
After Naruto and Deidara flashed away, I walked into the abyss. I didn't know how should I take away the tailed beast, and after some contemplation, I decided to jump right into the abyss. I could hold my breath at least a day with my Zhengi Cultivation if it is no longer than that. My body was sturdy enough to survive in that environment such as heat and pressure the sand to bring anyone jumps into, and I was sure I could easily go through this hell hole.

After I jumped right through it, I flew down for a few minutes before scorching heat attacked me. It was so hot, I felt as if my bones were going to shatter from the heat itself. After I circulate my Zhengi to protect myself, the heat that surrounded me all this while vanished, and I finally had time to look around. It was a pitch black cave as if it was really the entrance of the hell. I was able to hear the sand falling to the ground constantly.

Because I was in my Nature Chakra State, I felt traps all around to cave set up to attack any intruder. Mostly very thin strings, but as sharp as a sword. If any normal Ninja were to contact with them, they would split apart without they understand what happened. Even I would be injured badly if I were to bump into them without circulating my defensive means.

I flew between them, and approach to the dark aura, I felt earlier, before I jumped in. It was a feeling of evil, a malicious being was leaking inside my body from my cells to deviate me. Crow told me One-Tailed Beast was more brutal and more bloodthirsty than the others, and I could feel it. A voice was calling me to the darkness. The owner of the voice wanted to be free, so it was ready to be taken away by me. I could feel its emotions. It was sick of imprisonment.

After five minutes of time, I was on the ground, but there was nothing but sand. I looked for the walls, secret doors, and all other stuff, but wasn't able to find anything. The cave walls were solidified sands, and there was nothing else but some drawings on these walls. As I examine them closer, I noticed that they were very adept seals. Far better than any I have seen, but they were still wasn't strong enough to stop me.

After I searched for 15 minutes, I put on the Glasses of Confucius, and said "Urn." but there was nothing, after that, I said, "Tomb." still nothing at all. "Seal." when I was frustrated because of endless search, it hit me suddenly and I said. And a seal started to appear in the sand wall as if there was a door at the sand wall. It was invisible seal hidden inside of the normal seal on the walls, if I didn't have the glasses, I wouldn't be able to find them at all.

I closed to the seal and touched it but nothing happened, but when I inspect it with Glasses, I was able to figure out how it worked. I tried my new ideas, and insert my chakra to invisible seal, when I did, my chakra the seal to visible to the naked eye, and space opened right in front of my eyes. I first extend my En inside to see if there were anything dangerous, but there was nothing except an urn.

In Hunter x Hunter world, almost everyone would use En in dome shape, but Neferpitou was using it in free shape, extending as Neferpitou wished, so could I. After all, I was stronger than Neferpitou.

I took out the urn, and it was indeed One-Tailed Beast, sealed inside of it. I didn't touch the seal, because I didn't know what to do yet, so I left it as it is, and threw it to Warehouse.

One-Tailed Beast had bloodline ability of Magnet Style. It was a useful ability if one were to master it, and I was wondering if I could somehow take those bloodline abilities without taking the beasts themselves.

After I looked around to see if there was anything else, I flashed to the Three-Tailed Beast. Normally I had to go after Two-Tailed Beast, but Naruto already acquired it with the help of Akatsuki. At the moment I didn't have any idea how should I take away the Two-Tailed Beast, but I have to take it somehow...

The information about the Three-Tailed Beast led me to the middle of the giant lake. I dived to the lake and swam at least an hour. Normally it would be akin to impossible for anyone to dive this deep. After I dived lots of sharks started to attack me, but I fend them off easily and even spared their life. I swam all the way to the bottom of the Lake and did the same thing I did in the Sand Cave. I said "Seal" with the glasses.

It wasn't much different from the sand tomb where One-Tailed Beast was sealed. There were ice walls covering an area, opening to space where Urn was placed. The ice was probably the effect of the Three-Tailed Beast, because it had Yin Element, but it also may be Ice Field where the Sage of the Six Paths chose to seal Three-Tailed Beast.

After a few minutes of horizontal swimming, I found a seal similar to the one in the Sand Cave. I did the same thing and inserted my chakra to seal and another space warped. I thrust my hand to take away the urn, and once again I threw it to the warehouse without taking a second look. I didn't need anything from this beast, unlike the One-Tailed Beast, it had no bloodline ability at all.

The Four-Tailed beast was a little bit different than the second and third. It had bloodline ability able it to control Lava Element with the mixture of the Earth and Fire elements, and its Jinchuuriki would be able to use it as well. And Four-Tailed Beast was sealed under an active volcano. Making it almost impossible to acquire for normal people, yet it was no problem for me.

When I arrived at the volcano, and there were another two with black cape patterned with crimson clouds were waiting. There were probably only two Akatsuki members could live despite the jump to the volcano. One was Hidan, immortal man, the other was Orochijosei, could walk through even in lava. Both were looking to volcano deeply, and plan their next move.

They had no sensory jutsu can detect me from afar as Naruto did, thus I made my move. I have already seen all I want to see. I dashed with amazing speed and took out my Very Good Sword, and filled it with my Wind Element Chakra, and cut Hidan's head, as I threw it to the magma, as I grabbed his body to flash away to deeps of the abyss I acquired the first-tailed beast. I chopped him into pieces and bury them separately with Earth Element Jutsu, and flash to volcano once again.

All of these didn't take a minute of my time. When I flashed back, Orochijosei was looking me with the ugliest way, but she didn't attack me bluntly. From the body she was using, it was obvious her hands were still sealed, thus I knew she was afraid of a fight with me, and I knew she was able to use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu because, under Tobirama's guidence, she learned much more technique she could learn by herself.

I wanted to kill her and avenge everything happened on that cursed day, but it wasn't time yet, as I had to collect all these beast as soon as possible before Akatsuki acquire another one, thus I didn't plan to clash anyone would take lots of my time. Even though I knew Orochijosei's weakness, still the technique would stall me, if she were to use it to evade my attacks without countering them.

I knew Orochijosei would ambush me here if I were to dive in the magma now. So, to ease my mind, I attacked her to make her run away, at least to try my chances. I dashed with amazing speed to intimidate her. And it happened as I planned, as soon as I attacked her, she flashed away, and I dived into the volcano after I sealed the space to prevent them from coming back. I thought the idea to seal space before attack Hidan and Orochijosei to prevent her from running away, but it would take lots of time, and I had to move around space I was sealing, and I would definitely be noticed. Thus it wasn't a feasible plan.

All this while, every time I trapped in a sealed space, my opponents were already aware of my arrival, thus making it easy for them to seal the space. Except for the Gold Coin, he somehow sealed it within seconds, but I had no idea how. My best guess was he had some artifact able him to seal it easily.


I recommend all my readers to check out Novel named "System: World's Infinity" It is a good novel with system.


Last few sentences of my chapters are not visible in android devices. Thus I will place this text to end of all chapters.