Woman put those Boobs away from me!

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"Um, Can you not touch my arm with your boobs please." There aren't many things to make a man say such a sentence. But I had my reasons.

A few days ago.

I was on the boat, Shalnark had arranged for us to leave the island. Crow told me that, Meteor City was depending on Phantom Troupe a lot, and in return, they earn everybody's respect. When Shalnark asked boat owner to bring them to closest city with an airport, the man stopped what he was doing immediately and jumped to the boat to carry us.

I started to wonder for few second, if these guys really were evil or not, as Crow said they were. But then I realized this was just and outcasted solidarity. As they saw me for the first time. When I told them I was dumped thrash just like them, they accepted me, but if I were a good man but with the background, they would kill me on the spot. Being outcasted is sucks, I get it. But it does not, not in any condition, requires the killing everybody but people like you.

These thoughts drifted me to my previous World and bullshit words they invented to fight against each other. My favorite bullshit reason for the fight was religion. Even inside the same religion, there were different groups fighting and killing each other because they were believing differently.

What Phantom Troupe was doing, wasn't any different than nationalism. They considered themselves as the same background and supported each other, it is fine until this point. Stole from rich to feed people like themselves. I can respect this. Killing innocent from a different background, just for helping people like you, that I will never respect or forgive. It is evil, and nothing else.

We arrived in the city after two days. In this two days, Shalnark started to teach me how to use Nen. I already learned the basics from the Crow, and details from the Pakunoda's Memory Bullets. Still working with the teacher was more effective.

Phantom Troupe was where strong could live. Thus they weren't willing to wait for me to open my Aura Nodes. Normally learning Nen would take a long time, because one has to learn to how to open one's aura nodes. But there were other ways as well. One of them was opening the aura nodes by strong aura stream. It was like raising the flow of the water to force open a blockage. But it was very risky because the life of the one who was going to receive the aura stream was in hands of the one who was going to transmit.

I wasn't sure about leaving my life to the hands of the one of the evil's minion, but then I remembered, now I was one of the evil's minion as well. Besides, this procedure wouldn't kill me. Even without Nen, I had three other Worlds energy inside of me. There was another way for me to acquire Nen easily, but it would require for me to give up one of my energy systems. If I had a useless energy system, I would change it with Scalpel of Hippocrates to the Nen system.

While I was stuck in my endless thoughts, Shalnark walked to my back and brought her hand to inches away from my back. She gathered a huge amount of Nen in her hand and pushed her hand to my back. I struck by some force, and all my Aura Nodes opened. It may take a little longer in normal times, but because I had Adapt System, my nodes accepted this alien Aura and used it to circulate all my body.

And just like that, all my nodes opened. Even with this method, there was very few Nen user, when comparing to the World's population. Firstly, the Hunter Association was controlling Nen teachings to prevent bad guys to learn it. They even hide term of Nen. Occasionally there would be some people, good at what they were doing. A very strong boxer or a fortune teller could actually see the future. They were mostly Nen users, couldn't even realize themselves that they were a Nen user.

Because of the Hunter Association was hiding Nen, there were limited teachers teaching Nen, therefore very few Nen user.

The Nen was an aura, the energy exists in every living being. The ones could control this Aura, by keeping aura from leaking their bodies, could prevent fatigue and even slow the aging. The form of this control named Ten. The word Ten meant to focus. By focusing, one would keep one's aura from leaking from their body and surround their body with it. This feeling was like being inside an invisible membrane. Because to see Nen, one has to open nodes placed on the eyes.

Ten was a most basic defense against emotional Nen attacks. Because by outputting Nen inside the body, a Nen user can hurt a regular person. This injury may be severe as paralyzing or even death. To prevent getting hurt by someone else's Nen force, one has to learn how to use Ten.

This membrane, also effective to physical attacks to some degree. Now because I adapted with Shalnark's own Nen, my body was already controlling the Ten better than most of the beginners. The meditation they had to do for better control their Ten was it is all but done in a few seconds for me.

The rest of the training and Nen types were already in my head, so Shalnark advised me to practice Ten for the time being. Because Ten was basic of the all Nen, and most important part. All others powers were more effective with good control over the Ten.

When we arrived at the airport, I could use Ten like it was part of me. An adept Nen user was able to use Ten even their sleep. At the door of the airport, there were three men looking at us with piercing looks. They all had the same robe seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

Shalnark seems to know them because as soon as we saw them, she took her arm, she had crossed to mine and took out a pink-headed needle. She threw the needle to the man at the front from 50 meters and the man draw his sword to attack his buddies. I already learned the basic powers of the Phantom Troupe from the Memory Bullet, and I knew this was Shalnark's Nen power. Manipulation.

The other two draw their sword, and one attacked us, while the other one stopped his friend. The one attacked us threw a fire from his left hand and charged with the sword in his right hand. I was almost sure, I knew these people but, something was still off. I attacked the one assaulted us and killed him with a single sword slash. The other two injured each other and Shalnark finished them off with the most brutal way when they were still on the ground.

She looked at me and nodded her head to ask me to follow her. I got scared a little bit, to be honest. The delicate woman on the way, became a demon when she killed those two. When we were at the ticket desk to buy me a ticket for me to arrive at the nearby city, not far away from the Island where Hunter Exam is held. When I was filling the form for the ticket, Shalnark wraps her arm around my neck, and her boobs were touching my hand I was writing with. As I was moving my hand to write, I was striking them softly.

Normally I would take the chance to touch those beautiful things, but because of the brutal show I witness earlier, I was timid to go overboard. I gently asked her, ""Um, Can you not touch my arm with your boobs please." I was going to hate myself because I missed this chance, but my life was most precious...


Last few sentences of my chapters are not visible in android devices. Thus I will place this text to end of all chapters.