Chopsticks galore

'Ding, congratulations host you've got "Infinite enchanted asura's chopsticks"

Enchanted chopsticks:

created by a mystic master from world 5-342

it was made to ensure that it wouldn't break when the king of gods, Asura wouldn't break he's utensils when using it.

Thus, it was made with an enchantment to be as powerful as the one who wields it.

(credits below)

'What's the weapon I'm going to get? fork, spoon? chairs?tables?'

'Why not give me a hairdryer while you're at it'

With such a stupid weapon might as well just choke herself to death

Using the last day as training she managed to get a 40% hit accuracy when she focuses

So, she had learnt a very valuable lesson that day; spam throw chopsticks,one of them will hit a zombie eventually.

------Day 7 (apocalypse day)-----------

Hannah brought her parents along for the camp in an excuse that they should take a break soon

The apocalypse would start at 6 pm sharp when the zombies break out from an unknown lab

She would of went to the lab to do something if she knew where it was located

But the Hannah in the original story wasn't strong or didn't have a high enough authorization level to just know about its location/site.

Though everyone was a little surprise that Hannah brought 20 portable chargers and a whole load of water they didn't say anything since Hannah loved to use jutube for blogging.

Hannah also researched beforehand to camp near a farm, farms generally have a low population, is far away from the city, are near clean water sources and have fields of food or whole storages of food.

She could also stock up some food and water into her system storage secretly.

Those with the space power were the first to get suspected.

Since they had the power of space they could also make small spaces of around 1x1 to the biggest record, 20x20.

They would normally be the one to store heavy supplies in the team

At first, they were one of the most wanted types of ability users

Firstly because of their ability with space, not only can they use the power of space to attack using something people call space edge, it was as if an extremely powerful pressured area was attacking towards you

Secondly, they were also very good for defense using the nothingness of space to defend themselves from attacks

However, later in the years with zombies successfully destroying quite a bit of the farm that people have managed to protect and food became scarce, they became one of the most suspected

Whose to say that they're not hiding food in their own space for themselves?

Speaking of which both Emma and Oleo's powers were never mentioned since they never really met Hannah at all when the apocalypse broke out

Though maybe they were well protected.

Their parents were not only one of the top Generals of the country and were the very ones who lead an army to attack the female lead and male lead.

They went to have fun bathing and playing at the waterfall, chit chatting about life, throwing Eleo down the waterfall.

Laughing at him as screamed at the top of his lungs

It really made Hannah happy, such wonderful moments, if only the apocalypse didn't happen

Sadly, dreams don't come true

as they watched the wonderful sunset from the bench they set up right outside their RVs a great meteor shower happened.

"Look at that" Emma said as she pointed excitedly at the meteor shower, it was really nice.

Hannah merely smiled at it as she looked towards the TV in the RV before showing a "shocked" face and pointing at the TV


"What is it Hannah that's made you so stumped? your favorite idol's on TV?" Eleo

Hearing his words Matthew show a forced smile before turning towards the TV, slightly curious whose Hannah's new favorite Idol

But what really shocked them was that on the news was a news reporter on a helicopter filming from up above the sky of the capital city of country X, showing the scene of people covered in blood all over their bodies attacking other people, ripping out their intestines, biting their throats at warm blood gushed 180degrees out.

To make matters worst those who died "woke up" not long after that with decayed bodies and white eyes with no pupils walking towards crowds of people.

With the police trying their best to contain people

The police were also shooting people who got too close to them infected or not it was better to be safe than sorry.

The zombie apocalypse had broken out.

But, not long after that as everyone was stunned, Hannah switched through channels she saw worldwide zombies were breaking out.

The world was being revolutionized.

The new era of zombies had began


I'll edit in credits later, Dinner comes first, (I have my priorities straight I know)

4 year old son " How were babies made?"

Hua yinyue " Go ask your father"

4 year son " But he called me to find you"

Hua yinyue 'damn it you win this time'

System (Husband 1 , Hua yinyue 0)


or I'll give you

POOPERSTONES!!!! fear them!!!