
Ningxi's point of view

There she was. her childhood friend who she'd abandoned

because of her clan which stated that she shouldn't be near commoners, low lives that she had to leave her before the clan did something to her dearest friend

She'd spent each day wondering about how was her friend's life, was she ill? was she bullied?

The guilt was really killing her

One day, when she'd face a rank 3 beast and was forced to the edge of a cliff

She could feel death calling out to her and a cold feeling wrapping itself around her chest.

Why? why did she run off alone ? why didn't she just stay in that nice warm carriage and just head towards river flowing sect?

As she was ready to be struck by the paws of the yellow-spotted liger, a light flashed before her eyes

To her surpise the pain she expected did not come, instead she saw the corpse of the fierce beast.

A man wearing purple robes with a devilish golden mask that was unable to block out even his inner beauty. He was probably the one who killed the fierce beast.

But what had truly shocked her was the person beside him, her old friend who'd she wanted to see, Hua qinfeng.

She'd felt infinite gratitude to Hua qinfeng, though she was distant to Ningxi at first, they'd eventually became close friends again.

Wanting her friend to go with her to the River Flowing Sect after finding her talent in cultivating, she'd suggested and gave her a recommendation letter too.

Though Hua qinfeng said that she'd wanted to train and cultivate before heading off to the sec to find an elder , the fact that she could enter the sect with her friend in 3 years time was satisfactory.

Cultivating in the River Flowing sect was boring, everyone kept sucking up to her because of her clan.

That was at least until she'd met someone else.

The mad women who'd been acting crazy in the sect's library, Hua yinyue, who'd apparently challenged Ye hao ben to a duel

Winning would end up with being chased down by the Ye clan but losing would result in loss of face entirely.

Ultimately trapping herself to death

Though she'd only arrived in time to see the end of the battle, it was just in time to see a girl flying off the stage

There stood, that shameless straightforward friend who she'd have to say wished she'd never met, standing on that stage with a shovel?

In her interest, she used the power of the Mo clan to intimidate the Ye clan from attacking Hua yinyue.

She was a really naive, clumsy cheerful and most importantly shameless friend, she'd eventually became my sister.

But 3 years later, came a day where I never thought would have happened

Turns out Hua yinyue and Hua qinfeng have a blood fued.

Ningxi saw through the hole in the door of Hua yinyue attempting to poison Hua qinfeng

'who to choose?' was the only thought she had as she battled some fierce beast to relieve stress, but in doing so she attracted some fierce beast from the blood of the corpse

There came a stage 4 fierce beast, it'd badly wounded Ningxi

When she was at the edge of death she'd heard the calm cold voice with a tinge of warmth inside "Silly girl"

Hua qinfeng had saved her yet again, they'd spent a year traversing the world and during so she comfirmed her feelings and decided to stay by Hua qinfeng's side

During the 1 year period, she also witnessed how Hua qinfeng and Long yeesheng came by a multitude of treasures.

Even treasure that could kill those above the sky realm!

Determined to stop Hua yinyue at all cost Ningxi returned and after getting news that Long yeesheng and Hua qinfeng was badly injured she'd pay a visit to Hua yinyue immediately

Now was the best time for her to strike.

To her surprise Hua yinyue had invited her out before she'd done anything.

She really wanted to stop Hua yinyue but seeing that innocent cheery smile her heart hesitated.

But when she was told that Hua yinyue was going to kill her sister and brother in law after breaking through she knew she had to stop her!

If they battle,Hua yinyue would probably loose with all the treasures and secret weapons Hua qinfeng had. She'd seen what Hua qinfengg would do to all her enemies without mercy

From stripping them naked and disabling them before tossing them to a street of beggars to be raped yet unable to do anything till she died of hunger or illness to letting her victims die as they watch insect eat them up alive slowly.

She was also too weak to stop Hua yinyue so she'd have to kill her to stop her.

Even if she temporarily stopped Hua yinyue she would probably still persist till death

With that in the tranquil garden and tears still fresh in her eyes, she'd stabbed Hua yinyue.

With her head lowered and back facing her to avoid those eyes, those eyes which would make heart ache with pain at the thought of her face.

Goodbye Hua yinyue,

in this life my biggest regret was meeting you.

In your next life I wish you infinite happiness.

"AHHHHH" she cried as she held the corpse of her friend before burying her infront of the tree where they would always hang out.

Sometimes she would talk to the tree, pretending it was Hua yinyue.

But as time passed she visited it less frequently.

With a family she'd slowly forgotten her.

This was Ningxi's story