Sisterly bond

It was then that the image of a cold figure popped up in her head simultaneously, she wore her usual white robe which swayed in the wind, staring coldly towards her. Her jade like face aglow from the yellowish silver light of the moon.

'Hua qinfeng!' Hannah immediately thought of her name upon seeing that familiar face.

That's right, all that resentment was not towards them but herself.

She was feeling jealous as much as she hated to admit it seeing Chris and Rachel share the bonds which she and her blood sister never had even in 2 worlds.

The feeling which comes up when you fight over the TV remote with your siblings or arguing over the simplest facts like who gets the last slice of pizza was something Hannah longed for.

She honestly didn't feel much towards her current parents. The body was never hers, all the experience her body had with her didn't exist in her heart. The love she had towards them most after a few days was a kind of superficial love.

Ever since being transmigrated for the second time the emotions of the previous owners of the bodies no longer affected her, even so when it came to parental love.

Her love for her current parents was very shallow in her icy heart.

Rachel glanced curiously with her in the corner of her eyes towards Hannah and saw the dejectedness and loneliness in her eyes when she glanced towards them before puffing her cheeks and narrowing her eyes as she clenched her little fists.

Hannah promised to escort the twins back to Strawberry city since the tournament was starting soon in a few days.

They camped when night came as Hannah reached the branches of an old normal looking tree in a single leap.

Setting camp was too much of a hassle and the light from the fire could alert nearby zombies. Ever since they've managed to reach level 5 the zombies regained their ability to see and thus setting up fires was no longer safe in the later parts of the apocalypse.

Hannah opened one of her closed eyes upon seeing a little figure crawling towards her. Ever since arriving in this forest she's long been sensitive to movement especially when she was asleep as zombies lurked in almost every corner of the forest.

She was no longer a deep sleeper but a light sleeper after adapting to the forest a little and was quick to react whenever something approached her.

Upon seeing that the figure was Rachel her muscles relaxed while her guard remained up just in case.

Chris was on night duty now as she arched one of her eyebrows and shed a glance towards Rachel as if questioning her current actions.

Rachel soon jumped in fright upon seeing her eyes suddenly open quickly regained her composure before sitting next to Hannah on the little branch swaying her legs before awkwardly asking "Hey do you have a sister?"

Hannah's gaze softened as she looked away "Yes"

Rachel soon looked towards the direction Hannah was looking at and soon asked: " Are you guys having a conflict now?"

To which Hannah replied in a short phrase "It's complicated"

Seeing that she didn't want to continue the conversation Rachel pouted her lips determined to help her savior in her relationship grabbed her shoulders and replied "Well tell me about it" With a look saying 'I'm not gonna go away before you tell me your story'

Not willing to turn down the little lolita Hannah sighed before tweaking her's and Hua qinfeng's story and concluding it off "We're enemies, I'm fated to kill her for the better of the world, besides we were never close in the beginning"

"no,you're not!" Rachel raised her voice as she stared into Hannah's eyes before blushing a little at her sudden outburst" Well if you didn't really care about her then why were you glaring at me and Chris whenever we hugged or fed each other? I know more than anyone that blood is thicker than water no matter the situation" as she placed her hands on her chest

Before looking off towards the stars"My grandpa used to tell me 'when there's a will there's a way' I don't think killing her is the only solution even if that is so why should you kill her? Because you're tasked to do so? Don't lie to yourself at the end of the day you're the one making that decision it doesn't have to be this way"

What Rachel didn't know was that a spark was lighted up in Hannah's eyes upon hearing her little speech before fading away.

Their conversation continued off until Chris returned and swapped with Hannah in the night duty.

While glancing up upon the sky Hannah questioned herself "Should I really forgiver her and makeup?"

When she first transmigrated over to the first world she took everything as nothing more than a little game or dream she coughed up and never took it seriously including killing her own sister.

But now that everything feels so real she's confused about what to do.

Blame Hua Qinfeng? But she never really did anything wrong and was always provoked by her. So, when she returned back in the world should she really go after and kill her own sister?

What should I do was the question ringing in her head through the rest of the night.

3 year old daughter"MUMMY THERE'S A SPIDER IN THE ROOM"

Hua yinyue nails the door shut

Son" WTF are you doing"

Hua yinyue " It's too late for her now,she's as good as dead".