BK 1: Chapter 24 Wilderness Survival 101

Wandering through the forest's underbrush and tall grasses I look for flint, obsidian or some other rock, I can make into a knife.

Finally coming across what feels like a piece of flint growing out of a strange green vine on a tree, I tear off a piece.

Hearing a rustle and a deep snort I turn my head and see a large bull covered in dark red scales and small spikes, his tail ending in a small spike.

The red scaly bull snorts again smoke coming out of its nostrils, its yellow reptilian eyes staring at me.

It begins plowing the ground with it hoof, aiming its large black horns with a red tint at me, then charges.

Mowing down the surrounding foliage and a few small trees in its way as it charges at me.

I lower myself to the ground drop the prey I had in my hand, and spread out my arms to grab the bull by the horns.

When it's nearly upon me I grab it by its horns with my hands and knee it right in its nose.

I feel its nose crunch under the force along with part of its skull.

Still holding the bull by the horns I push my weight down on him, pushing him down with me, his horns creaking under my strength.

I then shift my weight to the left along with the bull, smashing him into the ground and snapping off his left horn with my right hand.

Having lost some leverage I quickly mount the bull's side and pull his right horn with my left hand toward me as I go, before grabbing with my right as well, then pulling with all my might.


His neck breaks with a snap as I feel the previous resistance gone.

Stopping for a moment I feel the adrenaline leave me.

Surprisingly there no exhaustion only emotional confusion and stress, as I realize just how close I was to dying, then realize I can't really die permanently anymore.

Confused about what I should be feeling and feeling a lot of anxiety I just sit there for a moment and breath.

After a while, I finally get up and drag the bull behind me by the horn.

Moving back towards the clearing and I pick up my previous prey on the way using the broken off horn.

Coming to the clearing I drop off all my prey and go off to find some iron ore or something so I can start a fire.

Looking through the forest for about thirty minutes I can't find anything even resembling iron.

I hurry back to the clearing with some tree bark a few sticks and some rocks, before an animal has a chance to start eating my prey.

Coming back I dump the materials into a few piles and sort them before I go back and get a bunch of dried leaves, twigs, fallen tree branches, and logs.

Coming back I decide to use the bull's horn as a knife.

Sitting down I take the rocks and start hitting the broken horn with a rock at different angles, after a while the rock breaks doing barely any damage.

This process repeats for a while, until I finally realize if I just break off the tip of the other horn I can use that to shape the horn, before breaking off the tip so it's short enough.

After a few hours of shaping the horn, I finally break off the tip and have a knife with a handle as wide as the blade's base.

I look up at the sky noticing it's gotten darker and see the sun stream up in the sky has gotten slightly dimmer, shadows of the trees now slightly stretching into the clearing.

Quickly I decide to start working on the fire, before butchering the dead animals I killed.

I start by digging a fire pit with one of the broken horns.

After that, I get a piece of bark and put it on top of two flat rocks with the crevice in the middle.

I take my knife and cut a little hole in the middle of the bark.

I fill the crevice with dead leaves and stuff the little hole with dry leaves the best I can, then take a dry stick sticking the tip into the hole.

I put both hands on the stick and start rubbing my hands together with the stick in between them, moving my hands up and down the stick so it doesn't move out of the hole.

After God knows how many hours, I finally see some smoke.

I take the stick out the hole and very softly blow a tiny amount of air on it, a little at a time stopping after each time to take a quick look at it.

The smoke keeps growing until, until finally I see a little flame.

Hurrying I quickly grab more dried leaves and pile them on handfuls at a time, taking some twigs I pile them on top, as the flame quickly grows into a small fire.

I quickly grab a large number of leaves and twigs then toss them into the fire pit.

With extreme care, I carry the fire on top of the two stones into the fire pit.

The fire almost goes out, just a few tiny flames still lit, as I place them into the fire pit.

I lightly blow on them as the new batch of dry leaves and twigs start to catch fire.

Moving away I get a few more leaves and twig throwing them on the fire, before getting a few sticks, and throwing them on a few at time

The amount growing as the fire burns on, growing larger and hungrier.

I keep throwing more and more sticks on the fire, until the fire is big enough to handle a tree branch.

I break a tree branch into pieces and throw it on the fire repeating the process, until I throw a whole tree branch on the fire, followed by a few logs.

The fire now nice and big with a bunch of branches and logs piled up to keep it going, I start gutting my prey.

After gutting it I skin it which takes a really long time, and I'm sure if I had a normal body, this bull would be a two-person job, with me still being exhausted afterward.

After gutting and skinning the weird rabbit squirrel and the giant rabbit, I just throw them on the edge of the fire, half of their body touching it.

Finally butchering the bull, I cut off the hams and just throw them in onto the now raging bonfire.

After I do the same with the shoulders I throw the gutted and cleaned torso on to the fire as well.

Ravenous I pick up the slightly burnt and charred rabbit squirrel thing and start eating.

Looking around I see night has fallen.

I look up at the sky and see the sun stream has become dim, merely emitting a soft orange glow.

Munching on my food, I hear a screeching howl that sounds close, then several more following afterward, before all howling in sync.

I stand up looking out into the darkness hearing rustling and see a large number of giant rats shaped very similar to wolves approaching my campsite.

I ready myself and pick up my knife as the wolf-like rats come into the area alit by my bonfire.

The soft warm glow of the fire hitting their numerous figures, as their hairless tails rock back and forth in the darkness with each step.