BK 1: Chapter 12 Habits of Rocyl

My Massive storm-like body of black mists and globs of blue energy, cracking with bolts of gold lightning, floats in the void of darkness.

The outer reaches of my body surrounding my first world Origin, its Star River wound around it, each end of the yellow fiery cord tied in a knot, a star with three rings.

My vast eyes swirling with blue energy like bottomless whirlpools of energy, begin to look down at my creation's inhabitants.

I stop, realizing that though I have named and categorized the diluted by-product of my energy as Mana or Ambient Mana as Aether, I have yet to name my own energies or even mass.

Contemplating my own parts highly influenced by the Primordial Sea of Chaos that I drank not so long ago, I name my raw unrefined blue energy, Mystic.

Taking a look at my black stormy body of black gaseous matter, I named my main body of mass, Primordial Black, and its current form, Primordial Mist.

Watching the gold bolt of electric-like energy flash across and through-out my body, I realize it is simply a form of my Mystic refined to the utmost, I name it, Arcanum.

Thinking over my parts I unconsciously speak my mind aloud.

"Mystic, Arcanum and Primordial Mist, these are the sum of my parts, as I am Ethereal."

Done contemplating the energies, and matter that make up my body, I focus my eyes on Origin and observe my creation's inhabitants.

Dancing in the air I sea wind elementals.

Swimming through the waters and wading through the shallows I see Water Elementals.

Walking through the forest and jungles I see primitive plant elementals, even walking trees known as treants.

First I take the water elementals and gather them all in a large group of hundreds.

I compress and condense their bodies into even more humanoid forms.

I cover their bodies in a thick layer of condensed and compressed ice like a shell, the water of their bodies only showing at their various humanoid joints.

I mold a large spherical core in their chest from a mixture of half condense ice and half mana, enabling them two easier control their inner water pressure which controls their body's movements.

The primary core also gives them the ability to manipulate, absorb and cultivate mana.

I form a smaller secondary core their heads two-thirds mana one-third ice, the core heightening their intelligence and giving many of them sentience.

Those that are already sentient only become even more so intelligent.

Intelligence happens to heighten control over mana, their innate mana and one's ability to absorb mana, in other words, overall mana affinity is increased by intelligence.

I further mold their bodies shape making them more intricate details, their eyes made of water covered in thin ice giving off a soft glow from the mana of the core in their heads.

I give them noses, pointed ears, fingers, opposable thumbs, and hair of water or ice sometimes snow.

I make intricate swirling carvings along their icy shell-like armor and further alter their secondary cores to give them telepathy through the use of mana or magic.

I make male modeled ones and female modeled ones in various shapes and sizes.

Finishing my new and improved water elementals I give them one final ability before naming them.

By combining water from themselves and using an instinctual magic spell they can create offspring of their same species.

I name the new and improved species of water elementals, Hydro kin.

Finishing my work on the Hydro Kin I drop them off into three small colonies.

One in a deep ocean trench in the great river separating the western and eastern continents.

Another in a large lake on the western continent.

The last in a large river on the northern continent to help keep the dragons and their dragon kin company.

Taking my eyes off the Hydro Kin and focus on the wind elementals flying through the sky while others relax in clouds, I pick them up gathering them together to begin improving them.

I begin with a core made purely of mana weaving it together with various meanings and intent, into a pure core of mana programmed to stay in a ball and act as a sentient brain for them.

The new type of mana core gives them sentience, increased control over their motor functions and mana affinity as well as the ability to cultivate mana, even manipulate it.

I form their bodies around the cores giving them the upper half of human-shaped humanoids covered in dry ice also known as solidified air shell-like armor and the lower halves of wisp-like ghosts.

I make them in both male and female features in various shapes and sizes, with the ability to temporarily turn completely into the wind, their mana cores still at their centers.

Completed I name them, Aer Kin, then release them scattering them into origin's skies and highest mountains.

Gathering up the primitive plant elementals and treants, I mold them into human-like shapes in various shapes and sizes, both males and females.

This time because they are organic in nature I give them reproductive systems modeled after humans but with plants, males getting male reproductive systems, and females getting female reproductive systems.

I shape their muscles from thick roots, their skin from leaf-like material, their organs from plant flesh, their blood from aloe vera, their hair made off grasses and vines.

I create their eyes in the appearance of shamrock pearls that glowing with traces of mana used to program them with sight.

I cover their bodies with a small amount of hard dense tree-like bark armor.

I take a minute to each give them points green ears that can hear, and actual vocal cords, along with fully functional noses.

I mold a single mana core in each of their chests to give them mana affinity and the ability to cultivate mana, most of their mana having high affinity with plants.

After molding their plant brains in their wood skulls to give them sentience I take a good look at them and name them, Flora Kin.

Completed with the alteration of plant elementals and treants into flora kin I scatter them to all four continents, the flora kin instinctually moving towards the nearest forests.

Relishing in the satisfying pleasure of creating a few new species I take a moment to enjoy the sensation, before turning my gaze back to Origin.

I focus on the wildes' jungle territory in the jungle south of the Eth Forest inhabited by human, and west of the regals' jungle territory.

I watch as three wildes dash through the foliage, leap over boulders and jump along branches while they attempt to escape from a large exotic drake.

Before they finally come to a pillar of stone with a wide base and a hole in the center of its top half, a blue sphere of mana glowing within it, an electric blue glowing symbol carved below it into the stone.

A circle of glowing blue stone surrounding the small shrine.

The three wildes one female with long black hair tied in a warriors braid, her skin a golden caramel.

The other two males one large with a pale skin tone with a braided blonde Mohawk.

The one leading them at the head small, with a lean build and short shaggy black hair, his skin pale.

The small male leading, lands first a yard or two away from the shrine the other two shortly land after him following close behind.

The leader walks up to the shrine placing his hand on the symbol.

His palm over the sigil, he softly asks, "Rocyl, we humbly ask for your presence."

Rocyl dressed in black robes with blue and gold trimmings casually steps out from behind the shrine and leans up against his shrine.

Rocyl answers, "You called?"

Rocyl's mystical mana spreading out engulfing area in his presence, the drake hesitating as it slows down to a careful tiptoe, still following the scent of the three wildes.

The wildes simultaneously take a knee each of their right fists over their hearts.

Group Leader, "Great One we ask"

Rocyl, "The Great One is Ethereal, our creator.

You will address me as your majesty.

Are we clear?"

Group Leader, "Yes your majesty.

We ask for power to avenge our kin, as our village was destroyed by a large purple drake with a blue stripe along each of its sides.

We… We are all that is left."

Rocyl, "You ask for power?

Are you sure you don't want to speak with my older brother Razyl instead?

He tends to hand out that sort of thing."

Group leader, "Yes your majesty it is all we desire, you are who we wish to bargain with."

Rocyl, "Very well, Jayarc, I will give you, Thaya, and Drayon the power you seek.

You will each receive your own word of power and greater magic power.

However, you must all pledge yourselves to me, spread my name, recruit followers and sign this."

Holding out his arm towards the three wildes, he flicks his wrist a glowing blue contract with even brighter runes written upon it, appearing in his hand.

After they each place their thumb upon the contract signing it, the contract disappears in a burst of mystical mana.

A magic circle appears beneath each of the runes of the overseers glowing as they move across their skin's surface.

Rocyl, "Jayarc I bestow you with the word of power, Obliterate.

Thaya I bestow upon you the word of power, Mend.

Drayon I bestow upon you the word of power, Protect."

The rune along their bodies each coming together to form magical structures upon their skin's surface before diming as the circles light slowly goes out.

Finished Rocyl turns invisible and flies up to the little flat piece of land I built for his parents.


Stupid mortals they didn't even want to make a contract with me, they just knew I had the closest shrine.

Dumbasses as if I can't easily read your puny minds.

Finally, after flying for what seemed like an hour,

I land upon the edge of the Ancestral Plane as my descendants refer to it.

I always liked the name the Divine Realm but nooooo, nobody listens to me it's always Razyl this and Razyl that.

Stupid elder brother, when is he gonna let me make some important decisions for a change.

I walk up to the High Tower built by Ethereal himself when this realm was made, and I open the massive stone doors closing them behind me as I walk inside.

Going up the stairs I accidentally let my thoughts slip out of my mouth.

Rocyl, "I'm pretty sure Father and The Great One have already caught on to what we're doing.

If they really wanted to they could have stopped us already, although father does always look at us with disappointment in his eyes.

Well, I'm sure if the Great One said anything father would act on his behalf.

Ughth these stairs are taking too long."

Levitating and then flying up the staircase I finally make it the highest floor, to see my elder brother and siblings already there having a conversation.

Shit, I hope they didn't hear, but they probably did.

As I land at the top of the steps and walk into the room I see them all stop in the middle of their conversation and look at me.

Razyl floats a smirk on his face with a pompous snort and turns back to the others starting back up the conversation.

Hey, I may be third born but at least I'm not 999th born like Jeri, fucking looking down at me like pompous ass roll.

I walk up behind the long counter several bookcases between me and it as my wife Emerald walks up to me.

Her green hair and long black robes swaying as she walks up to me her head down as her eyes glowing green eyes gaze up at me, a shy smile on her face.

I'm so lucky.

Wait what was I thinking about I can't remember.

She hands me a book with a red cover on it and no title. Her eyes turning to look up at me expectingly.

"Thank you honey dearest.

I've been looking for this one for a while now."

She presses her body against mine her soft plump chest pressing against my lower chest, her eyes looking up at me sparkling.

I set the book down and guide her behind a bookcase a few rows back as we have a few moments of passionate lovemaking.

After a few hours, we come back out from behind the bookcase, to the counter.

My hand moves toward the book on the counter as my eyes briefly look at my wife's lower stomach, noticing we have just conceived our 555th child.

Well, it still in the first few hours of development, should be about 12 months before she gives birth.

Taking the book from earlier in my hands I look out at my siblings as I notice that they're finished talking, most of them along with Razyl moving for the staircase.

My younger brother Acyl the only one walking towards me.

He stops in front of the counter, his eyes glancing at my wife's stomach before looking back at me making eye contact.

Acyl, "I see you've just conceived another child."

Rocyl, "What this about Acyl."

Acyl, "What no hug?

No how's it going, little brother?

No, I heard you just got five more wives and have twenty-three children by the way?"

Rocyl, "You got five more wives?"

Acyl, "No, but that's not the point.

The point is your up here all secluded with your wife, all your children, grandkids, and descendants all the time.

Not to mention you only go out to see the mortals once in a while.

You haven't even been to the city in two thousand years let alone gone hunting.

You need to get out more instead of cataloging all these books and scrolls all the time, and well procreating."

Rocyl, "Huahh, Acyl you know very well I and my bloodline are in charge of running the high tower's library, as per contract with father."

Acyl, "Ya, Which you wrote and volunteered for after practically shoving it in father's hand and demanding he approve it!

Huahh, look me and the others have decided to go hunting the giant wild rabbits their population has been getting out of hand lately.

I think it would be good for you if came along.


Rocyl, "Pass.

Hard pass.

Don't wanna not gonna and ain't doing shit.

Acyl you know that running the High Tower is a full-time job, along with my side job of tending to the mortals.

So the answer is no, I'm not going.

However, I will write down in the official records, that the giant rabbit population has risen again after two hundred years right on target per cycle, just like last time.

Now if your done brother could you please show yourself out, I need to record recent events in the 10th volume of The Records of Creation."

Acyl, "Yah sure."

Rocyl, "Oh and on your way out could you send up my firstborn son Arqo?

I need to go over the new management system with him."

Acyl walks down the stairs as I move my eyes back to the 10th volume currently in my hands.

Rocyl, "Ok, time to get to work."