
Just as Hua yinyue was about to break through, all her energy suddenly scattered as she felt a cold hard object piece through her heart.

'What's happening'

She looked down to see a sword stabbed through her heart with that warm red liquid spilling out from her.

At that point in time her body turned cold with a single thought 'No, no that can't be true' with a Hua yinyue turned behind to see the person she'd never believe would backstab her.

Ningxi had stabbed her

Hua yinyue's eyes were filled with infinite sadness, depression, surprise, anger, hatred, disbelief and most importantly confusion.

She'd never believe it. Ningxi would NEVER do this.

Yet what was she seeing, what was she feeling WHAT WAS IT WHY WAS IT?????

'No, no NO I don't believe this, no there has to be a reason' Hua yinyue tries her very best to think of a reason why she's doing this

With the last bit of strength she could gather she asked the backstabbing, deceptive Ningxi whose eyes were filled with grief, regret and sadness. "Why?"

With that said her vision began to feel blurry and her bloodshot eyes bleeding out that salty water made of extremely sorrow closed

With that ache in her heart, she felt as her consciousness started fading away.

Hua yinyue died. Still in disbelief. to the person who she'd give her life protecting had so mercilessly killed her

'What's this darkness enveloping me..... why do I feel....empty?' all Hua yinyue could see was that awful dark, scary place with no end all around her as she curled up with her hands firmly locking her legs from letting go as she hid her head from everything around her.

to her time had already stopped in that dark, dreadful, god forgotten place that seemed to suit her at the very moment, time felt like it was frozen in this empty room. before that light, that very familiar light appeared before her and took her away from that scary place.

With a cautious and comforting tone, the system said: "Host shouldn't be so.."

"Quiet" with eyes still leaking a fountain, with her face filled with despair, Hua yinyue walked to a corner of that blinding, white like room and sat there.

Looking towards the blind stillness, not moving an inch, like a sculpture looking towards the light yet still filled with sorrow.

She'd never believe it, yet she had to, the person she fully trusted for the first time, became the very person to cause her such despair.

'Truly laughable' Hua yinyue laughs with a voice choked in sadness, self-deprecation.

Her lonely figure stood still for many days, not moving and Inch, not speaking a single word.

The cheery smile, the naughty and sly look in her eyes were gone.

Would it ever return?

Was it wrong...to believe... to trust someone?

Was she just so naive just so.....blind?

Was she fated to be alone forever?

Was this that stupid thing the people call fate?



Sorry for the sad part, this is needed.

I might be kinda bad at writing emotional sad stuff.

If you're needing an explanation then it'll come in a few chapters time

Don't worry Hua yinyue's first few worlds will be full of hardship.

After that, it'll be A LOT better.

Her life from start is really bad but as things progress her life will be better


This is too sad for a comedic theatre, sorry.

By the way it's my first time writing a sad part so comment areas for improvement