Storage Ring!

"Take his ring, before you finish him." said Crow, as I was about to bury Kubo alive.

Why would I want this ugly ring? It is copper and doesn't even look good.

"It is a Storage Ring, there might be some clue inside."

Oh, like those in the novels. I don't need them as storage purpose, but I love taking enemy's stuff.

I took the ring from his finger and dropped my blood on it.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Crow.

I'm dripping my blood, so, I can see inside.

"Just put the ring on and put your energy on it. Where did you get these ideas?"

But in this way, everyone can see others ring.

"Of course they do. From I understand your memories, as long as you kill the enemy you can see inside of ring anyway, so, what is the point?"

You are actually right.

I put the ring on, and insert my chakra. This was my main energy and it actually worked. I was wondering maybe I have to simulate their worlds energy but it turns out it is not the case. The inside of Storage Ring screened in front of me, like VR set. It was semitranslucent TV hovering in front of me. There were golds and things made of gold in one corner. Sword, spear, bow and some other weapons at another corner.

Crow, are there any good weapon can be exchanged in Shop?

"No, they are trash!"

Okay. On the other corner, there was books, letters and some documents about this worlds power system. They were mostly about Kubo's mission so details were shallow. Books, on the other hand, were about Haki and Phantom Kenpo. Books about Haki was veterans experience. Like Crow said, this wasn't something should be learned from books.

Phantom Kenpo, on the other hand, was very similar to the Naruto World Chakra system. All Templar Knights would go element test when they reach their age. Usually, all knights could use 1 element, The Priests has to go all 4 elements before starting to practise 5th stage. 5th stage Soul Art was similar to Yin Element in Naruto World. I wasn't able to use it there, but with this manual, I might be able to grip its essence.

I put manual and everything inside the ring to the warehouse. After I cleaned the house and fixed some cracked walls. When I split open the ground, the house got affected as well. It took 1 hours to clean everything, after that, I went to see those two Templars inside the Black Wing. One of them was Trainer in School, directly brainwashing my new bounty hunters. The other was in one of the islands I do a lot of business as a guard. He was stealing money from my export business and send them to templars. I killed both, then I entered the Shop.

I entered Lucky Pick directly. There were 100 pictures on the big white wall. Below the pictures were, items level, items description, and if they were in Shop, how much would be their value. I found Glasses of Confucius on the 48th picture. To my surprise, it was a very expensive item. Still, it was King level, so, I still had a chance. Its market value was 10.000 SC, was actually half amount Pendant recorded with Jon.

I pushed it my hand, and all pictures spin around me and became sticks half visible. There were 100 of them. I had to find the stick with the red flag. All these years, I finished countless quest to raise my luck. Now its time to use it. I walked between human-sized sticks and picked one. There was no need to think about it, it was all about luck. The other 99 stick vanished and the 1 picked raised from the ground. Other side was coming from the ground and tied with the red flag. I couldn't help but do the victory dance. I don't know how stupid I looked but it worth it. I put the glasses and turn the crowded street and said with a whisper. 'Boobs'

"Moron!" Crow said softly.

What? I was testing glasses.

"You stupid pervert. This glass can only show items."

Oh, right. 'Bra'

With flash, I could see countless bra women's wearing. I already liked this item. After I test a few more times, I flashed all the island I stationed men. I used glasses to search for 2 items wherever I go. First was crucifix necklaces, second was devil fruit.

There were actually 5 more Templar inside the Black Wing. I killed them all. I couldn't find any devil fruit but I was still in East Blue and Devil Fruits were rare nonetheless. I started my next plan to went to the twin peaks with few flashes. I decided to postpone the North Blue Phase for now. There was one way to South and West Blue. To go to South Blue I had to pass through the Grand Line from East Blue. This was relatively easy because i could fly above Calm Belt surround Grand Line part.

To go to West Blue from North Blue I had to pass through Calm Belt surround New World. This was very hard. Sea Kings in the Calm Belt surround New World was way stronger than others. So, I decided to go to South Blue then jump over the red line to go to West Blue. I reached Twin Peak at night, and see the Luffy's flag on Laboons head was still intact. He was behaving well it seems. I fly about 2 days to reach Calm Belt. This was not hard given in this part there was no flying beast. So, I passed it quickly and reached South Blue.

Unlike North Blue, South Blue was warm. There were two Worst Generation pirates come from South Blue in original series. One was Eustass Kid with the highest bounty, other was Bonney with lowest. There were lots of pirates so was a good place for me to re-start my business. This time I didn't notify any of the Marine Base. I was planning to lay low. The Templars were everywhere, and I don't want unnecessary troubles...