The Bloody Paint!

'Damn it! It is too heavy. What kind of technique is this?' I looked at the Gold Coin dashed in my direction. The lightning sword in his hand was about to sever my head, and I couldn't move because of the pressure on me. It was as if, there were mountains on my shoulder.

"Be careful Brother. Now that you don't have the Adapt System, you cannot adapt to this situation. You have to break free from this technique." Crow reminded me.

'I know. Damn it!' I took out the Very Good Sword from Warehouse and infused my Lightning Chakra to it, as I defend against Gold Coin's Lightning Sword. The Lightning Sword vanished when it hit my Very Good Sword, and all the lightning circulated in my body. It would injure me tremendously if it weren't for my adaptation to this particular element. Fortunately, I could ignore half of this damage and my sword defended against the other half and I walked away without getting injured.

I couldn't free myself from the gold coin on my shoulder, and Gold Coin was preparing his next attack, thus I cut my own flesh where it was attached to the gold coin, and dashed to Gold Coin before he could attack again. He looked me with surprise, and hasten his attack. A bigger and more dangerous lightning started to form in his hands, but I already arrived at his side and punched him with my Thor's Hammer, while infused my Very Good Sword with wind element to attack him after that.

He blocked it with his palm and only sent flying by the mere strength, and he could actually block my lightning element, but this was expected. He similarly had an affinity with Lightning. Also, because of the armor, he was wearing, my attacks couldn't hurt him at all. He didn't even show any Divine Item at the moment. As the Shop God's Champion, Gold Coin most probably had several of Divine Items.

At that moment, a warhorse in golden armor appeared near Gold Coin. Gold Coin jumped on it and started to gallop to my direction. In the blink of the eye, he was near me and kicked me on my chest with a strong kick, and my ribs were about to break from the impact. This warhorse was too fast. I couldn't even react to its speed.

I soar into the sky to hinder its movements, but with a weird smile, Gold Coin and his warhorse started to soar as well. Who could have thought this horse can actually fly. With the same speed he dashed toward me, but this time Gold Coin attacked me with lighting and it even hurt. I had no choice at the moment but use some of my items, but I already lost most of them. I looked through the warehouse and saw the item I needed most.

The King Item I took from Isran. At that time Shop God threaten me to hand it over, but I just ignored them. Now that it actually saved me in this desperate situation. Because if I didn't use this, I had to reveal something else that would be too dangerous to reveal. With the Ilmarinen's Boots, I could move even faster than the horse.

We both started to move as fast as the wind, and I could actually surpass Gold Coin. He once again tried to condense gold coin that hindered my movements, but I didn't let him success this time and punched him in the face.

As he was getting more and angrier his lightning element started to overflow from his body. The lightning started to mend with the warhorse and its movements accelerate tremendously. It was as fast as me, maybe faster. What the hell is this horse?

"It is a Divine Horse! A warhorse the God's use to charge at their enemies. It is Shop God's warhorse and probably given to Gold Coin for this Tournament. It is as rare as the Divine Item, and the armor on it is actually King Item too." Crow said.

"You bug, don't know your place. I can't believe you forced me to use this. I will make you regret! I will make you call yourself bug once again." Gold Coin said with anger spreading from his eyes. He took out a lance, it was looking so dangerous. The light shone on it was sufficient to blind anymore. I had to block it with my eyes, because looking at it directly was hurting my brain. It was obviously a Divine Item too.

I closed my eyes and activated my En to feel Gold Coin's location at any time. It started to attack me, as I started to dodge. I tried to open my eyes, but it was darkness. I couldn't see anything at all. I took out an armor, the power armor I took from Leader of the Brotherhood of the Steel and hid inside it. My vision was still blocked, but I could at least see the red dot on the modified screen, it was obviously indicating the Gold Coin. It wasn't as good as seeing it with my own eyes, but better than trusting my feeling alone.

I took out a kunai with my seal on it and threw it to Gold Coin, he dodged it with moving his head, and I flashed to his back, by leaving the Power Armor behind. Gold Coin didn't realize it and attacked the Power Armor, where my heart was once, and penetrated the power armor. I infused all my wind chakra, zhengi, nen, haki to my Very Good Sword and slashed it to the Gold Coin's hand was holding the lance, chopping off his arm from his shoulder. As the Divine Item lost its wielder, my vision returned to normal, and my Very Good Sword found its way to Gold Coin's neck.

"Who are you? Let everybody hear it!" I said with a cold voice. All of a sudden a broadcast opened and all of the Upper Realm saw the scene where I had my sword on Gold Coin's neck. It was Fatty did that.

"I am a bug!" Gold Coin said from fear of death. He looked at me with disbelief, while I had disdain in my eyes. "And?" I questioned him.

"I am a bug. I don't deserve to live, without the Lord's forgiveness! And I am Lord's bi*ch." he said with one breath.

"You are not even those, and you surely don't deserve to live," I said and my sword created a bloody paint...


Are you Satisfied? I know, I am.