Ninja Academy!

As I started to go to the Ninja Academy, I got a constant warning from Crow Brother. Obviously, Deaf God is not just stupid, also very incompetent. Everything Crow Brother learned about original series falls apart instantly.


Name: Ton Ton

Age: 5

Level: 10

"This was the character named Ten Ten in original series, was female. "


Name: Hyuga Neji

Age: 5

Level: 15

Pretty much same. Except he seems different. Slight changes might have happened.


Name: Haruno Sakuman

Age: 4

Level: 7

"Do you remember, the b*tch Sakura. Yep, that is him. He is quite handsome."

As Crow Brother was filling me in with the difference between original series and this world, I saw the ugliest girl I have ever seen. Long oily black hair. Big black eyes, thick, ugly eyebrows. The ugliest green suit I have ever seen.


Name: Rock Leen

Age: 5

Level: 13

"God. What the hell is wrong with her. Is she cursed or something? I mean, how can someone be this ugly?" I couldn't help but say.

"She was Rock Lee in the original series, quite a man. Was the man at least." said Crow.

So almost everything changed in the original series. No big deal for me. As I don't really care. One of the other reason is, I discovered just after I spoke with Hokage about going to the Ninja Academy, I actually can jump between worlds. I guess that is why deaf god told me to get all the worlds. It's not as easy as thinking, but not that hard. As I was in deep thinking, some 4 years old kid started to approach me. With blonde hair, blue eyes.

"Hey, are you checking my harem?" he exclaimed with an angry tone.

"Shoo, shoo. Go away kid, I can't deal with you right now." I said. First, I didn't want to be fighting with the kid with harem dream. Second, I had to figure out more.

"Do you know who I am, kid? I'm the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Naruto. You better watch your mouth or my dad will kick your ass." said the proud spoiled bastard.

So this is the main character from the main series. "Hey Crow, isn't his father already dead? As you told me why there are 4 Hokages but the third is still working as Hokage." I asked.

"Yes, but I don't know what the heck is going on. Everything is vastly different," said Crow with an anxious voice.

Well, can't blame him. He used to go world, people with deep knowledge about the world they reincarnated.

"Kid, go away, I don't want your harem. Just stay away from me." as I said that, a cute little girl as doll came near us. With stars in her eyes, greet me.

"Hello, Brother Yami. So you are coming academy too?" said Uchiha Sasuna excitedly.

"Yes, I do. How is your brother? I haven't seen him for a week now." I asked.

"He is okay. Doesn't stay around us, too much. Always training." said with a sad face. Can't blame her anyway.

In the meantime, Naruto was getting crazy about Sasuna's good relationship with me and said "Sasuna-chan, don't stay around him. He always checks the girls around. I think he is up to no good. I have never seen him before."

"Go away, stupid Naruto. How many times I told you, I don't want to be around you. If there is someone with up to no good, it is you pervert kid with harem dream. Don't ever talk to me again." said Sasuna.

As I was laughing inside a handsome kid with pink hair, green eyes came too. He was Sakuman and said with a deep voice "Naruto, are you try to hit on my Sasuna-chan again? You have a death wish?"

"What the hell is going on? Aren't they just 4. How can they be so brazen and talk about love and stuff?" I thought inside.

"Aren't you a 5 years old kid and thinking the same?" asked Crow.

"You bastard! Ugly voice, I was grown up in my previous life, I can think stuff like this because I went through them." I said with an angry inner voice.

"You little pervert, from I, read your memory, you were quite a loser and virgin. How can you say you went through all of them." said with a sneer.

Damn you mind share. Damn you smart system. Why everybody gets a system with no emotion, while I get a smart one. And with the ugliest voice.

"Hey, hey, hey. Didn't you get used to it already." said with a crying voice. God such a cry baby.

As we fight with each other. Another blonde kid with long hair over his shoulder, tied behind his back with cyan eyes, violates top and with standard ninja pants came our side with one other boy as lazy as the koala, yawn all the time. Black spiky hair tied on his head. There was a fat girl behind them. Shy and glutton. Blonde kid spoke first. "Hey, Sasuna-chan. These stupids aren't disturbing you, right? I can make them go away if you want. Like a puff." said with a charming smile. Looking provocative to Sasuman and Naruto. As I learned from Crow Brother these three was Ino-Shika-Cho families.

I can't take it anymore. I slip through from blockade around Sasuna. I start to walk under a big tree. As I leaned on it. I start to observe more people. Some people were the same in the original series, while some were different. And of course, even the little butterfly effect would change the world, I don't even know what could have changed in the world I belong to now.

"So what should we do now?" said panicked Crow Brother.

"Calm down. There is nothing we can do anyway. There is only one way. That is getting stronger. As long as I'm strong enough, doesn't matter what comes to me." I said.

"You are right, brother. Stay few weeks in the academy, later you can go to Anbu Training School back. And take some mission. The quests expiration date is coming.

Active Quest: 2

Take Anbu Mission: Take Mission from Hokage and accomplish it with an ace. Don't let anyone on your team die.

Expiration date: 3 years. (1 month left)

Reward: 2500 exp, Chakra Sword with very good compatibility.

This was my main mission for now. Crow Brother taught me some ranking with the system. Such as a very good compatibility was quite rare even in Naruto World. There were 5 types of compatibility. Poor, okay, good, very good, perfect. Perfect compatibility was kind of a legend. So getting very good compatibility Chakra Sword was a very good reward. More when I had a wind elemental affinity. Which was the best type of Chakra Blade martial art? Making blade really sharp.