Isle Full of Evil!

Pincroft Isle

After I bought a house in Btala Island, I created a clone and instruct him to gather Bounty Hunters under my Black Wing flag. Then I return to the ship. Not long after the ship reached to the Pincroft Isle, and we all disembark to Isle. Isle was as large as a town. There was a dormitory for newbies, a series of houses for trainers and executives. Most of the Isle was training ground for different purposes. The biggest structure in Isle was Church, exactly how I remember from my previous life.

We were handed our schedules. 6 days of the week was training in the morning, education in the evening. Five o'clock waking time, 8 o'clock in the night we had to go to our dormitory. This was actually good for me because I could go Blata Island and handle things with Black Wing.

Its been 6 days already. This is the 7th day, Sunday. The schedule was empty for today, but in the morning all of us waken up by consecutive shouting coming from the hallway. When we got up, one of the priests came and said "Today is the Sunday. We all will go to Church, and pray to our Lord. This is your life too, from now on. You better get used to it."

All new recruits started to look at each other with dumbstruck eyes. I see this coming when I saw the schedule. But the rest were unwilling. One of the brave man said "I don't believe in any god." and spit to the ground. This was the last thing he did in his life. His heart taken out from his ribcage and it was still beating in the hand of the priest. The priest looked at the rest of the group and said "You all learned the technique I just used in the past six days, didn't you? This is the reward of the Lord. This power will belong to all believers. Now you have two choices. Believe or don't!"

Classic religion. Intimidation and reward. You either would be rewarded or be punished. The idiots never see the third way. Neither. In this case the third way needs power but still, there is a third way. I looked at new recruits face. The ones go willingly will die with other on this island, the ones reluctant but have to go will be saved. I recorded all of 18 people in my head. I didn't surprise when Caribou walked to the Priest while kicking the body on the ground and said: "Can I eat this sinner man's heart?"

The priest looked disgusted but still handed over the heart to Caribou, where later gulped it in one go. Just about Durwin was going to draw his sword, I held his hand, and shake my head. Not yet.

We all went to the Church. Interior was same as the regular church, except there were only cross not person hanged over the cross. The sermon took until noon, and it was all about Lord. Lord they were talking was a godly creature, as an omnipotent being. But there was something different in preach. Priest a few times said, "We were sent to rescue this world, from its evil." Not 'created'.

At first, I thought they were referring to themselves as angels sent from heaven but later Priest said 'We shall free this world from evil, as we did others. The Lord will take us to the Heaven for the feast as long as one year. Then we will send another one to save it.' Then it hit me. These bastards send this world by one of the Gods. Not just this world, many others. That is why their organization is strong and they have powers out of this world.

"As I thought earlier. The one change 'World Law' must be one of the Gods." said Crow.

Why would god do that?

"Its just guess at this point. But since you take the mission for cleaning them, it means the strongest 5 gods don't work with the culprit."

Strongest 5 gods?

"There is order even between gods. One of them is the Quest God. Doesn't matter what is your system, when you reincarnate you get random quests. The quests are issued from Quest God's office. Shop God also one of them. Strongest 5 gods most of the time has the same opinion, so if Quest God wanted you to get rid of them, they will not intervene, on the contrary, they will reward you. That is why reward for this quest was so high."

Now you said about order, I remember Deaf God said he lost all Annual Universal God Fighting Contest.

"Deaf God was promising God when he first promoted. He is the son of the previous strongest 6... Nevermind. Now focus on what you have to do."

Un. I nodded inwardly and went out of Church with others. The Bells rang indicate it was noon. We were all taken to the Church Backyard. There was an old man sitting there. He was so old, his skin so wrinkled, his eyes were hidden. We were told to kneel before old man one by one. Asskisser Caribou went first and kiss the ring of the old man. The same ring I saw on Lord Aquilo.

The old man held Caribou's face. He then inserted his hand, his ribcage, a few seconds later he pulled his hand back and nodded knight waiting by his side. "Next!" Knight said.

He is marking their hearts. This is the death contract. I immediately started to plan my way out of this. I still had time. The front of the line was all people willing to accept Church's Lord. I communicate with reluctant people with my zhengi telepathy. "Don't freak out and listen. Only you can hear my voice, this is a special technique of mine. The old man marks everybody's heart and later can kill you with just by thinking. You may think to take whatever you can before leaving the church but this is impossible now. Either we fight to die here or you will let your lives to the hand of the Church. If you are willing to fight, nod slightly and wait for my signal."

All the people I send telepathy nodded their heads. I was in the front when it was my turn, I started to kneel...