The white figure

As she opened a small opening as her plump little lips opened up, Mr. Lee, the governor of the Blueberry City took up the mic and began talking "Welcome everyone, thank you so much for participating I am honored to receive everyone's grace... and now as the mayor of Blue Berry City, I welcome our guest of honor: Miss Hannah!"

"Sorry later"Caught up in the sudden moment, Hannah quickly dashed away from Emma as she ran up to stage

"Thanks" Her little eyes turned sharp for a moment as she grabbed a little drink from the waiter for her parched lips as she made her way towards the stage.

'System buy me a thank you script'

System 'OK'

Everyone's attention was focused on the national beauty as she stepped onto the stage slowly with grace as her eye-catching dress danced in the wind with her daunting red lips which looked so succulent and tender, her clear face without any make up was also refreshing as compared to the other maidens in the streets who wore heavy make up to attract males for food.

But what Hannah tensed up as she felt someone staring at her, it gave her a sense of immense danger, she felt a chill down her spine as her body tensed up and looked in that direction, only to see an empty corner of the hall.

'Are my sensors off today?' It seems that she really needed a break. She was beginning to imagine things already.

As a level 5 user, the highest leveled one recorded in the entire world she should be able to sense and move faster than all other users.

The gap between level 4 and 5 users was as great as heaven and earth. Even if there was another level 5 user, their abilities should not have differed that much.

Well, she shouldn't be bothered too much about it, although the mere glance gave her a great sense of danger, there was no killing intent in that gaze so she should be fine.

System' Should we tell her?'

Xiao Bai ' Nah! I don't think she'll see him again'

Xiao Bai was already a level 6 beast after Hannah's continuously massacre and would soon be able to turn into a human after leveling up once more.

Being a level 6 fierce beast, his senses were levels above Hannah and like her, noticed that shadow not long ago. Wearing white in a beige room when everyone else wore colorful clothes was really obvious.

Hannah quickly brushed her thoughts away as she took out the script that she had just bought from the system only to see foreign words.

'SYSTEM WHAT ARE THESE! 'why was it that he had to screw her up at this moment?

'You told me to buy you scripts' It replied in a wronged tone.

'then why?' why the hell was the script like this?

'You never specified the language' if the system had a body it would be a little baby crossing its arms in anger.

If Hannah hadn't been with this bugger for so long, she would have vomited blood just then.

But she already spent her points thrice today.

She braced herself as she spent 2 more points to get another script IN ENGLISH!

At the corner of the room, there was another dainty figure with vicious eyes staring at her, there was even an eery grin creeping up in her face upon seeing Hannah drink the drink from the waiter.

She would've been noticed right away by Hannah had she not be distracted by the dangerous figure.

Just then Aloysius walked up with a cloth as he wiped off bloodstains "It's done"

Not far away outside the city walls was the corpse of a waiter as he was mauled and pulled apart alive by zombies who were soon killed by the city guards.

The only thing was that bones were left of that corpse with shreds of bloodied cloth around it.

Amanda grinned as she curled up her lips with an insane look in her eyes "Get ready Hannah, I'm here for you"

—————mini theatre—————

Hua yinyue " in case you want to know what it's like to raise alot of kids, try imagining yourself trying to settle a heated fight over whose turn it was to ride an imaginary dolphin"