To be strong, one must embrace shamelessness

After finding the betting station after what seemed like an eternity after being stared down by the middle-aged man.

Hua yinyue found herself in front of a dirty and almost broken shack looking place with the words engraved in it's decayed sign" Sign up for the arena here"

"Hello, my good friend may sign up to fight in the battling arena in the yellow zone".Hua yinyue asks in exhausted tone from walking 1 hr around the underground to find this place. Meaning that she has a horrible sense of direction.

(there are 3 zones the betting arena, yellow, black, earth, Yellow for body tempering for spirt tempering realm and earth for nascent soul and earth realm, beyond that is the realm usually elders of great sects have so who'd wanna die with such a high cultivation?)

"Sign here and here, take note that if you die, it's your problem" a woman in her middle ages replied with an indifferent tone as if people dying here regularly was common.

Hua yinyue signs the contract and heads towards the battling arena where cheer and the thick smell of blood assaulted her nostrils

"Damn kill him, aim for the head! My parents are going to kill me if I loose to much money" an adult fatty screamed with his disgusting saliva spewing in all directions

Dirty scums who relied on their parents for a living and cared not for the poor could be seen around the arena

As if the fight to the death was nothing more than a show for amusement to them.

When hua yinyue was close enough to have a clear view of the arena, she was just in time to see a barbaric and savage man decapitating his opponent before kicking his corpse out of the ring.

Normally just kicking one's opponent already leads to a win, however, these savage men take killing their prey as something of "honour".

Hua yinyue felt her stomach churning before trying her best to calm herself. Though she'd seen quite a bit of blood and organs in her days as a nurse part time before turning into a full-time doctor. This is the first time she's actually seen a person die right infront of her.

After regaining a bit of her calm she reassures herself. 'Stay strong, death is going to be common in the future when I get transported to other worlds, who knows i might have to go on the path of slaughter in the future just to survive'

Just as she regained her calm, she heard an excited voice exclaim to the cheering crowd "aaaaand the winner is .... Bulldog with a win streak of 5x wins in a row"

"Pffft bulldog, someone should put a leash on him and he'd look perfect"Hua yinyue couldn't resist taunting others as a form of habit.

"WHO SAID THAT" a mad and crazed voice sounded from the arena. It was precisely the bulldog that hua yinyue scorned.


---Author's funny life occurrences---

Once I was travelling to x country and my mother warned me to wear extra thick clothes

as she was afraid that it's be very cold

as a stupid idiot i followed her instructions.

When we reached there is was FREAKING 28degree celsius!

I was sweating fountains in my 3 layered outfit

Best part?My mum asked me "why didn't you tell me it was this hot"

truth " i kept telling her x country didn't seem that hot


bonus chapter 2/10

Please support me with powerstones!

-----------------------------------------------------Preview of next world--------------------------------------------------

Hua yinyue looks at the hot male lead of the next world running towards her

Mamamia! Lady luck is shining at me.

Only after looking at what's behind him did she start running with him.

Apparently, he's still in the training stage huh? right now he's a coward

Nevermind, I am a coward too

Buddy let us, cowards... I mean best friends join hands you are a coward, great i am a coward too let us run the fuck away together! Cowardly club ASSEMBLE!

(Btw we still have like 50 chapters of my idea before she goes to new world :D)

Hua yinyue's character will change and develop as the story progresses :D

Right now she's shameless, naive and playful.

Hehehe.... let's watch her grow together, shall we?

Btw i'm not done writing this world plot but Why not share with my viewers what's comming out