The Community Arrived!

'Oh, that is good. But why didn't you tell me earlier, there was such an item. I could use it on the Jon to allow him to learn Haki as well. Maybe then I could fight with Lord Ventus without getting almost killed.' If Crow told me earlier, I could help Jon too.

"The Scalpel change the energy system. It will not create another one like World Wanderers. It would destroy Jon's Zhengi System and Zhengi Cultivation with it."

'So that is how it is. It's too bad. But how come other World Wanderers can adapt to World Energy System they are traveling?' When Crow told me all World Wanderers could that, I suddenly thought of this question. I could do that because I had the Adapt System.

"Before they sent to next World, their God add a new energy channel for them. It takes more than a month to do that. Do you understand how lucky you are?"

'Yes, I do.' Enough with The Adapt System is the best. I get it.

I looked at the little girl with wet eyes, holding tears back. I can take the Scalpel of Hippocrates after I complete the quest, but should I waste my any Duke Item choice or random King Item chance with it?

I took the little girl and flew all the way to the City Council to meet with them. The Last Human City was surrounded by the glass dome, looking like a snowglobe. There were two entrances for humans to walk in and out. The glass was for protection, but also giving the city an artistic appearance. I walked with little girl Anita, and walk to the security, at the entrance.

Turns out, Demons could take the human form as well. That is why every human has to carry the identity card with them all the time. Because I didn't have one, I couldn't get into the city. Thus I made Genjutsu to make the security see I am holding a pass card. I could hide my appearance but, I had to do it for everybody around, and it would be more troublesome.

After we enter the city, she took me to see her Comic collection. What I wanted to see was if there were any comic about my future, but she said the comic ended where I showed up. Also as Crow said, Pain in the Ass was not able to see the future but created a World to mock me.

We went to the City Council. It was a building with two stories, blue in color. Anita's mother used to work there, so we went to see her friend, also Anita's foster mother.

Her name was Hana Beeverland. She was a judge in the Court. She didn't have authority in the war-related matters, but she could take us to see someone who had. The Vice President of the Country, Lily Beeverland, Hana's Aunt. She was a shortly cut white-haired woman. She had the air of supremacy. She looked at me, like a barbarian. I didn't mind and presented my arrival, as I planned earlier.

"I am here to see Leader of the Humans. I am the Pioneer Envoy send to make a truce between Humans and Demons. The main Envoy will be arriving in a few days. Now, let me see your leader!" You dare to look down on me. Let's see how do you look when I look down on your leader.

Vice President Lily startled for a second and got her composure back. Looked at me with a smile and said, "Do you want me to believe that?" I actually didn't think she would believe that. I created a Rasengan in my hand to show her my prowess. This world had similar power scale with Library of Heaven's Path, bringing my Rasengan's power to mountain crusher level. The terrifying force spun around my hand, and the Vice President's eyes were about to pop out.

She took me to Leader of the Human World, President Shirley Berkeland. Before I could speak, Vice President walked up to her and whispered something to her ear. President nodded softly and stood up from her seat to point me chair against hers, and she didn't sit back until I take my seat.

She waited for me to speak first, so I said the same thing I said to Vice President earlier, and I wasn't completely lying.

"Lord Hitomi, you want us to make the truce, but Demons are the ones came to our land and almost genocide our race. Aren't you suppose to talk to them, and make them leave?" President Shirley said. She was sure good at politics.

"Ms. President, I can tell you that, both your race and Demon race manipulated to this war. There was a stronger force made Demons to Raid your World, and take your lands. But from now on I declare with the Authority of the Lord of The Community this war is over. Hear my Edict! You will convince your people to embrace to Demon Race!" I understand normal words wouldn't help me in this situation. Thus I used my Devil Fruit to force them to the truce.

"Yes, my Lord. I will make people embrace the Demon Race. But you have to convince the General of the Army. Even though we are the highest authority, the military do as they wish most of the time." she said with apologetic eyes.

On my way to the military base, I learned from Anita that General of the army was a weird man. He was leading the army since the war started. Because of his cultivation, his lifespan exceeded the thousands. Yet, all these years, this man didn't even injure once. I started to smell something fishy, but Anita was ahead of me. "I believe he is working with big force manipulated us and demons," she said.

"Didn't surprise you have this kind of imagination," I said patting her head. She lowered her head and started to mumble, and I saw that she misunderstood me. "I said it in a good way. You have a great imagination and understand the situation." I try to make things right. I already crushed one of her biggest dreams. She looked at me with sparkling eyes and accepted my pat happily.

After we arrived at the military base, we have taken to the General with the edict in our hand, written by President. We have taken to the pergola, General and his commanders were sitting. General looked at the edict and shredded it to pieces. He looked me intimidatingly and said, "I doyn't knoyw who you are, but you are noyt going to stop us takingy our revengey." He had a weird accent, between cat woman and cowboys from my previous world. I was almost going to laugh at him, but I felt the strong force coming from him. This man was going to be one of the casualties.

I stepped on to the air and used my Conqueror's Haki with my Zhengi to reach everybody on the battlefield. All the soldiers looked at me as if I was a deity, descended from the Heaven. "Hear my Edict! I sent as an Envoy to stop War between Humans and Demons. You all shall stop fighting and obey my orders." Almost all of the battlefield affected by my edict, except General, his right-hand man, and a dozen of regular soldiers. I didn't surprise with General and his right-hand man but what about regular soldiers?

"They must have great enmity with Demons making even impossible to your edict to affect them," said Anita. I was surprised at first, but then remembered she knows me better than myself.

"You are right," I said and created four clones to handle them, while I attacked the General and his right-hand man. I had to finish this quick, because in battlefield General's orders were everything, making a threat to my Edicts. Thus I released Jon from Pendant to deal with General, and I attacked his right-hand man. In the meantime, my four clones dealt with a dozen soldiers wasn't affected earlier.

I killed the General and his right-hand man, while left regular soldiers alive. First of all, they have just wronged humans. Secondly, I wasn't sure how many I should kill in the Demon's side.

I flew all the way to the Demon's side alone. It took me almost an hour to reach there even with my speed. After I arrived at the Demons military base, I surprised to see all of the Demons were created based on Gold Coin I saw while back, or they were from the same race. They had colorful horns and the same pale faces. After I flew to the center of the military base, I did the same thing I did in Human's side and declared my Edict. Demons were more subtle and almost all of them affected immediately. Only the leader with black horns, as long as an adult arm, curled inside itself. He looked at me with hate and jumped on me.

I knew how much Jon like to eat of the Demons, so I let him out. After I finished Demons, I took their vice leader to the neutral zone and started to wait for the Envoy. After a day, the Envoy of 20 people arrived at the place where me, Anita and two leaders of both races waited. Envoy listened to my report and approved my Quest.

The Quest from The Community was different from the Quest God. They had no connection with my system, and could only send the item with someone. I had to wait for the item for at least two days more, so I went to the Human City to wait.

After much consideration, I decided to choose the Scalpel of Hippocrates. I just couldn't bring myself to see Anita's sad face. Secondly, it was a big coincidence for me to arrive in this world. And almost without doing anything, I won a King Item. Using this opportunity to help someone needs my help, would help me feel better. Thus I choose the Scalpel.

After two days, when the Scalpel arrived, I changed Anita's cultivation system to the Chakra System. I stayed little longer to teach her some Jutsus, but all she wanted to learn was Shadow Clone. "What do you want to draw so badly?" I asked after she started to create a clone.

"I am going to draw myself the strongest in most beautiful World. And when that World becomes real too, you will go there and visit me once again," she said with sparkling eyes.

"I will meet you there. Don't be late." I said. I didn't think that dream would come true, but I sure wasn't cruel to hurt a young girls feeling.

"Ready to go?" asked Crow.

'Yes. Are you sure you can take me to the right world this time?' I said with a big imaginary smile.

"Don't worry Brother. This time we will arrive at our destination." after that my visioned darken once more. When I opened my eyes, I was on the beach. The Blue sea was hitting the sand with all its might. I looked back and saw beautiful grassland covering all horizon. All of a sudden a voice came.

"An Uninvited Guest!" a big muscled man with the white t-shirt and red sport short walked slowly to me. "Just to be clear, you didn't wash up on shore, right? After all, if you had left the waves to carry you, it would be impossible to reach this island." he looked at me smiling. "I guess I will just use that." I afraid and take my stance immediately. I didn't know what he was going to use, but he was strong. So strong, he made me shiver.

He took out a game card, and said "Eliminate On." and with a weird force, I sent out of the Island...


The Novel will start to Volume III - Hunter x Hunter with the next chapter. Thank you, everyone, for the support.


Last few sentences of my chapters are not visible in android devices. Thus I will place this text to end of all chapters.