Battle with FL (2)

"So why are you even here?" Hannah asked in a confused tone

No one could blame her as for the reason why someone would enter a place as dangerous as this.

Even excursions limit the amount of places that it can take place in due to the fear of losing too many talents. Matthew was also evading eye contact when he told her about it being confidential and that he didn't know about it too.

Matthew himself was already at rank 4 making him maybe even the strongest person in the entire Blueberry city, as reckless as he is, he hates being controlled.

So why would he obediently head towards danger without even knowing why.

Unless... something happened while she was away. She narrowed her eyes at that thought.Seems like she wasn't gaining strength fast enough.

On second note, Xiao Bai actually grew to be a rank 4 beast during the time she was training. Fierce Beasts typically take a longer time to be promoted in strength. As they skip the entire 9 levels part and jump to the next stage so Xiao Bai speed was pretty quick.

Though of course Xiao Bai would not end her analysing with a quick play of a poor mulnutritioned kid.

Espacially since he wasn't allowed to out into the world

Don't get Xiao Bai wrong , although Hannah would really want to kick him out and let him dance with the 'sexy' zombies, the risk of him getting infected was too high. Who knew if the virus was airborn and only 20% of the people in the world was immune to it.


It was really a pain in the ass being a healer.

Other than having to run around asking people if they were injured and then heal them, she didn't know what else was worse.

Her freaking cheeks muscles were in pain for smiling so much.

One good thing was everyone's impression towards her was positive so they wouldn't make things hard on her and have a higher side thought of protecting her.

Though seeing Amanda's burning glaze when she had private talks with Matthew really takes the cake, the annoyed expressions she had were so fufilling.

Yeah she was just an annoying bastard now.

It's fun to be one.

She only wished that the guild's costume had suspenders, that'd be a dream come true.

Though the times of being a run around healer was fun and all by morning, which was the time where zombies were least active, the group started making their way to the site of the infection.

The commander in charge, Mr Chan who was a bald egg, was really fierce and quickly commanded everyone into battle formation.

Which left Hannah really lost ' Where the hell do I stand at?' She looked around to see no one giving her instructions so she decided to just head off to stand in the back.

She would really want to stand next to Matthew, but healers were just too darn weak, to make things worse Matthew, being one of the strongest or even the strongest in the group was in the front line.

She ain't courting death so soon, no Mr death, so he can go away, shoo away to a corner and he go fk himself.

She would really want to use this time and take out her trusty microscope to scoop out hot guys with their nice tender muscles.

But the situation sadly did not allow it.

Besides being called to carry out healing for gruesome wounds that sometimes even has black gooey blood flooding out from the virus of the zombie invading their bodies.

In severe cases, even fatal wounds will cause ability users to be infected.

That's where level 3 or above healer comes in. In level 4 she can stop severe bleeding from the level 1 which can only stop small wounds from bleeding. In level 5 she can not only stop the bleeding but fully heal up the wounds. In level 7 or above, it's been said that healers could even heal up lost limbs and grow new ones.

Thus the strong points of healers mostly come in late in their lives.

But they were rarer than mutant zombies which are zombies which were formally ability users. When ability users turn into zombies or succumbs to the virus, they have a 10% chance of turning into a zombie while retaining their powers. This makes them mutant zombies, though their level of intelligence is relatively high, it's still about the same level of other zombies.

For zombies at level 5 or above, they start gaining intelligence, some could even start speaking at level 6.

While being distracted by her thoughts, a gush of wind blew right past her and slashed the level 3 zombies in the head, killing it immediately.

Without needing think, it was obvious who it was, only Matthew was strong enough in the group with a wind type ability could take down level 3 zombies in a single move.

When they entered the site of the infection, Hannah was surprised to meet a certain someone.

Especially since she hadn't seen a single shadow of her for the past few months.

Tiffany and that no good John were in the base,but not much earlier than them seeing that the air in the base was still a little stale.

Seems like a battle was about to erupt again.


"HAHAHAH" Hua yinyue

Friend 1 " Why are you laughing?"

"My 3 year old daughter thinks every creep with a deep voice is her uncle"

"We just watched an awesome clip of him fighting a dinosaur"