Entering to Adulthood!

After I slipped through the siege of questions by displaying a few Ninjutsu, I started to meet with the crew.

"Hello everybody. I'm Madara. I'm from Hidden Fire Village." I said.

"Hidden Village. It sounds like Ninja Village." said Luffy with excitement.

"It is a Ninja Village. As you see, I am a Ninja. I can do a lot of Ninjutsu. I impressed by Luffy-san's ambition and I would like to stay with your crew." I said with honesty. I wasn't fully honest because I still thinking to hunt this crew. But, I will not take action before see, if really this crew is different from other Pirates.

"Madara, you should dress like Ninja." said Luffy.

"How should a Ninja dress?" I asked dumbfounded. I don't know why I took Madara-sama's appearance but suit appeared when I was thinking Lucifer from the TV show.

"Eh? Ninja's in your village dress like this?" asked Luffy.

"Here, I made you a dress already." said Usopp, passing me black clothes. Arent these guys enthusiastic.

It was full black set with a mask, like a real Ninja Clothes I remember from movies, in my previous life.

"Stop it. This is how a real gentleman should dress." said Sanji coming and putting his arm around me.

"Sanji, you are a girl. You wouldn't understand." Luffy exclaimed.

"How about this." Usopp passed me another set. Again it was black but there was Straw Hat Symbol on the heart. This time there was no mask. It was almost the same.

"Okay. I will dress this." I said awkwardly. Walking to the inside.

"Why don't you change here?" asked Sanji with a nosebleed. I guess she is perverted. I went inside and dressed my ninja clothes.

"Who were those guys?" I asked after I changed my clothes.

"I don't know, but they seem to know me?" said Luffy.

"They said, they wanted to kill you Luffy. They were so strong, I froze for a second when they attacked us." said Zoro shamefully.

"I was going to take them down, but Madara beat me to it." said Usopp.

They have no idea either. Quest said they break the timeline. Future enemies maybe?

When we arrived the entrance of the Reverse Mountain, rain was pouring down from the sky. The crew gathered in the deck and put a barrel of wine to the deck and started to put their legs on it while calling their dreams.

First was Sanji, put her leg on the barrel with alluring long legs. I felt something tingling inside me. I never felt this feeling since I reincarnated. Being 16 years old makes me feel this again.

"To find All Blue." she said.

"To find One Piece." said Luffy.

"To be the greatest Swordsman." said Zoro.

"To draw a World Map." said Nami. She was wearing short. Also had long beautiful legs.

"To become a brave warrior of the Sea." said Usopp with shillyshally.

Then they all looked at me. This was the moment I thought myself. What is my dream? I had reasons. But I never had a dream. The reason why I come this world was, I wanted to become stronger and go back to save Sasuna. The reason why I wanted to become stronger was, so I don't have to worry about stronger enemies. Thus I can be lazy again. But what is my dream? I put my leg on the barrel and shout as well.

"To find my dream and make it happen."

We all raised our legs and smashed the barrel. This was a tradition when pirates start their journeys, they would do this to bring a good luck.

After that ship started to climb the mountain with the sea. It was a new experience to see, sea actually climbs to the mountain. When the ship was about to hit the mountain, Luffy got himself bigger by sucking air and cushion the impact. When we were about to hit another side I made a Water Style Jutsu to keep the balance and made a Wind Style Jutsu to follow the way. When we ascend to the peak, ship float in the air before landed on the water again. It was a great scene.

After landed to the water, the ship started to go down with the water. Speed was fast but water-channel wider than when we climbed. There wasn't a problem until we reach the Grandline. When we were about to reach, there was a massive wall blocking the channel. Observe

"Name: Laboon

Species: Black Whale


As I was questioning system's observe, others also notice big black wall covering channel. Sanji shouted first: "There is a mountain blocking our way."

"There cant be a mountain, there should only be the twin peaks at the bottom of the mountain." said Nami.

"It's not a mountain. It is a big black wall." said Zoro.

"No, it a whale?" said Usopp uncertain.

"It's a Black Whale, we are going to hit. We need to stop." I said and prepared Wind Style Jutsu to fill the sail to stop the ship. As I was going to shot jutsu, a cannon exploded to the Whale and ship stopped just before Whale. Turn out Luffy fired front cannon smooth to impact, it actually worked. Only the Ram Head hit the whale and broke. It was Luffy's favorite sitting spot. When he saw his seat is broken he punched whale in the eye. Yes! This Crew's Captain punched Giant Whale in the eye.

All Crew kicked Luffy simultaneously. As all freaked out what will happen next, Whale stared at the ship while opened his giant mouth and swallowed ship. Luffy run from ship to climb, while the rest of us going straight to the Whale's stomach. I flashed to Luffy with seal I placed before I come to the ship. He was a devil fruit user so he might die if he left in the sea. When I arrived by Luffy, he was punching the head of the Whale while shouting to leave his crew. He really cares for his crew.

When I hold Luffy to up, the whale started to go underwater. At last second we noticed a door opened to the inside of Whale. We went inside the whale, just before whale submerge. It was an unbelievable scene. There was a ladder, and iron bridge inside the whale. We started to walk with Luffy inside a passageway. As we started to walk, suddenly all world turn around and we were falling the way we came. So, I hold Luffy and flashed to ship. I thought we would be in dark, but it was open sky and green sea. Crew and Luffy looked at me in a weird way, later with astonished eyes.

Then I noticed the sky was fake and green water was acid inside of Whale's stomach. Everybody on the ship was looking at the man, standing on a swimming island. The man had a flower-like head, was very old. When Whale shook few more times, one side of the sky door burst open with 2 people flying over. One man, one woman fall to the acid sea and they would die. Zoro took them to the ship and they started to discuss between them. In the meantime, I asked Usopp who was the old man.

Turn out the old man was named Crocus.

Crocus come after a while and shouted to the duo: "How many times, I must repeat myself. I won't let you hurt Laboon."

"How many times, we must repeat ourselves. This whale is our mission. We will hunt him and feed on him." said the woman. Then with the man, the Duo take out a portable cannon and fired to the whale. The old man named Crocus run and jump to the air where cannons would hit to tank the damage and get hit by both of them...