
He shot toward the goblin leader in the back while swinging his arm at any nearby goblins to wound or kill them. What happened next once he got to a good distance left Gun speechless. The leader goblin did not try to engage him in a fight.

The leader goblin bolted in a different direction as if his greatest nemesis was after him. The direction it took was in a group of humans. To be exact, it was the group led by Pair who had her back turned, facing the opposite direction. She wouldn't be able to see it coming.

"Shoot!" Gun exclaimed. The goblin leader's speed could be said to be near equal to his own. Coupled with already having some distance from the start, he knew he wouldn't be able to catch up in time.

Being desperate, he could only try out the running technique famous in virtual reality type games. It was normally called Step Skip because one would hop jump, with one leg alternately, with each step.

When done right and fast, it became better than running.

Of course, this was only possible in virtual reality games and not real life. Regular humans simply lacked the leg strength, to accomplish the same result. If done outside a game with normal human strength, in no way was it better than running normally.

The first time this trick was discovered, it created a mass uproar of people complaining that there are, glitches in the game. Developers at the time tried to solve the issue to stop customer complaints but found out there was no way to solve it unless they restricted the leg strength a character could use.

This, in turn, would then defeat the purpose of having great strength in games. Not willing to lose credibility, all accusations were sweep to the side with a message saying there were no problems with the game and it worked the way it was intended.

Left with no choice, all top gaming players quickly sought out how to perform the Step Skip. What the running technique looked like was someone jiggling as they ran with a longer leg running stride.

Gun wasn't too sure this technique would work since his strength could not be properly measured to game terms. Regardless, he didn't have an alternative to the situation. With a slow start, it started with a hop then a slow skip, before it picked up speed.

Soon it became a full-blown run. Seeing the jiggling Gun wasn't missed by the others in the back area. They were speechless that someone could use a high-level game technique in this world.

"Wow, he just performed Step Skip!" cried a youth. "What the heck! Is he a top game player? I never heard the name Light Gun on any famous games before." someone shouted.

"What's so great about being a cheater? I would never glitch to win!" This person's voice could be said to be bitter. After all, not everyone could perform this trick. It was a technique that was considered, to take skill to learn.

Gun didn't pay any attention to the people's comments, as he ran to blitz the goblin leader. Feeling that the goblin would make it first, Gun decided it was best to warn Pair even if it did create a distraction during her fight. "Pair! Watch out behind you!" He shouted.

She quickly sprung around to check what the ruckus was about. There was the leader goblin closing in on her. "Wah!!" was the voice she made losing a little of her calm. She instantly stopped fighting with the goblin in front and ran to more people for help.

This action did not deter the goblin leader in any way. If anything, its speed quicken, as if it was happy with her decision. All one had to do, was to look at the previous performance by Gun, to know that, numbers meant nothing against higher levels.

The leader goblin finally caught Pair, as he stabbed his knife at her. One could only say that Pair was fortunate. Having fought for some time, she had already managed to get a shield and knife. With her shield in hand, she blocked the telegraphed stab.

This strike sent her tumbling back, off her feet. The goblin leader did not stop its assault. Raising its hand for another stab, it was suddenly shield bashed by Gun, who had finally caught up.

The goblin leader paused once seeing Gun close up, before getting its courage back. The only reason it paused, was because it was affected by the Prey buff.

This buff was frightening because it had the ability to down-level the owner by 1 level. The Predator buff in return, raise the level by 1. This meant when a prey was facing a predator, there was a level difference, of two whole levels.

Of course, the downside was that the range was short. In the beginning, the goblin was close but had a decent amount of distance. Then, the moment it took off, the buff had completely canceled. This left their speed being around the same level again.

Once it had realized the effects of the two buffs, it probably had wanted to gain the predator buff also. Sadly, its efforts had just run out. Gun did not show any mercy to the goblin leader.

From what he saw, this goblin was cunning. It had purposely allowed Pair to get away. Or better yet, it had moved to the side with no people so that when she retreated, she was forced to go to where more people were stationed.

The more people grouped together, the quicker it would be able to collect on prey points.

Two arm swings were all it took to snuff out its life. Following the death of the leader, all the goblins started to panic. They no longer fought back but tried to run away instead. If one looked at their status, each one had the buff Despair activated.

With somebody shouting to not let a single one run away or they might bring more back, each and every goblin was hunted down. After finishing up with the goblins, everybody returned to the classroom.

Once everybody got to the classroom, the female voice was heard again. "Congratulations on being the second group to finish the quest mission. The rewards for this quest is 10 level up stones and the title Vice Group Leader."

The female voice said more, "Since the other groups aren't finished, it's recommended to accept the side quest during the wait for relaxation and food. Have fun invading."

Before anyone could start questions, the chalkboard wrote another message. "Side Quest Mission! Establish leadership for your group. Choice 8 Sub Leaders and 1 Vice Group Leader to better control your invasion troop. This quest reward becomes void after waiting time ends."

Seeing the message on the chalkboard, Gun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In a normal group with the leader having absolute control, this decision would be an easy choice. His group, on the other hand, had himself plus four other leaders.

He could demand they follow whatever he said since his strength was greater and they had no real way of fighting back, but then the group would really be divided with no way to solve it. He didn't want to make watching his back against the whole group a permanent thing.

What made the situation even worse, the rewards fell into his hands. Was the system of the current world trying to say that only the leader got rewards? Did it want to make him a dictator? If the goal was that, it was failing badly.

There was no dictatorship in the classroom, there were only glares and accusation eyes toward him. Gun knew that, if he didn't agree to half of their demands, they would let him go solo or backstab him in secret. The only one who would side with him would be, his friend Fist.

Taking a look at the Vice Group Leader title, it was a type of scroll that was glowing a faint yellow color. The handwriting was in a language he knew or at least he could understand it somehow.

For the level up stones, it was the size of a small pebble and glowed all types of blue colors. On the stone was a number 1 on it. He assumed this meant, it only leveled a person one time or could be used one time.

Wanting to know more about it, Gun used the Tutorial Help skill. "These stones are reward stones from a completed quest mission. The current reward stones you have can only be used once before the body develops a resistance to it. It is better to use these types of rewards on people you trust!"

It soon followed up with his situation of the quest. "The rewards for this quest are a type of food for body nourishment, to replenish health, energy, and stamina. To get the best results for the next quest, its advised to have an optimized body by completing this quest before time runs out."

Thinking over what to do best, Gun looked at Fist before calling out to him. This naturally drew everyone's attention, who was discussing how to use the rewards. "Fist I think you should get the Vice Group Leader title."

He didn't even get to finish the rest of his words before Bear, interrupted his conversation. "I refuse!" he spoke urgently.

"Not that I accept this world or agree to these quests, I demand to get some of the level-up stones! As for your little leader group, nobody in your group deserves another title. You already have the best title, Group Leader! If your group got more things, it would make the rest imbalance even more than what it is now."

"Did you all forget how easily he was killing those monsters out there? He might be one of them!" he again persuaded.

The tall youth Sports snorted at the stupidity, "I don't really care about him being a spy or whatever. But I also agree that giving the second best title to your group again is a little unfair. After all, how are the rest of us, supposed to protect ourselves, if all the good stuff keep going to you?"

Gun frowned as he watched the two 'group leaders'. He could tell that Sports was a cautious person just by the fact he decided to be in the second wave. His group had more people and their builds were better suited for fighting than Pair's.

In this respect, Sports should have been the group leading the charging with his own half group. Now he had to wonder if he was about to show his true colors. Bear, on the other hand, he already knew that the short fat youth didn't have them all there, so he ignored him.