I Accept The Adapt System!

"Hey, Crow. What am I looking at?" I said with my inner voice.

"You mean you want to "Observe"? said an ugly voice.

Name: Yukawa Ryozo

Age: 5

Level: 1

Stat: ...

"Stop. I meant why the hell there is a butt pictured with a face in front of me." I said with depression.

"Oh, because you were grumping since you were born. Never ever laughed once. So the kids in here are worried and try to make you laugh." said Crow.

So that is how it is. Well, it's not a bad act, so lets forgone this stupid boy for now. Not that I can do anything about it.

My luck followed me after my birth. I lost my consciousness after the birth. When I wake up again, I was already at the orphanage, in Konoha. I kinda learn my situation from the nurses who change me occasionally. They always pity me and say things like "Poor boy.", "His mother is worst." and stuff like "Such a cute boy, left in the jungle." Well, I guess I'm an unwanted baby. I guess cond*ms haven't reached this stupid village yet. So my mother decided to leave me for the wolves to eat. A ninja found me an brought me to the orphanage so I'm living here for quite some time now.

"Can you show me my stats, Brother Crow?"

"Sure thing buddy."

Name: Yami Hitomi

Age: 4 months

Exp: 0/...

HP: 1/1

CP: 10/10


STR: 1 DEX: 1 VIT: 1 INT: 3 LUK: -1 WIS: 1

Kekkei Genkai: None

Element Affinity: None


Gamer Mind(Offline), Gamer Body(Offline), Chakra Control(Worst)

So here I am. I was named as my appearance. I have very dark hair, two dark eyes, and a cute face. As a baby at least. But I think I will be a lady killer when I grow up.

Last few days I was learning the how the system is working. I was told I have to fill my stats to get stronger, unlike the real world, I have to get exp points and level up, then distribute my stats in needed sections. Except for my luck. I can't assign my stat points to get lucky. I have to complete some quest assigned automatically by the system, so Crow brother is as helpless as me. And the bad news doesn't end here. I have one of the best systems ever, gifted by deaf god. But I can't use it, because I need to shout loudly like a stupid and say "I accept the adapt system". Otherwise, the gift will be deleted. And the countdown will end in 3 months. Until then I have to be able to speak, or my hell is going to begin.

The Adapt System simply makes you adapt all the system in the world you live in. The deaf god probably wanted me to go all the other worlds as well. So I can adapt the power system in all worlds and get stronger. Now I'm in Naruto world and The Crow got this ability passively so he can learn stuff about people and a few events beforehand. Another nice point of this ability will give me expertise as long as I'm in the situation can be acquired, I can get used to it quickly. For example, from The Crow, I learned there is a type of an illusion attack called Genjutsu, which effect opponent's brain, which will affect me at the start, but as long as I can stand to it few minutes, I can learn it and will be immune to it. Same goes for all the attacks I hit by as long as I don't die while doing it. Its good ability, but I'm the unluckiest man, so things aren't going well.

"Quests!" I said with my inner voice.

"Coming right up, brother." said Crow excited. I start to get used to The Crow's voice. He is a good fellow after all. Really want to help me. So we are okay now.

Active Quests: 1

Don't Laugh, Don't Cry: After you brought to the orphanage you never cried or laughed because you were reincarnated and confused by the sight you saw. The people in the orphanage going to make you cry or laugh.

Period: 6 months 29 days 23 hours 59 minute 30 second.

Reward: Ability to talk, Luck +5 point

This quest is the main reason, why I have a butt with a face right up my face. All orphanage try to make me laugh. And I guess there is a reward going on with the nurses and the kids. The kid who going to make me laugh going to get extra dessert for a whole month, while the nurse will get some money. I don't know how much it's worth. And the quest time exactly ends thirty seconds before the gift's expiration date. So after I complete the quest, I have to yell "I accept the adapt system." or I will get nothing.

"Crow brother, take over my consciousness please. Or I'm going to cry." I said with tears in my heart. I didn't dare to show on my face.

"Good nights of sleep brother. I'm going to wake you up right before quest complete." said my only friend.

"Thanks!" I said and mean it.

2 months 29 days 23 hours 59 minute later.

I woke up. There was a countdown on my head. After 30 seconds of countdown end, I heard The Crow brother.

"Quest accomplished. The ability to talk gained. acquired 5 points of luck. Luck stat is now 4."

I got excited suddenly and try to shout. But when I open my eyes, I got shocked. I was pushed by the back of my head with a strong force. My mouth was filled with, soft something. Warm milk was going through my throat. I was being breastfed. Another countdown started from the gift expiration date. I try to free myself, but I couldn't. After 20 seconds, when my all hopes fade, my new luck stats kick in and a little bit of an undeveloped tooth start to show itself. I bit with all my strength and the nurse starts the scream with pain. All other kids start to cry while all the nurses started to run in my direction as I free myself and shout as hard as I can.