Explosive drunk personality


The once filled cup of beer was immediately wiped out in mere seconds.

Hannah could feel the scorching hot burning sensation before everything became blurry.

She groggily opened her eyes to showcase a sweet smile which sent shivers down Emma's spine. 'Not good' With her womanly instincts she could already tell that Hannah was drunk.She was a little curious to find out what a drunk Hannah would be like but not like this!

"Hehehe" A small laughter crept out as Hannah activated her abilities.Making her drunk little body emit a green glow before moving away in speed faster than what a normal human could perceive.

"CRAP!" a drunk girl disappearing on her own was definitely not a good sign as she ran towards the guys for help.

Meanwhile a girl in her white dress which had a cut to reveal her slender legs appeared. She scanned the entire room as if she was looking for a particular prey.

Before narrowing her eyes upon seeing a particular backview as she seductively licked her lips.

She ran towards the back of the man before clinging her arms around his neck from the back seductively and saying "Hello handsome, wanna date?"

The man narrowed his eyes dangerously before glancing towards Hannah. His eyes curved in amusement as he pulled Hannah.

All she saw was the world spinning around her before she landed on a soft embrace.

The man placed her on his lap as he closed in on their distance.She could already smell that nice natural bamboo fragrance as she sniffed his clothes even more

'What a daring thing' No one had ever dared to cling onto him, what more sniffing.

She was still displaying the happy-go-lucky smile as she said in a mischeivious tone "Wanna have an explosive night?"

The man chuckled and couldn't help but tease her drunken state " Under the sheets?"

She drunkenly displayed an innocent smile before asking "Does that make a difference?"

Before he could continue this embarrassing conversation his eyes widened a little upon seeing the object she pulled out as she chuckled "No backing out now"

"BOOOM!" the entire nightclub was destroyed as a bomb decimated the entire room.

A while figure quickly appeared as cold sweat formed on his forehead. 'This chick is dangerous'

"There you are" a happy little voice gave him slight goosebumps as a little figure appeared right behind him

"BOOOOOM!" An even bigger explosion roared through the city as it became awake from the commotion.

'She's stronger than before' He'd long seen her strength but this is just too much. Did being drunk enhance her ability so much? As he landed on another rooftop 200 meters away from the explosion.

"Found you!" The little face appeared through a chimney he was resting on and hurled a black object towards him.

"Damn it!" He cursed out as he swore vengeance against this little kitten.


Meanwhile in the club

"WEE WOO WEE WOO" Police vehicles surrounded the area of the explosion as people were rescued out of the underground nightclub.

Thankfully no one was killed but there were some reported in to be injured.

"What happened?" Matthew asked in a confused tone. Everyone was fine until a scream echoed through the room and his danger instincts went through the roof prompting him to bring Eleo and dash out of the Nightclub.

Thankfully users had a natural 6th sense towards danger and was partially the reason why the number of casualties numbered to 0.

Emma was in a half bowing position as she tried to catch her breath "Hannah got drunk, I'm afraid that she's the cause of it. We have to stop her before-"

"BOOMM!!" Another explosion followed up followed by a continuous barrage of explosions ringing through the city as the higher-ups quickly dispatched soldier to deal with the invasion. Since the sounds caused by the explosion quickly attracted the attention of powerful zombies nearby.


Meanwhile on a certain rooftop.

Xiao Qi finally managed to find his master running across rooftops, he quickly caught up to him.

"Master, there's been many explosions we should quickly hide before-"

Only to be silenced by a short and angry voice "Move"

'What's going on with him today?'why the hell was master running at almost full speed ontop of roofs?

Just as he was in deep thought a silhouette soon appeared behind him as he turned around to see a smile right in front of his face.

He almost freaked out until he heard a familiar voice "Hi friend, here's a gift" before a black object was thrown towards him.

He instinctively caught it and stopped in his tracks as Hannah went pass him and towards his master ' Such a nice girl, wonder why our master is running from her'But all of those thoughts were thrown out of the window when he saw what the object was.

He held the object like it was hot potato before a shadow rose up beside him as it asked

Xiao Liu "Why is master running from her?" I thought he was interested in her.

"Nice timing, here's a gift "as he quickly shoved the bomb to Xiao Liu.Just as it was being thrown midair, a bright light flashed from it as the same thoughts flowed through them ...."F#CK"

"There you are" "BOOOM!" as an explosion happened behind her and the white figure she was chasing.

"Crap" She caught up a little faster than he thought she would.It was just then that 3 figures could be seen chasing behind her.

"Hannah!" Emma called out to her as they tried to catch up with her"

"Hi friends, you're just here just in time for these gifts" as multiple black objects with a small spark on top was seen heading towards them

Matthew quickly hollowed" DODGE" as they quickly jumped away from the bombs.

"BOOOOOOOOM!"The rooftop flew right away towards several unsuspecting kids as they were swiftly moved away by a gush of wind.

Jeremy" Matthew protect with me, Emma stop her!" This was the longest phrase Jeremy had ever said in a long while.

Though no one had the time to be bothered about it as they ran to protect the civilians from the bomber Hannah.

"Beep beep" The ringing of a phone could be heard from his pockets as he calmly picked it up.

A serious but respectful voice sounded from the other side of the call " Xiao wu reporting, we have found the location of ....."

"Report to me if there's anything---BOOM!"

"Master, what's going on, I hear explosions do you need help?"

"I'm playing with a friend." Though the sound of explosions muffled the sound a little Xiao Wu still knew that his master was extremely happy. On days like these does he talk so much in any conversations. Seems like he's playing one heck of a game with his friend, makes one wonder what kind of game they're even playing.

But the conversation was soon cut short when he saw what was infront of him.

He was seen slightly narrowing his eyes upon seeing that he had been chased by Hannah all the way to the end of the city where all that was left was the walls protecting the thousands of citizens from the invasion of zombies.

As irresponsible as he was he wasn't really keen on letting Hannah be the target of hatred by the world.

He turned behind to face the lunatic responsible of destroyed 10% of the city which was a lot seeing that it could actually fit hundreds of thousands of people.

'Time to play' as a grin formed up on his lips subconsciously. As much as he liked playing with this little kitten, good things had to come to an end.

"Hehe, why did you stop running?" Hannah questioned with a slightly bent head as she looked curiously towards her prey.

The movement would have been very cute at any other times and would probably cause his heart to shiver a little. But with that little bomb in her hand, it was anything but that.

Bombs were hurled towards him as he quickly caught all of them.

Surprisingly upon contact with his hands, the bombs quickly disintegrated into dust.

"You're no fun" Shouted Hannah in a slightly wronged and displeased face which made even the white figure helplessly smile.

Why was he supposed to be burnt charcoal for Christmas if he allowed her to do as she pleased?

"That's why I prepared a special gift just for you!" As she took out a bazooka.

For once the seemingly perfect face finally displayed emotions in his face as his right eyebrow twitched'Where does she even get these things from?'He was reconsidering his life choices right at that moment but quickly regained his focus as trace seriousness could be seen on his face.

'Definitely can't let her fire that thing' Was the one of the many thoughts flowing through his face as he flashed.

Hannah tried scanning around for him before a seductive and deep voice echoed next to her ears "Playtime's over" Before she could turn around a sharp pain could be felt on her neck before she fainted right away.

'Time for a little punishment' How dare she drink till she was so drunk" What if she was hurt? For some reason, the thought of her getting injured slightly irritate his cold heart.

Without a second thought was went for her lips and gave her a neverending kiss.Though drunk Hannah could still feel the air in her mouth being sucked by a great vortex which was filled with rage.

Though reluctant he soon parted his lips from hers as he smiled at his good work before dashing off. Now that he was finished with venting off his frustrations his mood was also lightened up.

"Hannah!" a slightly worn out Emma soon caught up to her as she swore never to let Hannah have a sip of wine or beer or whatever ever again!


The next morning

"Ouch my head!" the strong hangover effect from last night left a throbbing pain in her head.

"You're awake" Emma walked to her with her hair still dripping wet. Making a small path of water droplets as she walked.

There was her usual lemon scent from the conditioner she used but today there seemed to be something else mixed into it.

"Sniff sniff" Hannah perked her nose up as she sniffed the air around her.

"Gunpowder? Why is there a scent of gunpowder in your hair?" Speaking of which she also looked a little worn out. What exactly happened last night?

Ignoring her question Emma asked her in a slightly annoyed tone" You really don't remember what happened last night?" You went all maniac bombing on us.

"No,why?" as she clutched her head, blurred memories of last night flashed inside her head. All she remembered was playing 'catching' with someone...

"You really..... *sigh*" as Emma went on to explain what happened after Hannah got drunk.

"I did all that?" as she walked towards the window in her bedroom only to see the rubble all around her as rooftops were all blown away in her district.

But what really shocked her was when she saw her reflection on the window pane.

----------Meanwhile in the system--------

"I'm RICH!" the system exclaimed in the empty white space

"What happened?" Xiao Bai asks, why the hell is his best friend in crime so happy for?

"That idiot spent almost all of her points into buying bombs during her drunken dash, now I'm rich with points! I can almost buy an upgrade for myself soon :D"

Xiao Bai "We should get her drunk more often, it sucks for everyone other than us when that happens"

System "True that, she even bought freaking 100x cat food when she got drunk HAHAHAH!"



Hua yinyue(Hannah)

Level : 6 peak ( it's changed according to this world now)

age 16

luck : 0 (average)

charm 15/100 (10 is the average)

points 102

skills- the last resort(intermediate), the deathly one thousand years of pain(intermediate),3000 lightning-wind sidestep(perfection. Currently disabled), shovel smacking(perfection), bargaining (intermediate), taunting(great mastery), Basic Martial Arts (perfection)

cultivation technique - ultimate cultivation technique

items-1000x gold coins,3m of white silk,1x body refining chance,1x disguise mask, infinite food storage from world 0-156 (her first world), 100x cat food

(skills mastery is beginner, intermediate, advance, great mastery, perfection)

=======100th Chapter MEGA CHAPTER=========

Woah that's a lot.

This is the 100th chapter (Including auxiliary chapter)

So this is the promised MEGA CHAPTER

Would you guys mind leaving reviews for my story? If a certain quota is hit prepare for Christmas bonus chapters :D

Now for the my favourite part of this story

Hua yinyue " Something's wrong "

Friend 1 " Why so?"

Hua yinyue" They haven't fought or cried even once these few days"

Friend 1 " So?"

Hua yinyue "They're up to something" ' I've never been so scared in my life '