The End of the Battle!

After the suicide attack, Isran and one more person behind him were the last of Vigilants of Stendarr left, the rest of the soldiers died in the hands of their comrades, but with the current pace of the war, they wouldn't live too long. While Brotherhood of Steel had only a few executives besides Knight-Captain Cade. Most of the Chimera Ant Combat Soldiers died, left only Squad Leaders and Neferpitou. In Phantom Troupe side, Machi and Shalnark died by the swords. When I see Shalnark died, an ache traveled through my body, even though I was ready to leave them all to die.

The leaders all started to attack after sword rain stopped. All parties lost men because of Vigilants of Stendarr. But Isran had Boots of Thunder, and he flashed away from the battlefield. He was running in my direction, so I jumped on him and killed him with one strike, gave him my Thor's Punishment! strengthened with Haki, Nen, and Zhengi vaporized Isran before he could shield himself.

I took the boots and threw them before Gods take them away like they did last time when I killed the Templar's leader. As soon as I did that, a voice rang in my head.

"Esteemed User took something belongs to the Aristocracy. The Aristocracy 'counsel' Esteemed User to return it right away." the ugly woman voice filled my ears, emphasize the word counsel.

'F*ck you and your counsel! Crow throw that b*tch before I flip it.' I was about to have another tantrum because of the way they talk. They still have the nerve to talk to me like this? At least I left the Duke Item for you, you ungrateful bastards.

"I did, as soon as she finished her words. Don't worry, they didn't hear you," said Crow, reassuring me.

'I don't care if they hear me or not.' I was in a very bad mood. Maybe the death of Shalnark effected me more than I think it would. I always thought I never bonded with any of them, but now I started to feel angry. I wanted to kill Isran not because of the items but the same reason with the other three leaders. I wanted to avenge something. But it was understandable, after all, Shalnark was always nice to me.

I didn't know if I should jump to the battlefield and battle alongside with the Spider or watch more. Even though I was overwhelmed with feelings for a while, I adapted it after a few minutes, and reason took over me once more. As I was pondering, and eerie aura started to spread from the Nest. The new Royal Guard born. And if he were to join the battle, this would only be a one-sided massacre.

Lucilfer was first to react. She ordered fallback, and they took Shalnark's and Machi's bodies and left right away. The Ants didn't want to follow, because they were thinking Brotherhood of Steel as an enemy too. And Brotherhood of Steel couldn't leave because they had to recruit Chimera Ants. Two parties stood against each other, and at this point, both parties had few men left.

Knight-Captain Cade took off his helmet and raised his hands to show his good intentions. "I am here to convey my Lord's message. In the fight, we never attacked you Chimera Ants, but we protected you from the other two parties. Please hear us out." said with honesty. He and rest of the Brotherhood of Steel never attacked Chimera Ants, and he hoped they also noticed their action otherwise, they had nothing else to show.

"Speak!" ordered Neferpitou, Neferpitou was also curious, why these men never attacked them.

"I am an envoy of the Desolates! Our Lords are the Gods live in the Upper Realm. They want to recruit you Chimera Ants to serve them, including your Kin-" Knight-Captain Cade couldn't finish his words, and Neferpitou flashed to him with a punch. Neferpitou had an ugly expression, "King serves to none!" exclaimed Neferpitou.

When Neferpitou was about to hit Knight-Captain Cade, I flashed to them and stopped the fist with mine. Even though Crow told me multiple times, I never thought Royal Guards would be this strong. Just a normal punch was as strong as my Nen filled punch. Chimera Ants were scary, too scary. If I had not my other means, I would be terrified of them, giving the fact the King was much stronger than Royal Guards.

I covered for the Brotherhood of Steel, and they started to fall back. Neferpitou looked at me with a surprised look. To be able to stop one of Neferpitou's punch was very shocking for Neferpitou. But I had no intention to stop and talk to them because I didn't need to. When the time comes, I will deal with King, not his soldiers. Also, Shaiapouf was on his way to the battlefield, and I didn't want to kill them. So, when the Brotherhood of Steel run away, I flashed to them as well.

Knight-Captain Cade looked at me angrily and shouted, "Why you didn't aid us in the battle? I thought we were partners on this one." He was fuming with anger, also bullet sweats formed on his forehead. He just started to death from close proximity, and if it wasn't for me to stop it, he would be dead.

"We are not partners, but you are in my order. I never ordered you to fight against three armies. You acted on your own and killed all those precious men of mine. I will report this to your Lord." I said nonchalantly. It was their fault to fight against them without waiting for my order, they had nothing to blame me for it.

"You are dismissed. I doubt you will do any good in this battle anymore. Leave your Power Armor too. I may need it for the Quest. I will return it to your Lord after I finish the Quest. Take your men and wait for me in the Republic of East Gorteau in a week. I will give you the army." I finished by asking more than I should. But he had nothing to say, so after some thinking, he got off from the power armor and started to walk away with his men.

I put the Power Armor in the Warehouse, without looking at it. I never intend to use it anyway, I just wanted to test them. I still had a few ideas on this Quest. I decided to save King and give him the environment to live, but without his subjects would he be the King? Should I decide to not finish the Quest? I am not sure.

After I dealt with the battle, I followed the Phantom Troupe, but they were nowhere to be seen, I didn't want to flash and take risks, so I waited on the tree branch, I sat earlier. Crow told me in a few days, Hunter Association will send a team to exterminate Chimera Ants. Netero will come personally, but he is not able to stop King's birth. Still, I have to wait and see. If they bring an army, unlike the original series, with the weakened state of the Nest, they may able to kill Queen. I have to wait and see, for sake of King's well being.


I am going to use a lot of Nen power for enemies, if you have an idea, share it with me in the comments. Thank you.


I recommend all my readers to check out Novel named "System: World's Infinity" It is a good novel with system.


Last few sentences of my chapters are not visible in android devices. Thus I will place this text to end of all chapters.