassland, sitting cross leg , with a feather dipped in demonic blood ink in his right and and the talisman paper in his left hand , he rested the blood red feather tip on the top of the talisman paper and started doing writing motion with his right hand .

After some time talisman glowed for a second in ray's hand and then ray let out a small smile with a smirk and said "this should do the work, I will sell it to the ox horn city's treasure shop , I think it will earn me enough to get the things I needed."

After creating the talisman he placed it away in his space ring and than pushed the ground with his hand and straighten up his body while standing , he clapped his hand and his butts removing dirt from them and started walking towards the long slender green trees.

After walking for about 10 minutes in the forest he finally found the road made up of nothing but soil , actually it was just a normal path but it was quite wide , wide enough for 20 peoples to walk parallel.

Ray stepped his left leg on the edge of the road from the forest and started walking on the road towards the ox horn city , while on the way he saw many men an women walking on the path, his glaze also fell upon some beautiful women(s). "This city has some quite a beautiful ladies" he said while rubbing both of his hands against each other with a creepy smile on his face.

"Actually both males and females are beautiful in the city , seems like they apply makeup on their face and their dressing sense are quite good too. Looks like sect owning this city must be at least a level 7 sect" he said.

After traveling for about 30 minutes on the gravel path he can now saw road made up of cement bricks in front of him and after another few minutes of travelling he was now in front of a huge entrance made up of strong wooden doors with iron thrones embedded on metal strips on the wooden gates.

In front of the gates there were 6 guards standing there , they were all wearing green colored robes with a sword holding leather belt on there waist with swords in them , one of the guard with giant muscular body with thick mustache and beard on his face was sitting on a chair with his legs on the table in front of him was taking tax from the peoples who was entering the city.

Ray started walking towards the guard sitting on the chair. Seeing a young boy approaching in his direction guard on the chair said "brat 50 copper coins for non resident peoples" , listing guard's deep and heavy voice the guard, ray quickly took out 50 copper coins from his space ring , actually these 50 copper coins are his savings when he was at his home .

He laid down 50 copper coins on the wooden table in front of the guard making clinging sounds , guard counted the money and said "OK brat , you can enter now ".

Ray nodded and glanced at the entrance of the city and saw a wooden board on the top of the entrance , written on the board was " the ox horn city" and from behind the board there were rising two ox horn made up of steel.

After few seconds ray entered through a small gate which was a small opening of big gate of main entrance.

[ author : clans or sects are divided into 12 levels with most powerful is level 12 sect and after level 12 sects comes the major sect like red saint sect ]